İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi


    Department of Undergraduate English Program


    Purpose and Scope
    Article 1-(1) In accordance with the "Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research Project Guidance", this regulation determines the basis and principles about the evaluation, adoption, consolidation, and execution as well as result evaluation and announcement of the scientific / artistic / design project proposals administered by Izmir University of Economics faculty members and researchers with a doctoral degree in the fields of medicine and arts; and it features the establishment and operation of the Izmir University of Economics Scientific Research Project Commission regarding the process and assignment.

    Article 2-(1)This regulation has been prepared in accordance with the Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research Project Guidance, dated 10.04.2002 numbered 24722 published in the Official Gazette by the Chairman of the Board of Higher Education.

    Articles 3-(1)The references in this guideline are as follows:
    a)University: Izmir University of Economics,
    b)Senate: The Senate of Izmir University of Economics,
    c)Rector: The Rector of Izmir University of Economics,
    ç) Commission: The Izmir University of Economics Scientific Research Project (SRP) Commission
    d)Project: The scientific research projects which are proposed and administered by Izmir University of Economics faculty members and researchers with a doctoral degree in the fields of medicine and arts; upon completion, the results of which are expected to make contributions to science in the field of study both nationally and internationally; scientific / artistic / design oriented; which can be conducted with the participation of internal / external agencies and/or institutions and organizations,
    e)Project Manager: The full time contracted academicians who proposed the project and are responsible for the preparation and execution and the person with a doctoral degree in the fields of medicine and arts,
    f)Fund: The Izmir University of Economics Scientific Research Project Commission Fund
    g)Researcher: Faculty members and undergraduate or graduate students  or graduates who receive/d training in the field of the project, and are added to the team by the Project coordinator in order to carry out the scientific research Project,
    ğ) (Added SD 11.10.2017/232-BTD 7.11.2017) Scholarship Holder: Masters or PH.D. Student in a thesis program assigned in the Scientific Research Project,
    h)Expert/Advisor: A person who contributes to the project through his/her area of expertise and knowledge when necessary,
    ı)Evaluation Referee: A person who makes recommendations to the Commission before the Project is approved by the Commission by evaluating topics such as the contribution to national and international science, the consistency of the scope of the research with the objective of the project,  the adequacy and coherency of the literature abstract to the project, the coherency of the proposed method, and the originality value of the project,
    i)Project Monitor: A person who monitors whether the Project is conducted in accordance with the plan, the resources are transferred to appropriate organs, and monitors all kinds of issues regarding the implementation of the project in general.

    Article 4- (1) Within the scope of the Regulation and regarding the matters issued in this guideline, 1% of the University's annual income is allocated to be used as a fund for the projects’ execution and accomplishment accepted by the Board of Trustees. Each year, about 1% of university income is transferred to this fund. Furthermore, the revenue from the agreed projects within this regulation and donations for the projects are included in this fund.

    (2) If there is unused resources at the end of the year, the amount is kept in the Fund to be used in following years.

    (3)The resource in the Fund is used for allowances (excluding participation in scientific conferences), service procurement, consumer goods and material procurement, inventory purchases and machinery-equipment purchases and for other related expenses necessary for the Scientific Research Project. The compulsory expenses in the course of the Committee’s operation are also paid from the Fund upon the Committee’s approval. The fee to be paid for the assessments of Referees assigned from outside is determined each year by the Senate.

    The Committee
    Article 5- (1) A commission is established by full-time academic staff (excluding lecturers and instructors) for the execution of the tasks mentioned in the purpose and scope article, under the presidency of the Rector himself or an appointed vice rector, with the proposal of the grad school directors, Project Development and Technology Transfer Office Director and the Senate. This academic staff should be chosen among the ones who have publications in periodicals scanned by international attribution indexes and whose publications have attributions by these periodicals or whose works are accepted by international art/design institutions. It is a requirement to have one representative from each faculty or grad school among the Commission members. Members, whose membership expires, can be reassigned with the same method. When the members in the Commission leave their principal duty for whatever reason, their duty in the commission automatically ends as well.

    (2) The Committee convenes with simple majority and decisions are taken by open vote and by majority of votes. In the event of a tie, voting is done by secret ballot. If the tie is not broken after the secret ballot, the decision of the University Administrative Board is determinant.Attendance to Committee meetings is obligatory. The related provisions in the Higher Education Council Regulations for Directors, Academicians and Officers will be applied for those who do not attend.

    (3) As specified in the scope, the Committee’s authority and responsibility covers the acceptance, evaluation, support, monitoring, suspension, closing, cancellation and conclusion of the scientific research project applications and the preparation, changing and rearranging of the forms and documents.

    (4) (Change SDK 03.03.2019-360-A/12- BTD 11.04.2019-19)(Add SDK 09.06.2016 279/A4-BTD 12.07.2016 20/16) As specified in the “Law regarding the Promotion of Research and Development Activities, dated 16.02.2016 and numbered 6676, as well as the law regarding the amendments in some laws and statutory decrees”, a report is prepared, consulting expert opinion if necessary, for the University Administrative Board about whether the projects carried out in the university are within the scope of research, development, design and innovation projects.The University Administrative Board decides whether the project should be evaluated within the scope of research, development, design and innovation projects. Projects that are within the scope are submitted to the Board of Trustees with monthly reports.

    Project Proposals
    Article 6- (1) Project proposals are carried out by submitting the Project proposal Form, prepared in accordance with the procedure pre-determined by the Commission, to the Commission Directorate. Projects regarding graduate program dissertations, and surveys and studies including project preparation can also be presented as a proposal in this scope. However, determining the boundaries between project and thesis, if there are more than one thesis in the project how much and which phases of the project studies are done in the scope of related thesis, and the relation between the work plan of the thesis and the project should be identified clearly. (Added SD 11.10.2017/232-BTD 7.11.2017) Masters or PH.D. Students in a thesis program within the Project may be assigned in scientific research projects as scholarship holders.

    (2) The thesis advisors are the coordinators of the graduate, doctoral and proficiency in art dissertation projects. However, if the thesis advisor is someone from another university, an academic staff (excluding lecturers and instructors) from the University becomes the project coordinator and the thesis advisor becomes the assistant coordinator. If there are more than one thesis advisors on the Project, one of them is appointed as Project coordinator. The related grad school and department head should be informed about the changes regarding the project thesis advisors.

    Article 7- (1) (Changed SD 11.10.2017/232-BTD 7.11.2017)The project proposals are sent to three different referees, who are not members of SRP, chosen by the Commission from their own discipline or field of study.  The referees, at least one of whom are from outside the university, are selected from among individuals with publications in periodicals scanned by international attribution indexes or whose art and design studies have gained acceptance at a similarly high level.

    (2) Together with references and taking into account all of the following:
    the project’s proposal, originality, feasibility, and its contribution to the field of art-science and design, publications of the project manager in periodicals with SCI – SSCII – AHCI and similar indexes, the references made to these publications, his/her works in the field of art and design and the financial portrait of the project, the Committee determines whether the proposal can be supported or not. If it is agreed that the project is to be supported, the Committee also decides to what extent it will be supported.

    (3) On deciding whether or not to support the project, the amount and conditions of the support will be determined by the Committee in a non-procedural evaluation.

    (4) The support of the agreed projects is finalized by the decision of the Board of Trustees upon the proposal of the Rector. The final decision about the project proposal will be declared to the project manager and the related unit. For the agreed project, a sample protocol prepared by the Committee will be signed by the project manager and the University at the latest within one month. The Committee has the right to make necessary amendments on the sample protocol in the scope of the project. The starting date of the project is stated in the protocol. If protocols of projects are not signed and a valid excuse not given in the allotted time, they are cancelled by the Committee.

    Article 8-(1) The project manager puts in a formal request for any additional expenses which emerge after the onset of the project in accordance with the budgetary approval given previously. The Committee takes this demand into consideration as long as the budgetary and financial resources are available. Purchasing the project-related machinery-equipment, appropriations and services is done in accordance with the University rules and regulations.

    (2) When any project-related movable or immovable property (fixtures, appropriations, etc) is purchased, it is recorded in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Committee, and it is delivered to the project manager and his employees of the related academic section (the dean’s office/vocational or language school/institution/center). The property right of all equipment and materials mentioned above belongs to the University. The project managers are obliged to make the project related equipment and materials available for other researchers’ use when the related team is not using the equipment and materials.

    (3) Within the terms of the approved budget, the transfer of the project related equipment and materials is resolved by the Committee upon the request of the project manager.

    (4) Any changes in the type of the equipment and materials which will be purchased, the purchase of any additional project-related equipment and materials, and paying the compulsory maintenance of the project-related equipment and materials off from the fund are matters to be resolved by the Committee upon the project manager’s related request.

    Article 9- (1) The coordinator of an approved project submits interim reports to the Commission every six months regarding the project activities. The interim reports are reviewed by the Commission. The Commission requests a monitoring report from a Project monitor chosen among the evaluation referees who submitted an affirmative opinion about the Project before regarding the execution of the Project.

    (2) The projects, which are believed to be not being executed in accordance with the proposed objective and work plan, may be cancelled by the Rector with the approval of the Scientific Research Projects Commission. The Head of the Committee notifies the related institution, Faculty, Institute and/or Centre about the decision to abort the project. The decision of cancellation is announced by the Commission Director to the Institution/ Faculty/School/ Institute and/or Centre where the project coordinators and the researchers are assigned

    (3) Upon the project manager’s request, the projects, which are observed to reach a halt for inevitable reasons, are abolished by the Scientific Research Projects Committee’s decision.

    (4) In both cases mentioned above, all project-related equipment and materials are delivered back to the Rectorate.

    (5) When their project is abolished, the project managers and their team members do not receive any assignment, support or permit to carry out another project for the next three years.

    (6) In the event of the Project coordinator leaving the Project due to a force majeure during the Project, the protocol signed between the Project coordinator may be terminated upon the recommendation of the Commission with the approval of the Rector and/or one of the researchers may be appointed as the new Project coordinator.

    (7) The Committee has the right to ask for a revision or a readjustment if they see the project does not progress effectively, or they see that the revision or the readjustment does not meet the requirements, they have the right to put a hold on or abolish the project, or ask for a team replacement. Once a project manager is assigned the project, a new Protocol is put into action.

    Completion of the Project
    Article 10-(1) The projects are to be completed within the proposed time. Research projects are to be completed within three years. Additions to time or resources, or putting a hold on the projects are to be decided by the Committee upon the project manager’s request. Additions to time cannot exceed one year, and additions to resources cannot be more than 50% of the total expense amount.

    Article 11- (1) The Final Report, which is written in accordance with the rules specified by SRP Commission and includes all the research findings, is submitted to the Commission Directorate within the two months after the completion of the Project. The Commission might consult the Project monitor about the final report if necessary. The final report might be accepted as it is, changes might be required and revaluated, or it might be declined. The Project coordinator is informed about the evaluation results in a written statement.

    Article 12-(1) The research projects supported by the University in accordance with the rules and regulations are observed by the Committee. The Committee is the sole authority to offer any solutions to the project-related problems. The Committee takes the necessary precautions including cancellation of the project, if there are cases that hinder the execution of the project or if the project and the support are used beyond its aim. These precautions are put in action upon the approval of the Rector.

    Announcement of the Results
    Article 13- (1) At the end of each year, Research Projects Directorate gives brief information to the Rectorate about the supported SR projects which are in progress or which are completed. This information is announced to the public via internet.

    Other Provisions
    Article 14- (1) If the project coordinators did not publish at least one work related to their project or certify that it was accepted to be published, they cannot apply for a new project.  Project coordinators cannot apply for or execute two projects at the same time.

    Article 15- (1) In any publication regarding the continuing or completed projects, the foot note “This Work has been supported as part of the .............numbered Project approved by Izmir University of Economics Scientific Research Projects Commission” has to be added; if there are more than one researchers involved in the publication, “The work done by lecturer …………………………. has been supported  as part of the .............numbered Project approved by Izmir University of Economics Scientific Research Projects Commission” has to be added as a footnote and a copy of the publications need to be sent to Commission Directorate. The University reserves the right to all kinds of scientific outcomes and applications regarding the Project.

    (2) Within 2 years following the end of the project, the Project Coordinator is obliged to translate it into an international scientific paper, exhibition, or book in refereed periodicals scanned by relevant indexes.

    Article 16-(1) All the forms that will be used in the application, continuation and completion of the projects stated in this regulation are prepared by the Committee upon receiving necessary opinions.

    Article 17-(1) This directive takes effect on the date of the approval by the Board of Trustees.

    Article 18-(1) This directive is executed by the Rector.


    This regulation takes effect upon the decision of the Senate dated 08.01.2009 and numbered 127-A/10 and the decision of the Board of Trustees dated 20.02.2009 and numbered 52/14.





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