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Article 1: These principles cover the regulations concerning the formation and functions of the Faculty of Communication Advisory Board, to be established to contribute to the cooperation for education, training and research activities between the Izmir University of Economics, Faculty of Communication, and the Aegean Region as well as within the Turkish Communication Sector.
Formation of the Advisory Board
Article 2: Prospective candidates for the Faculty of Communication Advisory Board are proposed by the Rector. The Board of Trustees elects the Advisory Board from among competent and influential professionals in the public relations, media and advertising sectors. The number of members is at least 11.
Two academic instructors appointed by the Dean are natural members of the board representing the President of the Board of Trustees, the Rector and the Dean of the Faculty of Communication. The Advisory Board elects a president from among its members.
Instructors of the Faculty of Communication are also invited to the Board meetings when necessary.
The term of office for membership of the Advisory Board is two years. Members can be re-elected once their terms have been completed.
If a member leaves before his/her term is completed, another member will be appointed to take his/her place.
The Functions of the Advisory Board
Article 3: The Advisory Board meets at least three times a year upon the request of the President. The quorum for the meeting is one more than half the total number of the members of the Advisory Board.
The Dean’s office of the Faculty of Communication is responsible for reporting the meetings of the Advisory Board.
Duties of the Advisory Board
Article 4: The main duties of the Advisory Board are as follows:
a) To provide opportunities for cooperation between the Izmir University of Economics, Faculty of Communication and the Aegean Region, as well as within the Turkish Communication Sector, to learn the expectations and to contribute to the developments in the sector.
b) To propose activities such as national and international seminars, congresses and conferences in order to contribute to the development of the communication sector in the region and in
c) To plan short and long term strategies of the Faculty of Communication, to develop a perspective for the faculty’s educational programs, training and research and to present views on these issues.
d) To develop perspectives on activities to be conducted by the Faculty of Communication regarding the training, development and enhancement of human resources in the communication sector.
e) To propose sector- based activities designed to encourage research and development, present awards, to prepare research options in pedagogical issues, global technologies and their practical applications.
f) To encourage students to establish contact within the sector and to help them build their future careers.
Article 5: This directive takes effect on the date of the approval by the Board of Trustees of the Izmir University of Economics.
Article 6: This directive is executed by the Rector of the IUE.
This regulation takes efefct upon the decision of the Senate dated 22.06.2004 and numbered 36/A-5 and the decision of the Board of Trustees dated 06/07/2004 and numbered 02-B/7.
As Izmir University of Economics transforms into a world-class university, it also raises successful young people with global competence.
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More..Izmir University of Economics sees producing social benefit as its reason for existence.