İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi


    Department of Undergraduate English Program


    Article 1-
    These regulations govern the principles regarding the European Union Research and Application Center of Izmir University of Economics (EURAC) which has been established in affiliation with the Rectorate of Izmir University of Economics in accordance with Article No. 7/d-2 of Law No. 2547 amended by Law No. 2880.

    Article 2-
    The goal of EURAC is to carry out research in the areas of economics, politics, law and other areas concerning the relationship between Turkey and the EU and integration with Europe . It also aims to undertake similar research and carry out on –the-job training.

    Areas of Activity
    Article 3-
    EURAC carries out its activities in the areas stated below:

    a) To examine the issues of integration with Europe and the relationship between Turkey and the EU in all aspects and to produce publications such as bulletins, magazines and periodicals.

    b)To hold educational certificate courses (basic and specialist) with the aim of educating employees in the private and public sectors, professional associations and public institutions in the areas of the EU and the relationship between Turkey and the EU.

    c) To prepare, and to have prepared, projects and reports which present suggestions for the solutions to problems which some organizations and institutions have faced in their relations with the EU.

    d) To hold national and international conventions, seminars, conferences and similar activities.

    e)  To cooperate with the EU General Secretariat, the EU Turkey Office , the institutions and organizations of the EU in Brussels and the centers which do research and offer training in similar subjects with the aim of fulfilling its duties in a more efficient way.

    f) To carry out other studies required by the authorized committee of Izmir University of Economics.

    Foundation and Management
    Article 4-
    EURAC consists of the agencies stated below :

    a ) Consultative committee

    b ) Executive committee

    c ) Center Director

    Consultative Committee
    Article 5-
    The Consultative Committee consists of members who are to be chosen by the institutions and organizations stated below and those who will automatically become members of the committee due to their current duties:

    a ) Seven members chosen by the Board of Trustees from among distinguished individuals based on fields of operation of the center .

    b ) The head of IUE Board of Trustees, the Rector of IUE, and the head of the Department of International Relations and the EU of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science.

    c) One member each to be designed by the Rectorates of Aegean University and Ninth September University .

    The Head of the Board of Trustees is also the Head of the Consultative Committee of EURAC.

    The Consultative Committee meets twice a year upon the invitation of the Head of the Board of Trustees. It assesses the activities of the center and offers suggestions.

    Executive Committee
    Article 6-
    The Executive Committee consists of four people who are chosen from among the academic staff by the Rector and under the presidency of the EURAC manager. The members of the Executive Committee are appointed for 2 years. Those who finish this period may be re-elected. New members are appointed for the posts that have been vacated by the members who fail to complete their 2-year term.

    It meets once a month, or more frequently when requested by the directive of the EURAC manager, to evaluate the activities of the center and relevant subjects. The Executive Committee meets on condition that there is an absolute majority, and its decisions are made only by an absolute majority of members attending the meeting.

    The Executive Committee determines the criteria for preparing the task report which is written by the director of EURAC. At the end of each work period, it also evaluates the report presented and prepares the work program for the next year.

    It determines the principles of the projects and programs which will be carried out in cooperation with national and international institutions and organizations. It makes decisions on the academic and administrative issues concerning EURAC activities.

    It determines the criteria for issuing documents of achievement, certificates and similar papers and it proposes those criteria to the Senate of the University.

    The Center Director
    Article 7-
    The director of EURAC is appointed for 2 years by the Rector from among the academic staff.

    The director also carries out the duty of Executive Manager. When the 2-year period ends, the director of the center may be reappointed.

    The Responsibilities and Influence of the Center Director
    Article 8-
    The director of EURAC carries out the decisions made by the Executive Committee and the work program prepared by the Executive Committee and supervises the program.

    The director manages EURAC'S various bodies in accordance with its working order.

    At the end of each work period he prepares a report representing the working order of the center and submits it to the Executive Committee.

    Assistant Director
    Article 9-
    The Rector appoints a maximum of two members of academic staff as Assistant Directors upon the recommendation of the manager of EURAC.

    The Director may assign the Assistant Director to attend the meetings that he does not attend. The Assistant Director represents the Director in his absence.

    The Assistant Directors may attend the Executive Committee upon the invitation of the Director without having the right to vote.

    Article 10-
    These regulations come into effect at the time of publication.

    Article 11-
    These regulations are implemented by the Rector of IUE.


    This directive takes effect on the date of its publication on the Official Gazette dated 18.04.2003 and numbered 25083.






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