İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi


    Department of Undergraduate English Program


    Aim and Scope
    Article 1-
    This regulation covers the principles to set out the international and domestic scientific research and study trips of İzmir University of Economics students in order to contribute to their professional and personal developments and to support their theoretical knowledge with application.

    Article 2-
    The references in this guideline are as follows;

    Short-Term Trips: Trips that last maximum five business days,

    Long-Term Trips: Trips that are more than five business days and up to ten business days,

    Day Trips: Local trips and/or trips to immediate surroundings that will be completed within the same day.

    Article 3-
    This regulation has been prepared in accordance with the article 3 of the Academic Rules and Bylaw Concerning Undergraduate Period of Study, Examinations and Assessment.

    Programming the Trips and Approval Procedure
    Article 4-
    The Rectorate must be informed about the trips planned to be organized in the scope of a course at least 2 weeks before the starting date of the trip and approval must be received.

    For the travels programmed not within a course, the Deanery of the Faculty must notify the Rectorate at least 3 weeks before the travel and receive approval.

    Article 5-The trips that will be organized each semester will be determined by the Faculty/School Administrative Board and announced to the students at the beginning of each semester by specifying in the Syllabus of the related course.

    Article 6-The travels abroad within the scope of a course can be made in semester holiday or in summer time. These travels cannot be organized in final exam period. It must be paid attention not to organize trips when the students have exams.

    The international or domestic trips with a purpose of representing the university like festivals, competitions, etc. can be made in the semester on condition that they do not exceed 5 business days.

    Travel Assignments
    Article 7-
    A Coordinator selected among the lecturers and sufficient number of instructors will be assigned for each group travel.

    The number of instructors is determined on a basis as one instructor per 10 students.

    A lecturer can be assigned maximum two times in an academic year for such travels.

    All the participants (students and instructors) will be on duty leave during the travel.

    Only the students of the course and the lecturer and/or the assistant of the course can attend the "Short-Term" technical trip organized in the scope of the course.

    Covering the Expenses:
    Article 8-
    Travel expenses are covered by the students attending the travel.

    Domestic transportation expenses of the academic travels and the expenses of the assigned instructors are covered by the University within the bounds of the budget.

    The entrance fees of the fairs, museums, ruins, show centers, etc. that will be visited in the scope of these travels belong to the participants.

    A “Travel Fund” to be used in the organization of the academic travels will be formed by sparing 0.5% of the annual income of the University. The expenses of the travels will be covered from this fund. The Travel Fund that is not used throughout the year will be transferred to the next year.

    Make-up of the Courses
    Article 9-
    The courses that cannot be held in its normal program due to the trips that the lecturers/instructors attend will be held later by determining the make-up date beforehand, informing the management, and filling in "Make-up form".

    Short-Term Trips Abroad
    Article 10-
    The aim of the short-term trips abroad is to enable the students to attend academic activities and fairs concerning their education program, to increase their experience on international level and to analyze the global applications about their education program.

    The trips organized in this scope can be the scientific activities, fairs, symposiums, congresses and other scientific/artistic activities concerning their education program.

    Long-Term Trips Abroad
    Article 11-
    The aim of the long-term trips abroad is to increase the knowledge of the students and to improve their experience. In this context, long-term trips include carrying on researches and making certain analysis and examinations concerning the academic program of the students.

    The students must visit a university or a related research institution (approved by the University Administrative Board) within the scope of a scientific and/or technological study.

    Short-Term Domestic Trips
    Article 12-
    The aim of the short-term domestic trips is to make analysis and examinations in domestic companies, to enable the students to attend academic activities and fairs, to increase their experience on national level and analyze the applications concerning their education program.

    The trips organized in this scope can be company and art center trips, scientific activities, fairs, symposiums, congresses concerning their education program

    Long-Term Domestic Trips
    Article 13-
    The aim of the long-term domestic trips is to increase the knowledge of the students and to improve their experience. In this context, long-term trips include carrying on researches and making certain analysis and examinations concerning the academic program of the students.

    The students must visit a university or a related research institution (approved by the University Administrative Board) within the scope of a scientific and/or technological study.

    Day Trips
    Article 14-
    For the day trips organized in the scope of a course, the approval of the Dean of the Faculty is taken through the Head of the Department and if a support is asked for from the University, the Rectorate should be informed at least 15 days before the trip.

    If the day trip is organized during course hours, a make-up course must be held.

    Other Provisions
    Article 15-
    At the end of each trip, the Coordinator lecturer prepares a "Travel Report". The report includes the places/institutions they visited, the people they met, the contact information of these people, the experiences gained at the end of the trip and the benefits of this trip for the students.

    The reports about the trip that the students attended will be prepared by the student in 1 week following the end of the trip and submitted to the Dean of the Faculty.

    The travel reports are submitted to the Rectorate through the Dean of the Faculty in 15 days following the trip.

    Article 16-The University Administrative Board decides whether the students attending the scientific research trips will be granted leave of absence or not.

    Article 17-The social, technical, representation trips organized by Student Clubs fall outside the provisions of this Regulation

    Article 18-The students should take care of adopting an attitude and behavior required from a higher education and İzmir University of Economics student.

    During the trip, the participant student should obey to the Disciplinary Bylaw for Students of Institutions of Higher Education.

    Article 19-
    This directive takes effect on the date of the approval by the Board of Trustees.

    Article 20-
    This directive is executed by İzmir University of Economics Rector.

    This regulation takes effect upon the decision of the Senate dated 30.01.2010 and numbered A/10 and the decision of the Board of Trustees dated 02.02.2010 and numbered 62/12.







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