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Scope and Purpose:
Article 1: -(Change: SD-11/07/2003-24-A/9)These principles cover the regulations concerning the formation and functions of the Advisory Board, to be established to contribute to the cooperation for education, training and research activities between the Izmir University of Economics, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Fashion Design, and the Turkish Textiles and Clothing Sector.
Formation of the Advisory Board
Article 2: -(Change: SD-11/07/2003-24-A/9)
The Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Department of Fashion Design Advisory Board members are chosen from among professionals competent in the textiles and fashion sectors in Turkey and particularly the Aegean Region, by the Presidential Board, upon the request of the Rectorate.
The President of the Board of Trustees, the Rector, the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, the Head of the Department of Fashion Design and Director of the Vocational School are natural members of the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board elects a president from among its members.
Instructors of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design are also invited to Board meetings when necessary.
The term of office for membership of the Advisory Board is three years. Members can be re-elected once their terms have been completed. If a member leaves before his/her term is completed, another member will be appointed to take his/her place.
Operation of the Advisory Board
Article 3: -(Change: SD-11/07/2003-24-A/9)
The Advisory Board meets at least two times a year upon the request of the President. The quorum for the meeting is one more than half the total number of the members of the Advisory Board. The Faculty of Fine Arts and Design is responsible for reporting the meetings of the Advisory Board.
Duties of the Advisory Board
Article 4: -(Change: SD-11/07/2003-24-A/9)
The main duties of the Advisory Board are as follows:
a) To contribute to the development and other relationships of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design concerning the textiles and clothing sectors.
b) To plan short and long term strategies of the Faculty.
c) To propose activities such as national and international seminars, congresses, conferences, exhibitions, fashion shows, etc. and to provide opportunities for interaction with the people and institutions that may contribute to these activities.
d) To support students in building their future careers.
e) To develop a perspective for the faculty’s education programs.
f) To develop a perspective on activities to be conducted by the School of Fashion Design regarding the training, development and enhancement of human resources in the textiles sector.
g) To make recommendations concerning the necessary actions for the encouragement and expansion of a variety of technological, research and development activities.
Article 5: This directive takes effect on the date of the approval by the Board of Trustees of the Izmir University of Economics.
Article 6: This directive is executed by the Rector of the IUE.
This regulation takes effect upon the decision of the Senate 25.10.2002 and numbered 13/7.
As Izmir University of Economics transforms into a world-class university, it also raises successful young people with global competence.
More..Izmir University of Economics produces qualified knowledge and competent technologies.
More..Izmir University of Economics sees producing social benefit as its reason for existence.