İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi


    Department of Undergraduate English Program





    Purpose and Legal Basis
    Article 1- The purpose of this regulation is to determine the general principles of work conditions and rights and responsibilities of the administrative and technical staff of Izmir University of Economics, which was established based on Law 4633, published in the Official Gazette No. 24375, dated 14.04.2001, in relation to Higher Education Law 2547.


    Article 2- This regulation covers all the administrative and technical personnel working at the Izmir University of Economics.


    Article 3- The terms used in this directive are defined as follows:


    “University” refers to the Izmir University of Economics,
    “Board of Trustees” refers to the Board of Trustees of the Izmir University of Economics,
    “Rector” refers to the Rector of the Izmir University of Economics,
    “Personnel Committee” refers to the Personnel Committee of the Izmir University of Economics,
    “Administrative Board” refers to the Administrative Board of the Izmir University of Economics,
    “Personnel” refer to the administrative and technical personnel working at the Izmir University of Economics for a definite or/and indefinite time period.


    Personnel Policy
    Article 4- The personnel policy of Izmir University of Economics is determined by the Personnel Committee, which bases its decisions on Higher Education Law, No 2547, the general principles set by the Board of Trustees and Article 5 of this regulation.


    Personnel Committee

    Article 5- Personnel Committee is made up of Rector, Vice-Rector responsible from the personnel if assigned, Secretary General and all administrative unit directors.

    President of the Personnel Committee is Rector. When Rector is not available, the related Vice-Rector hold the presidency of the Personnel Committee. The reporter of the Committee is Financial Affairs and Human Resources Directors.

    Personnel Committee gathers upon the invitation of the Rector in order to discuss the agenda determined by the Rector.


    The Principles of Personnel Policy
    Article 6- The personnel policy of the university covers the principles below.

    a)     To establish a working environment that encourages a feeling of dedication; contributes to the achievement of the aims and goals of the university; assists in the formation of positive relations among personnel.


    b)     To reward personnel according to their achievements.


    c)     To respect personnel as individuals, protect and defend their rights.


    d)     To help educate and develop personnel by increasing the possibilities for improving knowledge, ability and experience.


    e)     To regulate, develop and monitor work responsibility, discipline, attitude and behavior of personnel.


    Determining Positions
    Article 7- The requirements of the administrative and technical personnel are determined by the Rector, after taking the suggestions and views of the Personnel Committee into consideration, and then presented to the Board of Trustees for approval.


    Personnel Recruitment
    Article 8- Personnel recruitment is carried out by the Rectorate, based on the norm positions confirmed by the Board of Trustees. If a personnel requirement arises during the year, it is presented to the Board of Trustees.


    Article 9- After the request of the Head of Department for personnel recruitment in line with the norm positions is presented to the office concerned, an evaluation is made and decision taken by a committee consisting of the Rector, Deputy Rector, Students’ Dean, Secretary General, Head of Finance and Human Resources and the Head of the Department in need of new personnel. If the need is approved, recruitment takes place.


    Article 10- The procedure to be followed in recruitment is as follows:

    a)     Evaluating job applications made in the past.


    b)     Determining candidates by contacting related institutions.


    c)     Evaluating applications made via the necessary announcements in the media.


    d)     Evaluating applications made via suggestions of advisory companies.


    Taking into account the urgency in the need for personnel and the qualifications required, it is the decision of the Rector which of these methods to follow.


    General Requirements for Candidates
    Article 11- Candidates should fulfill the following requirements.

    a)     Not have served any term of severe imprisonment or imprisonment of more than 6 months, or have committed any moral offence.


    b)     Not be less than 18 years of age.


    c)     Preferably, have an English proficiency level as required for the position.


    d)     Have the minimum education level for the position being applied for.


    e)     Male applicants should have finished their military service (for exceptional cases where military service has not been done, the Rector’s permission is required).


    f)      Not have any work obligations to another institution.


    g)     Have the psychological and physical well being necessary for the position (this is determined by a Health Institute decided by the University).


    h)     In the recruitment of disabled or previous offender, the related rules and regulations of Labor Law are followed.


    Personnel Selection and Appointment
    Article 12- A commission is appointed by the Rector to choose the personnel to be recruited. The commission consists of the Head of Department, the immediate senior and if needed, an expert on the subject area of the candidate.


    If there is a sufficient number of an applicant, the commission, by taking the reference and interview results into consideration, decides on three candidates and suggests the list to the Rector for recruitment. If necessary, candidates may be asked to take a written or oral exam.

    Within the salary scale, one of the suggested candidates is appointed by the Rector to the norm position confirmed by the Board of Trustees. Appointments other than these are subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees.

    Article 13- The salary to be paid to the personnel to be appointed to the norm position accepted by the Board of Trustees is suggested to the Board of Trustees by the Rector.


    Work Time
    Article 14- As long as it does not exceed 45 hours a week, the Rector decides and regulates the work time according to the requirements of the position.


    Prohibition of Working outside the University
    Article 15- Even if it is outside working hours, it is forbidden for personnel to work in any place other than the University. Neither can they get engaged in any kind of trading.

    This rule does not cover duties of expertise, which are indicated in the regulations.


    Official Appointments
    Article 16- At the proposal of the Head of Department and approval of the Secretary General, personnel can be appointed at the expense of the university (or not) to carry out duties anywhere in the country for up to a period of one week for reasons of research, education, seminar, representation as required by the job. For appointments longer than that, the Head of Department and the Secretary General suggest it to the Rector for approval.

    The financial support for work-related travel outside the city or Turkey, the Regulations of Travel and Payment (accepted by the Board of Trustees) is followed.


    Performance Evaluation
    Article 17- Once a year, the Head of Department fills in a “Performance Evaluation Form” related to the employee’s work, work discipline, effort and development during the year. After being approved by the Rector, this form is kept by the Secretary General. This form is consulted in contract renewal, salary increase, development and appointment to new positions.


    Article 18- After consultation to the Head of Department, the Rector can appoint an employee to a higher position. In addition, increase in salary can be made by the Rector within the limitations of the Salary Scale. When these limits are exceeded, the approval of the Board of Trustees is needed.


    Article 19- Sick leave, maternity leave, annual leave, etc. are subject to Labor Law and related regulations.

    At the discretion of the Secretary General, the Rector approves leave for the Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General and Heads of Departments. At the discretion of the Head of Department, the Secretary General approves leave for other employees.


    Proxy, Additional Duty
    Article 20- If approved by the Head of Department, the employee can be given proxy or additional duties.


    Article 21- An employee who is inconsiderate in

    a)     Protecting the University’s benefits and prestige,


    b)     Fulfilling duties appropriate to regulations and procedures of determined rules,


    c)     Exceeding limits of rights and responsibilities,


    d)     Maintaining a peaceful and organized working environment is subject to disciplinary investigation.


    Article 22- The Rector is entitled to open disciplinary investigations. After being informed about the offence directly or indirectly, the Rector can either himself carry out the investigation or appoint an investigator.
    The investigation is carried out in accordance with the Higher Education Institution Academic Staff and Administrative Discipline Regulations.


    Disciplinary Action
    Article 23-

    a)     Warning: A written warning stating that the employee should be more careful with duties and behavior.


    b)     Threat of Dismissal: A written statement about the employee’s faulty duties and behavior.


    c)     Dismissal: Dismissal of an employee from the university.


    Article 24- For the following behavior and actions, the employee receives a “warning”:

    a)     Exhibiting negligence, carelessness and disorders in duty and being engaged in irrelevant activities during working hours.


    b)     Habitual lateness and leaving early without any permission or excuse (this is considered an offense if done three times a month).


    c)     Disturbing supervisors and colleagues, violating rules of cooperative work and hindering duties.


    d)     Adopting an attitude of dress, appearance, and behavior that does not fit the codes of the University.


    e)     In work relations, adopting an attitude, which is incompatible with the benefits and prestige of the University.


    Threat of Dismissal
    Article 25- For the following behavior and actions, the employee receives a “Threat of Dismissal”:

    a)     Repeating the actions subject to an already received warning.


    b)     Not coming to work for one day without any permission or excuse.



    c)     Encouraging groupings that disturb the work rules and peace, or being involved in such groups.


    d)     Encouraging colleagues to neglect their job, or hindering them from working.


    Article 26- Reserving the right for dismissal without notice according to the Labor Law, the employee’s contract is cancelled in the following situations:

    a)     Repeating the action subject to an already received Threat of Dismissal.


    b)     With whatever reason, publicizing confidential information about the university or people in relation or cooperation with it.


    c)     Abusing the position or making personal benefits, either directly or indirectly.


    d)     Damaging or causing someone to damage documents of records, including electronic documents.


    e)     Without the permission of the university, undertaking other duties, or being actively involved in authorized positions of political parties.


    f)      Being involved in social or political activities, which negatively affect the University’s neutrality, vision and prestige.


    g)     While working at the university, committing a crime that requires a sentence of more than 7 days with no suspension, or despite amnesty, having been sentenced because of some moral offense in the past.


    h)     Without permission or a valid excuse, not coming to work for 2 consecutive days or twice a month after holidays or three workdays in a month.


    ı)     Coming to work drunk or under the influence of drugs, and using either in the work place.


    i)      Putting his/her own job at risk either intentionally or through lack of due care, or causing damage to university property to the extent that an amount equal to ten days could not pay.


    Article 27- Penalty warnings are given to the employees by the Head of Department; to the Heads of Department, to the Deputy Secretary General and Secretary General by the Rector. Threat of Dismissal and Dismissal are notified by the University Administrative Board, which acts as the Disciplinary Committee.


    Notification to the employee is carried out by the Secretary General.


    Social Rights

    Article 28- The employee can benefit from the social rights indicated in the corresponding regulation.


    Article 29- Even after quitting the job, the personnel file is kept in the related department.


    Transfer and Delivery
    Article 30- On termination of employment, the employee is obliged to return all documents and inventoried stock.
    If this is not done, the personnel him/herself is responsible for compensating the damage that the university will have because of this negligence.


    Article 31- After the university clears all debt owed to the employee, s/he receives a disclaimer from the university. This disclaimer is kept in the employee’s file.


    Seniority Indemnity

    Article 32- The employee whose contract has expired receives seniority indemnity in accordance with the Labor Law.

    The work period subject to seniority indemnity is calculated according to Labor Law. The seniority indemnity is calculated according to the principles of the rules of Labor.


    Article 33-
    This directive takes effect on the date of approval by The Board of Trustees.


    Article 34-
    The Rector of the Izmir University of Economics implements the rules and regulations of this policy.



    This regulation takes effect upon the decision of the Board of Trustees dated 27.11.2001 and numbered 10/9.







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