İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi


    Department of Undergraduate English Program


    Purpose, Scope, Basis, and Definitions


    ARTICLE 1 –
    (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) (1) The purpose of this regulation is to set out the general rules regarding the establishment and operation of “Quality Board” established in order to develop quality assurance systems, maintain their continuity, and carry out internal and external quality assurance and assessment procedures at Izmir University of Economics within the scope of “Higher Education Quality Assurance and Higher Education Quality Board Regulation.”
    ARTICLE 2 –
    (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) (1) This regulation includes provisions regarding the duties, power, and responsibilities of “Quality Board” established in order to evaluate and improve academic and administrative services, provide the establishment and operation of internal and external quality assurance system, and carry out accreditation processes at Izmir University of Economics.
    ARTICLE 3 –
    (1) This regulation has been prepared pursuant to additional Article 35 of Higher Education Law No. 2547 dated 4 November 1981, and the provisions of Higher Education Quality Assurance and Higher Education Quality Board Regulation published in Official Gazette dated 23 November 2018 and numbered 30604.
    ARTICLE 4 –
    (1) The references in this regulation are as follows:
    a) (Change SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Academic Units Quality Boards: Faculty/School/Vocational School/Graduate School Quality Boards, 

    b) (Changed SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Interim Evaluation program: The process by which higher education institutions fully or conditionally accredited under the institutional accreditation program are evaluated by the Board at the end of the second year following the accreditation date,

    c) (Changed SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Interim Evaluation Report: The report prepared by the evaluation team for the higher education institution evaluated within the scope of the interim evaluation program,

    ç) (Change of article number SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Chair: The Chair of the Quality Board of Izmir University of Economics,

    d) (Change SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Unit: Faculties, graduate school, vocational schools, research and application centers, and administrative units affiliated to Izmir University of Economics,

    e) (Changed SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Evaluation processes: Institutional external evaluation program, monitoring program, institutional accreditation program, interim evaluation program, international institutional accreditation program, joint institutional evaluation and accreditation program and graduate school evaluation program processes carried out by the Board,

    f) (Changed SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) External Evaluation: The external evaluation process of education and research activities and administrative services quality assurance of Izmir University of Economics or programs of Izmir University of Economics by external evaluators assigned by the Higher Education Quality Board, or by independent external evaluation organizations holding a Quality Evaluation License recognized by the Council of Higher Education,

    g) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Internal Evaluation: The evaluation process of education and research activities and administrative services quality and improvement of institutional quality studies of Izmir University of Economics by evaluators assigned by the University,

    ğ) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Administrative Units Quality Board: The Quality Board where all administrative units are represented,

    h) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Monitoring Program: The evaluation process, in which the quality developments of higher education institutions evaluated within the scope of the institutional external evaluation program, are evaluated by the Board.

    ı) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Monitoring Report: The report prepared by the monitoring team for the higher education institution evaluated within the scope of the monitoring program,

    i) (Changed SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Secretary General: Secretary General of Izmir University of Economics,

    j) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Vice Secretary General: Vice Secretary General of Izmir University of Economics,

    k) (Changed SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Quality Coordinator: Coordinator appointed by the Rector of Izmir University of Economics,

    l) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Quality Assurance: All planned and systematic procedures in order to provide assurance that a higher education institution or a program performs the quality and performance processes, completely compatible with internal and external quality standards,

    m) (Changed SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Quality Assurance Office: The administrative unit that provides the management of the data required for the work of Izmir University of Economics Quality Commission,

    n) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Institutional Feedback Report (IFR): The report prepared by external evaluators within the scope of institutional external evaluation program about the strengths of the institution as well as the areas for improvement,

    o) (Changed SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Institutional Evaluation Report (IER): The report prepared annually by the University to monitor quality assurance processes related to education, research and development, social contribution activities and administrative services,

    ö) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of article number SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Quality Board: The Quality Board of Izmir University of Economics,

    p) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Council: Higher Education Quality Council,

    r) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Institutional Accreditation Program: The evaluation process of higher education institutions in which the planning, implementation, monitoring and improvement processes in education and training, research and development, social contribution activities and administrative services are evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively, and as a result, the accreditation decision is made, by the Council,

    s) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Institutional Accreditation Report: The report prepared by the evaluation team for the higher education institution evaluated within the scope of the institutional accreditation program,

    ş) (Changed SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) (Changed SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Institutional External Evaluation Program: The evaluation process of the University, which produced graduates, in which the quality of education and training, research and development, social contribution activities and administrative services are evaluated by the Council,

    t) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Board of Trustees: The Board of Trustees of Izmir University of Economics,

    u) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Student Representative: President of Student Council of the University,

    ü) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Performance Indicators: Tools used to measure, follow up, and evaluate whether the University achieved its aims and goals, or the extent it succeeded in achieving,

    v) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Program Accreditation: The process of external evaluation and quality assurance in which the independent evaluation and accreditation organizations evaluate whether the respective University program fulfills a set of predetermined academic and field-specific standards,

    y) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Program Evaluation: The process of evaluation of teaching programs as part of the internal quality assurance system of the University,

    z) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Vice Rector: The Vice Rector of Izmir University of Economics,

    aa) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Rector: The Rector of Izmir University of Economics,

    bb) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Senate: The Senate of Izmir University of Economics,

    cc) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in Turkey: National competence frame, designed in line with the European Higher Education Competence Frame, which includes all competency principles acquired through elementary, secondary, and tertiary education, occupational, general and academic teaching programs and other means of learning,

    çç) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) University: Izmir University of Economics,

    dd) (Changed SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Higher Education Quality Assurance System: Rules and procedures regarding internal and external quality assurance of educational, research and development, social contribution activities and administrative services, accreditation processes and independent external evaluation of higher education institutions, and recognition and authorization of accreditation services,

    ee) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66)YKS: Higher Education Institutions Exam,

    ff) (Change of clause letter SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Change of clause letter SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Higher Education Quality Council: The Council responsible for organizing and carrying out quality evaluation and assurance and accreditation procedures in higher education institutions.
    Formation of the Unit Quality Boards and Quality Board and Term of Office of Members (Changed with Title SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10)

    Formation of the Academic Units Quality Boards (Changed with Title SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66)
    ARTICLE 5 – (Changed SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) (1) Academic Units Quality Board consists of Vice Dean / Vice Director of the relevant academic unit, University’s Quality Board representative, relevant academic unit secretary, and lecturers determined by relevant Dean/Director. Vice Dean / Vice Director is the Chair of the Board.

    Formation of the Administrative Units Quality Board
    ARTICLE 5/A:
    (Changed SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (1) Administrative Units Quality Board consists of Quality Coordinator, Secretary General and/or Vice Secretary General, and personnel determined by the relevant unit administrator. Quality Coordinator is the chair of the Board.

    Formation of the Quality Board and Term of Office (Changed with Article Title SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) (Changed with Title SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66)
    ARTICLE 5/B-(1) (SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Değişik SK-21.04.2021-432-A/10) The Quality Board is chaired by the Rector. In the absence of the Rector, Vice Rector to be assigned by the Rector, chairs the Board.

    (2) (Paragraph No Changed SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Değişik SK-21.04.2021-432-A/10) The activities of the Quality Board is coordinated by a Quality Coordinator assigned by the Rector.

    (3) (Paragraph No Changed SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) The Quality Board, with an inclusive and participatory approach that is compatible with the academic and administrative structure of the higher education institution and reflects the basic components of the quality assurance system, consists of a Chair, a Quality Coordinator, members (not to exceed one representative, and from different fields of science) representing same faculty, graduate school, school, and vocational school, Secretary General, vice chairs of “Edaucation, “Research and Innovation”, “Social Contribution” and “Internationalization” comittees, and a Student Representative, all of whom are selected by the Senate. If the Board deems necessary, sub-commissions, sub-committees, work groups and advisory boards may be established, which may include persons who are not members of the Board.  

    (4) The term of office of the student representative among the board members is one year, and the term of office of the other members is three years. In case the membership of the student representative is terminated, a student to be elected by the student council is appointed upon the call of the senate. Other members whose term of office expires may be re-elected in the same manner and on the same basis or may be dismissed in the same manner before the end of their term.  In the place of a member who leaves before the end of his/her term of office or for a vacancy for any reason, a new member is elected within one month at the latest with the same procedure and principle to complete the remaining term.

    (5) (Paragraph No Changed SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) In the case of the vacancy in the position of a Quality Board member due to any reason, the Senate selects/assigns a replacement in the same way within one month the latest. The selected/assigned member’s term of office is three years starting from the date of his/her assignment. 

    (6) (Paragraph No Changed SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) The office and personnel support services of the Quality Board are carried out by the Office of the Rectorate.


    Term of Office of Quality Board Members (Article Deleted SD 26.02.2025-549-C1)(Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10)
    ARTICLE 6 


    Decision Making Process of the Quality Board
    (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10)
    ARTICLE 7 – (1) (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) The Quality Boardconvenes with absolute majority, and majority of votes takes the decisions. In the event of equal votes, the party with the vote of the Chair, is considered the majority.

    (2) (Changed SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) Quality Board members are required to submit an excuse to Quality Coordinator in the event of failure to attend a meeting.

    Quality Board Meetings (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10)
    ARTICLE 8 – (1) (Changed SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) The Quality Board convenes at least two times, at times and places specified before, and at times deemed necessary by the Chair or the Quality Coordinator.


    Duties of the Quality Board (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10)
    ARTICLE 9–
    (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) (1) The duties of the Quality Board are as follows:

    a) Make sure that the notion of quality is seized upon by all internal and external stakeholders,

    b) Establish quality management system at the University, follow up the process, and ensure its improvement and development, 

    c) (Changed SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) Encourage academic units to enter into accreditation processes, assist them in this process and support them with the process,

    ç) Oversee the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle for education, research and social contribution activities and administrative services,

    d) Analyze the internal and external evaluation results, plan reformative and improver actions, and submit to the Rectorate for implementing,

    e) Include the opinions of internal and external stakeholders into the quality improvement process,

    f) Plan, implement institutional evaluation studies, prepare annual IER, which includes the results of institutional evaluation and improvement studies, and submit it to the Senate,

    g) Make sure that the annual IER, which is approved by the Senate, is published on the website of the University and easily accessed,

    ğ) (Changed SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Make the necessary preparations for evaluation processes, inform the internal and external stakeholders about the processes, provide support to the Council with their studies during the evaluation processes,

    h) (Changed SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Make sure that the IFR, prepared as part of the institutional external evaluation program and approved by the Council, is published on the website of the University,

    ı) (Changed SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Work closely with the Council, perform studies in line with the rules and procedures set forth by the Board, and share model practices with the Board,

    i) (Changed SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Share the decisions of the Council with the University Senate,

    j) Contribute to the formation of corporate culture that is based on participation, efficient use of the University resources, improvement of processes, and providing quality services when implementing quality management processes,

    k) Make sure that the academic units meet with students periodically in order to provide students with universal quality education during their studies, analyze the reports on those meetings, make recommendations to the Rectorate on improvement activities, and share with all stakeholders,

    l) (Added SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) Support the work of the Higher Education Quality Board during the evaluation processes,

    m) (Added SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) Establish the internal and external quality assurance system of the University in order to evaluate, monitor and improve the quality of education, training, research and social contribution activities and administrative services, monitor the strategic plan and create an evaluation report, determine institution-specific key performance indicators, conduct program evaluation and submit the studies within this scope to the senate for approval, in line with the strategic plan and objectives of the University and within the framework of the procedures and principles determined by the Higher Education Quality Board.

    Duties of the Unit Quality Boards (Changed with Title SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66)
    ARTICLE 9/A-(Add SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) (1) (Changed SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) The duty of the academic unit quality boards and administrative units quality board is to fulfill the duties assigned by the Quality Board in a complete and timely manner.

    Internal Evaluation, External Evaluation, and Improvement Action Plans
    Internal evaluation reports and calendar
    ATICLE 10-
    (1) The University Board prepares an internal evaluation report annually, integrated with the strategic plan, performance program and activity report, which includes all education and research activities and supportive administrative services.

    (2) (Change of article number SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) The Quality Board completes internal evaluation studies by the end of March each year and prepares the IER and submits to the Rectorate for the approval of the Senate. The report, after being approved by the Senate, is sent to the Council.

    (3) The IER is open to public. The annual internal evaluation reports are published on the University’s website.
    Scope of internal evaluation reports
    ARTICLE 11-
    (1) (Changed SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) The institutional evaluation report (IER) includes explanations on how the quality assurance processes in the institution are defined and operated, how it is ensured that the qualifications targeted in the curricula are achieved, how performance indicators are monitored and how continuous improvement cycles are closed, and this information is supported by evidence. Institutional evaluation reports are prepared periodically every year and include work on the following areas related to improvements in the internal quality assurance system.

    a) The University’s mission, vision and goals set forth in the light of the national strategy and goals for higher education as well as quality assurance policies and processes,

    b) Managerial and organizational processes and activities implemented by the University to achieve its mission and goals,

    c) Internal quality assurance system in which the activities of academic and administrative units are evaluated and reviewed periodically in order to ensure the University reaches its goals,

    ç) Measurable goals of its academic units as well as key performance indicators pertaining to these goals and their periodic review,

    d) The University’s ongoing efforts to structure its academic programs based on learning outcomes in accord with the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in Turkey and to meet the accreditation requirements,

    e) (Changed SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) The areas identified as areas for improvement as a result of the previous evaluation processes.

    Evaluation Processes (Change of article number SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66)
    ARTICLE 12- (1) (Change of article number SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) The University is evaluated within the scope of a regular institutional external evaluation process to be carried out by the Council within the fifth year the latest following the first academic year resulting with graduates. The calendar for the external evaluation of the University is prepared and announced by the Council.

    (2) (Changed SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) The Institutional External Evaluation Program includes the evaluation process consisting of the preliminary evaluation of the institution through the internal evaluation report, the site visit and the preparation of the institutional feedback report, through external evaluators appointed by the Council.

    (3) (Change of article number SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) The external evaluation of the University is completed in accord with the scope and contents specified in Article 11 of this regulation within the scope of rules and regulations set forth by the Board.

    (4) External evaluation services provided for unit/program accreditation are rendered by a national and international independent institution holding the Quality Evaluation License and these services are limited to the respective unit/program.

    (5) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) The University, which is evaluated within the scope of the institutional external evaluation program, is included in the monitoring program by the Council in the second year following the evaluation year at the earliest.

    (6) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Universities evaluated within the scope of the institutional external evaluation program apply to the Institutional Accreditation Program carried out by the Council in the fifth year following this evaluation. Higher education institutions that have not been evaluated within the scope of the monitoring program cannot apply to the institutional accreditation program.

    (7) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) The higher education institutions to be included in the Institutional AccreditationProgram are selected by the Council among the applicants of the related year. Out of thehigher education institutions that have been evaluated within the scope of the InstitutionalExternal Evaluation Program, the ones that have not applied to the Institutional AccreditationProgram within five years following the evaluation are included in the Institutional Accreditation Program directly by the Council.

    (8) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Institutional Accreditation Program comprises the evaluation process that involves pre-review of the institution on the basis of the institution’s self-evaluation report, site visit, drafting of institutional accreditation report, and the Council's decision to give accreditation, by means of the external evaluators assigned by the Council. The evaluation principles and criteria for the Institutional Accreditation Program are determined by the Council.

    (9) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66)The decision to give accreditation to the higher education institutions evaluated within the scope of the Institutional Accreditation Program shall be given by the Council considering the
    Institutional Accreditation Report prepared by evaluation team within the scope of the criteria set by the Council on the basis of full accreditation for five years, provisional accreditation for two years, and refusal of accreditation.

    (10) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) The higher education institutions, for which the decision to refuse accreditation is given, apply again to the Institutional Accreditation Program at earliest two years after this decision.

    (11) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Institutions evaluated within the scope of the Institutional Accreditation Program shall be exempted from the Institutional External Evaluation Program.

    (12) (Changed SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) Higher education institutions that are granted conditional accreditation for two years within the scope of the Institutional Accreditation Program shall be subject to interim evaluation after these two years. Higher education institutions that receive full accreditation for five years are subject to an interim evaluation at the earliest in the second year following accreditation. As a result of the interim evaluation, the Evaluation Programs Guide is taken into consideration in the accreditation decision to be made for higher education institutions.

    (13) (Changed SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) The decisions to grant full accreditation for five years and provisional accreditation for two years regarding the institutional accreditation program or joint institutional external evaluation and accreditation program are sent to the Council of Higher Education to be published in the Higher Education Programs and Quotas Guide for HEIE.

    Evaluation Reports (Changed with Title SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66)
    ARTICLE 13- (Changed SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (1) External evaluators appointed by Higher Education Quality Council prepare an institutional feedback report for the University within the scope of the Institutional External Evaluation Program.

    (2) The institutional feedback report prepared for the University covers the strong and healing areas of the institution with its educational, research and development activities carried out in the institution, social contribution activities that stand out on a regional/national scale, if any, and the quality assurance system in the administrative services of the institution and corporate decision-making processes.

    (3) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66)An institutional accreditation report is prepared at the end of the evaluation process by external evaluators assigned by the Council for each higher education institution included in the institutional accreditation program.

    (4) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66)The institutional accreditation report prepared for a higher education institution includes the institution’s learning and teaching, research and development activities, regional/national service to society activities, quality assurance system employed in the institutional decision-making processes and administrative services as well as the institution’s strengths and areas open for improvement.

    (5) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66)A monitoring report is prepared at the end of the evaluation process by external evaluators assigned by the Council for each higher education institution included in the Monitoring Program.

    (6) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) The monitoring report prepared for a higher education institution includes the quality development process of the University by considering the institutional feedback report prepared for the related higher education institution.

    (7) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) An interim evaluation report is prepared at the end of the evaluation process by external evaluators assigned by the Council. 

    (8) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) The interim evaluation report includes the quality development process of the University by considering the institutional accreditation report. 

    (9) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) The content and templates of the reports related to the evaluation processes is determined by the Council.
    Announcing the institutional internal and external evaluation results to the public
    ARTICLE 14 –
    (Changed SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66) (Changed SD-21.04.2021-432-A/10) (1) The results of internal and external evaluations conducted on the University are open to the public. Annual institutional internal evaluation reports and evaluation reports regarding the evaluation processes are announced on the official website of the University.
    Quality assurance and quality improvement expenses
    ARTICLE 15
    – (1) All expenses incurred by the University to comply with this regulation are covered by the University budget.
    Final Provisions
    Non Provisional Circumstances
    ARTICLE 16-
    (1) The Quality Assurance of Council of Higher Education Regulation and provisions of other respective legislations and Senate decisions shall be taken into account should non provisional cases occur in this regulation.
    Amendments (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66)
    ARTICLE 16/A – (1) (Changed SD 26.02.2025-549-C1) This regulation can be changed with the decision of the Izmir University of Economics Senate.
    ARTICLE 17-
    (1) This regulation takes effect on the date it is approved by the Senate of Izmir University of Economics.
    ARTICLE 18-
    (1) The Rector of the Izmir University of Economics enforces the provisions of this regulation.
    Institutional Accreditation practice regarding the Universities evaluated within the scope of institutional external evaluation program (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66)
    PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 1 –(1) (Add SD-30.03.2022-463-2022-07-C/1-BTD-26.04.2022-66)The periods specified in the clauses six and seven of article 12 regarding inclusion of the higher education institutions, which were evaluated within the scope of institutional external evaluation program before enforcement date of this article, in institutional accreditation program starts as of 1 January 2022.


    This regulation took effect with the decision of the Senate dated 25 December 2019 and numbered 379/A8, and decision of the Board of Trustees dated 15 January 2020 and numbered 31.








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