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Article 1 – (1) The purpose of these guidelines is to regulate the establishment, duties, powers and working principles of the Exam Coordination Council, which was established throughout the University to carry out intra-semester and end-of-semester exams in a certain order and discipline by using the physical and manpower resources of the University effectively.
Formation of the Council
Article 2-(1) (Change: S 18.05.2022-468-C/2) The Council consists of a faculty member appointed by the Rector, the Director of Student Affairs and the Course and Exam Programming Supervisor for a period of two years.
Majority Decision
Article 3 – (1) The Exam Coordination Council takes its decisions unanimously, or if unanimity is not achieved, by majority vote.
Article 4- (1) The Exam Coordination Council takes all necessary precautions to ensure that intra-semester and end-of-semester exams are held in order, discipline and in a manner befitting the reputation of the University.
(2) The Council;
a) (Deleted SD 11.12.2024-543/2024/23-C1)
b) (Changed SD 11.12.2024-543/2024/23-C1) Determines and announces the exam place, time and proctor for the intra-semester and end-of-semester exams to be held on the dates announced in the academic calendar.
c) (Changed SD 11.12.2024-543/2024/23-C1) Determines the coordinators and their assistants who will work full time during the intra-semester and end-of-semester exams.
d) (Changed SD 11.12.2024-543/2024/23-C1) Notifies each faculty member whose course will be tested about the intra-semester and end-of-semester exams days and hours, the classrooms where the exam will be held, and the proctors who will work in these classrooms.
e) (Changed SD 11.12.2024-543/2024/23-C1) Notifies the Rector's Office of the students who are reported with the “Exam Report” that they have disrupted the exam order and violated the Higher Education Law No. 2547.
f) (Changed SD 11.12.2024-543/2024/23-C1) Notifies the Rector's Office of the examiners who are found to behave in a manner contrary to the conduct of the exams in a healthy and safe manner.
g) (Changed SD 11.12.2024-543/2024/23-C1) Prepares and submits a General Evaluation Report regarding the exam period to the Rectorate, within one week following the end of the intra-semester and end-of-semester exams.
Article 5- (1) The Exam Coordination Council may assign duties to academic and administrative personnel at all levels to ensure that the exams are conducted in an efficient and safe manner. It may request administrative units to take any precautions required by the exams.
Amendments (Additional Article: S 18.05.2022-468-C/2)
Article 5A-(1) These guidelines can be changed by the decision of the Senate.
Article 6-(1) These guidelines take effect on the date they are approved by the Senate of Izmir University of Economics.
Article 7 – (1) The Rector of Izmir University of Economics enforces these guidelines.
These guidelines have taken effect with Senate Decision dated 21.04.2011 and numbered 171-A6.
As Izmir University of Economics transforms into a world-class university, it also raises successful young people with global competence.
More..Izmir University of Economics produces qualified knowledge and competent technologies.
More..Izmir University of Economics sees producing social benefit as its reason for existence.