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Purpose and Scope
Article 1-These principles cover the working principles of the Commission assigned for the exhibitions that will be held at İzmir University of Economics campus by the students, student clubs or various people and institutions apart from the academic units of the University.
Exhibition Commission
Article 2-Exhibition Commission is made up of the members assigned by the University Administrative Board, under the presidency of a Vice-Rector in order to evaluate and apply the demands for exhibitions that may be held at İzmir University of Economics campus.
Exhibition Places:
Article 3-The exhibition places that may be used in İzmir University of Economics campus and the activities that may be performed in these places are stated below.
a) Main Building Foyer Area: Exhibitions related to painting, sculpture, photography on local scale, student projects and presentations, exhibitions of the faculties and departments take place in the foyer area.
b) Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Building- Multipurpose Exhibition Hall: Primarily, the national exhibitions with artistic content like current art, painting, sculpture, photography take place in this hall.
c) Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Building – Gallery for Art and Design 20/20: The exhibitions that will be held in here take place in the framework of the general exhibition principles of the University and within the concept anticipated and determined by the exhibition commission formed under the auspices of Faculty of Fine Arts and Design.
The exhibitions that will be held in the main building can only take place in the foyer area. The exhibitions that may be held outside this area in the main building are subject to the approval of the Rectorate upon the positive opinion of the Exhibition Commission.
Exhibition Installation Process:
Article 4-Exhibition demands and installations of the exhibitions take place in accordance with the processes stated below.
a) The people, institutions that want to hold an exhibition at the University make application in written form.
b) The demands from inside the University must be submitted to the Rectorate at least 2 weeks before; the demands from outside the University must be submitted to the Rectorate at least 4 weeks before the exhibition.
c) Request letter for an exhibition is initially forwarded to the Student and Corporate Activities Directorate. Once the Student and Corporate Activities Directorate evaluates it in terms of its conformity to the rules of procedures, it is then submitted to the Exhibition Commision for decision.
d) The works that are going to be exhibited must possess the features that are suitable for exhibition.
e) While evaluating the exhibition demands, the ethical, aesthetical, educational, artistic, etc. elements of the exhibition are taken into consideration.
f) Those who make exhibition demand must submit the originals or digital copies of all the works that are going to be exhibited to the Commission.
g) The works that are going to be exhibited must be pursuant to the provisions of law and democracy, must be respectful to the different beliefs and perspectives, cannot discriminate over race, ethnicity, belief, disability or gender; cannot propagandize any political party or religious group.
h) All the equipments needed for the exhibition are provided by the holder of the exhibition and the exhibition is set up by the holder of the exhibition. If asked, the University may give support in technical subjects in the scope of its current infrastructure. A fee may be requested for the service, material, equipment demanded from the University.
i) The places of the exhibitions approved by the Exhibition Commission are recorded in the reservation system of the University (
Article 5-This directive takes effect on the date of approval by the Senate.
Article 6-The Rector of the İzmir University of Economics implements the rules and regulations of this directive.
This regulation takes effect upon the decision of the Senate dated 24.12.2010 and numbered 163-A/15
As Izmir University of Economics transforms into a world-class university, it also raises successful young people with global competence.
More..Izmir University of Economics produces qualified knowledge and competent technologies.
More..Izmir University of Economics sees producing social benefit as its reason for existence.