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Purpose, Scope, Definitions
ARTICLE 1 - (1) The purpose of these guidelines is to determine the rules and principles of dress code that Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Medicine students must follow in clinical trainings, hospital laboratories and clinical setting.
ARTICLE 2 - (1) These guidelines include the provisions regarding the rules and principles of dress code that Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Medicine students must follow in clinical trainings, hospital laboratories and clinical setting.
ARTICLE 3 - (1) The references in these guidelines are as follows:
a) University: Izmir University of Economics,
b) Senate: The Senate of Izmir University of Economics,
c) Faculty: Faculty of Medicine of Izmir University of Economics,
ç) Dean: Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Izmir University of Economics,
d) Faculty Board: Faculty Board of Faculty of Medicine, Izmir University of Economics,
e) Student: Student enrolled in Faculty of Medicine, Izmir University of Economics.
Principles, Rules and Practices
Principles, Rules and Practices
ARTICLE 4 - (1) Students must comply with the general principles and rules in the field of health, general occupational health and safety measures, as well as the principles, rules and decisions determined by the hospitals, institutions and organizations in which they receive education.
(2) Appearance befitting the requirements of the educational and working environment and the dignity of the medical profession must be maintained at all times, and the style and manner of dress must be appropriate to the requirements of the educational setting.
(3) Name badges must be worn in an easily viewable location at all times.
(4) Clinical uniforms, scrubs and a knee-length lab coats should be worn in the hospital.
(5) Surgical attire should always be clean, not wrinkled.
(6) Shirt or coat sleeves should not be rolled up unless necessary.
(7) Attention must be paid to hair and beard care and general hygiene rules.
(8) Hair should be neat and combed, hair accessories should be simple.
(9) Students with long hair should always wear their hair up.
(10) Fingernails should be cut short so that they do not extend beyond the nail bed. Artificial nails should not be used.
(11) Jewelry should not be worn as it harbors microorganisms, prevents effective hand washing and can puncture gloves.
(12) Hospital uniforms (scrubs, lab coats, etc.) should not be worn outside the hospital campus.
(13) Sandals or similar shoes with open front and top should not be worn.
(14) Heavy make-up should be avoided.
(15) Attention should be paid to the use of coats, masks, gloves, etc., especially in laboratories. In these areas, it is mandatory to comply with the principles and rules specified in the “Laboratory Safety Guide” of the Ministry of Health.
(16) When working in specialized areas, area-specific clothing should be worn. These clothes should not be worn outside the working areas.
(17) The rules of the institutions and organizations that are visited for internship practice, etc. through the University agreements, and the warnings of the education officers must be followed.
Miscellaneous and Final Provisions
Other Provisions
ARTICLE 5- (1) The provisions of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 and the relevant legislation shall apply to those who do not comply with the matters specified in these guidelines.
(2) The provisions of the relevant legislation, internal regulations, and board decisions are applied should non-provisional cases occur in these guidelines, and discussed and resolved by the Faculty Board.
ARTICLE 6 - (1) These guidelines take effect on the date of approval by the University Senate.
Amendment to guidelines
ARTICLE 7 – (1) These guidelines may be amended by the decision of the University Senate.
ARTICLE 8 - (1) The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Izmir University of Economics enforces the provisions of these guidelines.
This regulation takes effect upon the decision of the Senate dated 04.10.2023 and numbered 513-2023/27-C/1.
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