İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi


    Department of Undergraduate English Program



    ARTICLE 1- (1) The purpose of this Regulation is to regulate the principles to be applied in the appointment of research assistants at Izmir University of Economics, determination of their duties and responsibilities, re-appointment, termination of their contracts and structuring of their relations with Izmir University of Economics.


    - (1) This Regulation has been prepared in accordance with the Higher Education Law No. 2547, the “Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Central Examination and Entrance Exams to be Applied in Appointments to Academic Staff Other than Faculty Members”, which came into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 30590 dated 09.11.2018, and other relevant legislation.



    ARTICLE 3- (1) The references in this regulation is as follows;

    a) Research Assistant: Academic staff who assist in the education, research, examination and experiments carried out in higher education institutions and perform other related duties assigned by the authorized bodies,

    b) Relevant faculty/school/vocational school/graduate school: Faculty, school, vocational school, graduate school affiliated to Izmir University of Economics,

    c) Graduate program: Master's programs with thesis and doctoral programs,

    ç) Rector: The Rector of Izmir University of Economics,

    d) Senate: The Senate of Izmir University of Economics,

    e) University (IUE): Izmir University of Economics,

    f) CoHE: The Council of Higher Education.


    Application, evaluation and initial appointment

    ARTICLE 4 – (1) Prospective research assistant who requests to be employed in the announced position at IUE, must fulfill the provisions of the “Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Central Examination and Entrance Exams to be Applied in Appointments to Academic Staff Other than Faculty Members”, which came into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 30590 dated 09.11.2018,  the foreign language score requirement accepted by the Senate and other conditions specified in the announcement.

    (2) The prospective research assistant attaches the file containing the information and documents specified in the announcement to his/her application to be used in evaluation.

    (3) The prospective research assistant submits his/her file to the relevant faculty/school/vocational school/graduate school for preliminary examination. Jury assignments, exams, announcements of exam results, evaluations, the nature of the decisions of the administrative board of the faculty/school/vocational school/graduate school and similar issues regarding the application of the prospective research assistant are carried out by the relevant faculty/school/vocational school/graduate school where the application is made in accordance with the provisions of the “Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Central Examination and Entrance Exams to be Applied in Appointments to Academic Staff Other than Faculty Members.”  

    (4) The application files of prospective research assistant are decided by the authorized boards and persons specified in the Higher Education Law No. 2547.

    (5) Research Assistants are appointed for a period of 1 (one) year by the Rector upon the proposal of the relevant dean/director by fulfilling the conditions specified in the “Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Central Examination and Entrance Exams to be Applied in Appointments to Academic Staff Other than Faculty Members.” 



    ARTICLE 5 – (1) Issues related to the duties of Research Assistants are specified in their contracts. Research assistants may be assigned to educational activities and research in academic units, and promotion, social contribution projects, cultural and social activities if necessary and other activities deemed appropriate by the administration.

    (2) Research assistants devote their working hours to IUE-related studies. Without prior written approval from the Rector and/or the necessary committees, the research assistants are not allowed to work elsewhere during or outside the working hours specified in the contract.

    (3) Graduate research assistants shall submit the documents they will obtain in writing from the higher education institution they are a student of regarding the courses they are enrolled in the graduate program to the head of the department they are affiliated with at IUE for each academic semester.  Regardless of the institution of graduate education, graduate research assistants may be granted a total of 1 (one) working day off per week in the fall and spring semesters by the relevant dean's office/directorate following the approval of the department head in order to attend their courses at the higher education institution where they are enrolled without disrupting their duties at IUE.  This leave is granted within the academic year of the institute of the higher education board where they receive graduate education. In exceptional cases, the leave period can be extended for a maximum of 1 (one) working day in a semester.


    Renewal of Contract

    ARTICLE 6 – (1) In research assistant contract extensions, information is given regarding whether the contract will be renewed or not, taking into account the notice periods stipulated in the Labor Law No. 4857.

    (2) At least 3 (three) months before the end of the contract period, research assistants submit their petition requesting the renewal of the contract, their current comprehensive academic curriculum vitae and the table of the scores obtained from the performance indicators since the last contract date to the faculty dean / school directorate / vocational school directorate / graduate school directorate to which they are affiliated. The Dean / Director, who receives the petition and its annexes, submits the renewal of the contract to the Rector's approval within three working days at the latest, taking into account the written opinion of the relevant department head or program supervisor, if any. In the evaluation, the extent to which the research assistant has worked jointly and harmoniously with other academic staff working in the department/program since the last contract period and the way he/she fulfills the duties assigned to him/her may be taken into consideration.


    Extension of contracts of graduate research assistants who continue their education

    ARTICLE 7 – (1) Research assistants who continue their graduate education are appointed for a period of 1 (one) year.

    (2) At the end of one year, they can be reappointed for a period of 1 (one) year if they meet the following conditions:

    a)  Research assistants attending master's programs with thesis must have a GPA of at least 3.00 out of 4.00 at the end of each academic year and obtain at least 10 (ten) points from Table 1.

    b)  Research assistants attending doctoral programs must have a GPA of at least 3.25 out of 4.00 at the end of each academic year and obtain at least 10 (ten) points from Table 1.


    Research assistants who have completed their master's degree with thesis

    ARTICLE 8 – (1) The second paragraph of the Additional Article 38 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 states, “The positions of those who are appointed to research assistant positions and who have completed their doctorate or specialization in dentistry, pharmacy and veterinary medicine or proficiency in art training are extended by one year, in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph (d) of the first paragraph of Article 50. At the end of the one-year period, the position of research assistants who meet the performance-based criteria of the higher education institution where they are employed may be continued for another year. At the end of these periods, research assistants' positions are automatically terminated. The positions of those who are appointed within the scope of clause (d) of the first paragraph of Article 50 and have completed their master's degree with thesis will continue for a maximum of six months. Those who do not start their doctorate or art proficiency training in their field at state higher education institutions within a six-month period will automatically be dismissed from their positions as research assistants.”

    In accordance with this provision;

    The contracts of research assistants who have completed their master’s degree with thesis continue for a maximum of six months. At the end of a six-month period, their contracts automatically expire.


    Research assistants who have completed their doctorate

    ARTICLE 9 – (1) The second paragraph of the Additional Article 38 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 states, “The positions of those who are appointed to research assistant positions and who have completed their doctorate or specialization in dentistry, pharmacy and veterinary medicine or proficiency in art training are extended by one year, in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph (d) of the first paragraph of Article 50. At the end of the one-year period, the position of research assistants who meet the performance-based criteria of the higher education institution where they are employed may be continued for another year. At the end of these periods, research assistants' positions are automatically terminated. The positions of those who are appointed within the scope of clause (d) of the first paragraph of Article 50 and have completed their master's degree with thesis will continue for a maximum of six months. Those who do not start their doctorate or art proficiency training in their field at state higher education institutions within a six-month period will automatically be dismissed from their positions as research assistants.”

    In accordance with this provision;

    1. The contracts of research assistants who have completed their doctoral education are extended for one year. At the end of the one-year period, research assistants' positions are automatically terminated and their contracts expire.
    2. Among those who have completed their doctoral education, those whose contracts have been extended for one year in accordance with subparagraph a of this article, must earn at least 10 (ten) points from Table 1 for each academic year they work at IUE, and when completed, must get at least 6 (six) points from Table 2 to have their contracts extended for a second and last year.  Contracts of research assistants are evaluated within the scope of the justification to be presented by the relevant dean/director. The contracts of those who are deemed necessary to continue their position may be extended for another year by the Rector, taking into account IUE's budget and staff principles. At the end of the one-year period, research assistants' positions are automatically terminated and their contracts expire.



    Teaching by research assistants who have completed their doctorate

    ARTICLE 10- (1) Article 36 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 states, “Lecturers and research assistants working in applied units, those who have successfully completed their doctorate and gained the title of specialization in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and veterinary medicine, or proficiency in one of the certain branches of art determined by the Council of Higher Education upon the recommendation of the Interuniversity Board, including those within the scope of the second paragraph of Article 34 of the Law on Amendments to the Higher Education Law No. 7100 and Certain Laws and Decree Laws dated 22/2/2018, may be given lecture assignments upon their request and if the university administrative board deems it appropriate.”

    In accordance with this provision;

    Research assistants who have completed their doctoral education must receive at least 6 (six) points from Table 2 to be able to teach as a doctoral research assistant if deemed appropriate by the university administrative board and must complete the training given by the University's “Teaching and Learning Research and Application Center (TLC)”.   


    Termination of contract

    ARTICLE 11 – (1) A research assistant's duty ends if s/he resigns or is dismissed from graduate student status before the contract expires.

    (2) A research assistant's duty may be terminated with the approval of the Rector upon the proposal of the relevant dean/director, in accordance with the relevant legislation and/or in cases specified in the contract, before the contract expires.


    Non-Provisional Cases

    ARTICLE 12- (1) In cases where there are no provisions in this Regulation, the provisions of the relevant legislation in force, the decisions of the CoHE and the Interuniversity Board, internal regulations and board decisions shall apply.



    ARTICLE 13- (1) This Regulation may be amended by the decision of the Senate.


    ARTICLE 14-
    (1) This Regulation takes effect on the date it is approved by the Board of Trustees of Izmir University of Economics.


    ARTICLE 15-
    (1) The Rector of Izmir University of Economics enforces the provisions of this Regulation.


    PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 1- (1) The provisions of this Regulation apply to research assistants who are appointed and sign a contract after this Regulation enters into force.

    (2) The provisions of this Regulation apply to those who are permanent research assistants at IUE as of the effective date of this Regulation, in cases where their contracts expire after the effective date of this Regulation, and in cases where their reappointment and renewal of their contracts are requested.



    TABLE 1- Academic Unit Duties Performance Indicators

    Educational Activities


    Assisted course load

    Full-time academic member course hours x 0.1

    Part-time academic member course hours x 0.2

    Preparing and archiving course materials

    Maximum 2 points per semester

    Updating course syllabuses and ECTS catalogs

    Maximum 2 points per semester

    Preparing digital educational material contents

    Prepared content x 2 points


    Proctored exam x 0.1

    Participation in certificate programs and trainings opened by IUE Teaching and Learning Center-TLC during the academic year and announced by the Rectorate

    1 point per participation

    Other educational activities

    Maximum 2 points per semester

    Administrative Activities


    Taking part in events such as conferences, exhibitions and talks

    1 point per event

    Participating in Open House Days

    Open House Day x 0.5 points

    Taking part in activities such as film shooting and field work

    1 point per activity

    Taking part in collaborations and events with external stakeholders

    0.5 point per event

    Taking part in student club activities

    0.5 point per activity

    Contributing to the Research and Application Center activities

    Maximum 2 points each semester

    Taking part in accreditation studies

    Maximum 2 points per semester

    Other administrative duties

    Maximum 2 points per semester


    TABLE 2- Academic Success Performance Indicators




    Article submitted for review to journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus


    Per article sent to Q1 journals for review

    If the journal to which the article is sent is indexed in more than one database (WoS, Scopus and TRDIZIN), the database with the highest Q Rank should be taken into consideration and the score should be selected accordingly.


    The Q Rank of the year in which the article was submitted should be taken into consideration.


    Per article sent to Q2 journals for review


    Per article sent to Q3 journals for review


    Per article sent to Q4 journals for review


    Per article submitted for review to other journals indexed in WoS or Scopus

    Article accepted for publication in journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus


    Per article published for review in Q1 journals

    If the journal in which the article is published is indexed in more than one database (WoS, Scopus and TRDIZIN), the database with the highest Q Rank should be taken into consideration and the score should be selected accordingly.


    The Q Rank of the year in which the article was published should be taken into consideration.


    Per article published for review in Q2 journals


    Per article published for review in Q3 journals


    Per article published for review in Q41 journals


    Per article published for review to other journals indexed in WoS or Scopus

    Article submitted for review to peer-reviewed journals indexed in Tr-Dizin

    3 (For research assistants working at Faculty of Law; 6 points is applied in case of articles submitted for review to peer-reviewed journals indexed in Tr-Dizin, and the same indicator is applied as 9 points, respectively, if the journal is IUE Faculty of Law Journal EconJURA.)

    Per article submitted for review


    Article published for review in peer-reviewed journals indexed in Tr-Dizin

    10 (For research assistants working at Faculty of Law; 15 points is applied in case of articles published for review in peer-reviewed journals indexed in Tr-Dizin, and the same indicator is applied as 18 points, respectively, if the journal is IUE Faculty of Law Journal EconJURA.)

    Per article published for review


    National/international conference proceedings indexed in WoS or SCOPUS


    5 points per conference proceedings (Maximum 20 points)

    This indicator should be taken into account for events organized in Turkey or abroad and indexed in WoS/Scopus.

    International conference proceedings not indexed in WoS or SCOPUS

    4 (For research assistants working at Faculty of Law, 6)

    4 points per conference proceedings (Maximum 16 points)

    This indicator should be taken into account for events organized abroad and not indexed in WoS/Scopus.

    National conference proceedings not indexed in WoS or SCOPUS


    3 points per conference proceedings (Maximum 12 points)

    This indicator should be taken into account for events organized in Turkey and not indexed in WoS/Scopus.


    Chapter or section in a book



    Authorship of a maximum of 2 chapters for each book is taken into consideration.


    Books published such as compilations, translations, proceedings booklets, question banks, etc. that have no scientific value are not taken into consideration.




    Books published such as compilations, translations, proceedings booklets, question banks, etc. that have no scientific value are not taken into consideration.

    Book/Journal editing


    8 Points per Book/Journal Editing


    National patent application



    Patent: Patents applied to authorized institutions and registered as a result of the examination report (25 points per international patent registration, 15 points per National Patent Registration)
    Utility model: Utility models applied to authorized institutions and registered as a result of the examination report (15 points per Utility Model)
    Registration: Trademark, design or integrated circuit topography registrations applied to authorized institutions and registered as a result of the examination report (10 points per registration)

    International patent application



    National patent



    International patent



    Utility model application



    Utility model acceptance



    Registration application



    Registration acceptance



    National award (BIDEB 2202, 2204, 2242 vb.)




    International award




    Industrial, environmental (building, landscape and interior) or graphic design; stage, fashion (fabric, accessory or clothing design) or instrument design; numeric design (website, mobile application, game design, etc.); audiovisual work (film, documentary, podcast, etc.)


    15 Points per design


    Authentic domestic/international individual/collective event (exhibition, biennial, triennial, show, recital, festival and screening)


    5 Points per event


    Participating as a Researcher/Scholar in a TUBITAK-supported project



    Points can only be received once for this indicator.

    Participating as a Coordinator in a TUBITAK-supported project



    Points can only be received once for this indicator.

    Participating as a Researcher/Scholar in projects supported by international funding organizations (European Union, United Nations, etc.)



    Points can only be received once for this indicator.

    Participating as a coordinator in projects supported by international funding organizations (European Union, United Nations, etc.)



    Points can only be received once for this indicator.

    Participating as a Researcher/Scholar in projects supported by national funding organizations other than TUBITAK (BAP Supported Projects, Projects Supported by Public Institutions, etc.)



    Points can only be received once for this indicator.

    Participating as a coordinator in projects supported by national funding organizations other than TUBITAK (BAP Supported Projects, Projects Supported by Public Institutions, etc.)



    Points can only be received once for this indicator.


    (*) Number of authors (authors/artists/designers): For works with two authors 0.8 of the score; with three authors 0.6 of the score, and with four or more authors, 0.5 of the score will be given.

    (**) If one or more authors are from abroad, one author is counted as less than the total number of authors.

    (***) It is obligatory to clearly state the full name of IUE in the language in which the work is published (for example, “Izmir University of Economics” in English publications, “İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi” in Turkish publications), without abbreviation and in an independent integrity, along with the author.


    This Regulation entered into force with the decision of the Senate dated 06.03.2024 and numbered 525-2024/05-C/1 and the decision of the Board of Trustees dated 15.03.2024 and numbered 87.





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