İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi


    Department of Undergraduate English Program


    Purpose, Scope and Definitions
    Article 1:
    (1)The purpose of  the principles is to set out the guidelines  concerning the enrolment of (HEC-YÖK) obligatory English lessons, the rules of exams, grading systems and educational principles  conducted by İzmir Univesity of Economics.
    Article 2:(1) (Changed SD 26.02.2015-243-A8 / BTD 14.04.2015-5 )The principles cover the basics of enrolment, educational procedures, exams, and the grading systems of English lessons of undergraduate and associate programmes at Izmir University of Economics.
    Article 3:  (1) The references in this regulation are as follows;
     a) IEU: Izmir University of Economics,
     b) (Changed SD 11.07.2017/316-6-BTD 01.08.2017/33) Undergraduate English Program: The compulsory English courses in IUE undergraduate programs,
     c) (Changed SD 11.07.2017/316-6-BTD 01.08.2017/33)  (Added SD 26.02.2015-243-A8 / BTD 14.04.2015-5 )Associate English Program: The compulsory English courses in IUE associate programs,
     ç) Senate: The Senate of Izmir University of Economics
     d) SFL: School of Foreign Languages.

    Associate/Undergraduate English Program

    Article 4:(1) (Changed SD 11.07.2017/316-6-BTD 01.08.2017/33)  (Changed SD 23.06.2016 281/A-4) The goal of the Undergraduate English Program is to enable students use their Academic language skills in other undergraduate courses.

    (2)) (Changed SD 12.01.2022-457/2022/01-C/1-BTD-22.02.2022-64) (Changed SD 23.06.2016 281/A-4 ) Every student enrolled in an undergraduate/associate program at IUE is required to take associate/undergraduate English courses as part of common compulsory courses required by item I, Article 5 of Higher Education Council Law. However, students with disabilities, who certify that they are exempt from foreign language courses in elementary and secondary education and who are registered in higher education programs where the medium of instruction is Turkish, can take a course with equivalent ECTS credits to be determined by the IUE Faculty/School/Vocational School boards instead of a foreign language course upon request.

    (3) (Changed SD 23.06.2016 281/A-4 ) (Changed SD 26.02.2015-243-A8 / BTD 14.04.2015-5 ) Associate/Undergraduate English Program is made up of two academic semesters which are Fall and Spring Semesters.

    (Article Added SD 26.02.2015-243-A8 / BTD 14.04.2015-5)
    Associate English Programme
    (1) (Deleted  SD 23.06.2016 281/A-4 )

    (2) (Deleted  SD 23.06.2016 281/A-4 )

    (3) (Deleted  SD 23.06.2016 281/A-4 )

    Article 6: (Article No Changed SD 26.02.2015-243-A8 / BTD 14.04.2015-5)
    (1) (Changed SD 26.02.2015-243-A8 / BTD 14.04.2015-5 ) Students are required to attend Undergraduate and Associate English Courses, in the percentages stated by the University Senate.
    Midterm Exams and Final Exams
    Article 7: (Article No Changed SD 26.02.2015-243-A8 / BTD 14.04.2015-5)
    (1) (Changed SD 26.02.2015-243-A8 / BTD 14.04.2015-5 ) In Undergraduate and Associate English Courses, students are required to take as many midterm exams, quizzes, oral exams, presentations and final exams as specified by the School of Foreign Languages.
    Breakdown of the Final Grades
    Article 8: (Article No Changed SD 26.02.2015-243-A8 / BTD 14.04.2015-5)

    (1) (Changed SD 27.12.2017/329-A/5-BTD 02.01.2018/39)  (Changed SD 26.02.2015-243-A8 / BTD 14.04.2015-5 )The criteria and percentages that are considered in the specification of the end-of-semester final grades for Undergraduate and Associate English Courses are specified by the School of Foreign Languages. The Student Affairs Office is informed about the final grades in line with IUE’s “Regulation For Associate And Undergraduate Degree Education and Examinations” and “Faculty of Medicine Education and Examination Bylaw”.
    Undergraduate and Associate English Programme Exemption Exams

    Exemption Exams
    Article 9: ( (Article No Changed SD 26.02.2015-243-A8 / BTD 14.04.2015-5)

    (1) (Change SD 26.08.2020/408-A/4-BTD 29.09.2020-44) (Changed SD 27.12.2017/329-A/5-BTD 02.01.2018/39)  (Changed SD 11.07.2017/316-6-BTD 01.08.2017/33)  (Changed SD 23.06.2016 281/A-4 ) (Changed SD 26.02.2015-243-A8 / BTD 14.04.2015-5) An exemption exam is administered at the beginning of each semester (excluding summer semester) only for first year English courses for the respective semester in undergraduate and associate programs.

    (2) Students, who meet the following requirements can take the exemption exam:

    a) (Changed SD 23.06.2016 281/A-4 ) (Changed SD 26.02.2015-243-A8 / BTD 14.04.2015-5 ) (Changed SD 04.02.2013-204/A26)  Students are allowed to take the exemption exams for Associate/Undergraduate first year English courses if they had taken a similar course at an undergraduate, associate program of a different university, got successful but did not get exempt from the course due to mismatches of program content.

    b) (Change SD 07.08.2024-535-2024/15-C/1) (Change SD 25.08.2021 445-A/17) (Change SD26.08.2020/408-A/4-BTD 29.09.2020-44) (Change SD 11.07.2017/316-6-BTD 01.08.2017/33) Students, who meet the following requirements can take the exemption exam for ENG 101 and ENG 102 courses: Those who are eligible to take the Proficiency in English (PIE) Exam by completing the compulsory English Preparatory Education or without this education and score 80 or above; those who are exempt from taking the PIE by completing the compulsory English Preparatory Education; those who have successfully completed the Pre-Department Program among those who have received compulsory English Preparatory Education; and those who have been exempted from the Preparatory Program by scoring B in the CAE Exam, 71 in the PTE Exam and 84 or above in the TOEFL IBT Exam, which measures four language skills (reading, writing, speaking and grammar). Since they do not test the writing and speaking skills, the scores obtained from YOKDIL and YDS exams are not accepted in the application for ENG 101 and ENG 102 exemption exams. If the score obtained in the Proficiency in English Exam Assessment, which is required to be taken to enter the exemption exam for ENG 101 and ENG 102 courses, is a fractional number, it is rounded to the next integer.

    c) (Change SD 25.08.2021 445-A/17)( (Changed SD 23.06.2016 281/A-4 ) (Changed SD 26.02.2015-243-A8 / BTD 14.04.2015-5) (Added SD 04.02.2013-A/26)  Students whose native language is English or who are citizens of a country where English is spoken as an official language, or who were born in that country and completed their education in secondary education institutions where the citizens of that country continue, and who completed their education in secondary education institutions where the medium of instruction is 100% English, can take the exemption exams for their associate / undergraduate English courses if they request and document it.

    d) (Added SD 11.07.2017/316-6-BTD 01.08.2017/33) Students, who successfully complete B Module in optional English Preparatory education in Turkish medium programs, are allowed to take exemption exam.

    e) (Added SD 26.08.2020/408-A/4-BTD 29.09.2020-44)  Students, who have taken English preparatory education at the relevant higher education institution while enrolled in another higher education institution and have been successful within the last three years before the exemption application date, can take the exemption exams of associate / undergraduate English courses.

    f) (Added SD 26.08.2020/408-A/4-BTD 29.09.2020-44)  Students, who have passed the English Preparatory Exemption Exam of the relevant higher education institution while enrolled in another higher education institution in the last three years before the exemption application date, can take the exemption exams of associate / undergraduate English courses.

    g) (Change SD 07.08.2024-535-2024/15-C/1) (Added SD 26.08.2020/408-A/4-BTD 29.09.2020-44)  Students, who are enrolled in programs where medium of instruction is Turkish, and score 70.00 and above in the English Placement Exam, can take the exemption exams of the ING 101-ING 102-ING 105-ING 106 courses.

    (3)  (Deleted SD 26.08.2020/408-A/4-BTD 29.09.2020-44) (Changed SD 28.03.2018-337-A/15-BTD 17.04.2018-42) (Changed SD 11.07.2017/316-6-BTD 01.08.2017/33) (Added SD 23.06.2016-281/A4)  

    (4) (Deleted SD 26.08.2020/408-A/4-BTD 29.09.2020-44) (Changed SD 11.07.2017/316-6-BTD 01.08.2017/33)

    (4) (Deleted SD 26.08.2020/408-A/4-BTD 29.09.2020-44) (Changed SD 11.07.2017/316-6-BTD 01.08.2017/33)

    (5) (Deleted SD 26.08.2020/408-A/4-BTD 29.09.2020-44) (Changed SD 26.02.2015-243/A8-BTD14.04.2015-5) 

    (6) (Deleted SD 26.08.2020/408-A/4-BTD 29.09.2020-44) (Changed SD 26.02.2015-243/A8-BTD14.04.2015-5) 

    (7) (Deleted SD 26.08.2020/408-A/4-BTD 29.09.2020-44) (Changed SD 28.03.2018-337-A/15-BTD 17.04.2018-42) (Changed SD 11.07.2017/316-6-BTD 01.08.2017/33) (Changed SD 23.06.2016-281/A4) (Changed SD 26.02.2015-243/A8-BTD 14.04.2015-5) 

    (8) (Deleted SD 26.08.2020/408-A/4-BTD 29.09.2020-44) (Changed SD 28.03.2018-337-A/15-BTD 17.04.2018-42) (Changed SD 11.07.2017/316-6-BTD 01.08.2017/33) 

    (9) (Deleted SD 26.08.2020/408-A/4-BTD 29.09.2020-44) (Deleted SD 26.02.2015-243/A8-BTD 14.04.2015-5)

    (10) (Deleted SD 26.08.2020/408-A/4-BTD 29.09.2020-44) (Changed SD 26.02.2015-243/A8-BTD 14.04.2015-5) 

    (11) (Deleted SD 26.08.2020/408-A/4-BTD 29.09.2020-44) (Changed SD 26.02.2015-243/A8-BTD 14.04.2015-5) 


    Granting Exemption (Added SD 26.08.2020/408-A/4-BTD 29.09.2020-44) 

    ARTICLE 9A- (1) Students, who are enrolled in associate and undergraduate programs and meet the following requirements, are exempted from freshman English courses.

    a)  Students, who are successful in the ENG 101-ENG 102-ING 101-ING 102-ING 105-ING 106 Exemption Exams conducted at the beginning of the relevant semester in IUE, are exempted with the letter grade equivalent to their scores pursuant to the “Regulation for Associate and Undergraduate Degree Education and Examinations” and "Faculty of Medicine Education and Examination Bylaw".

    b) Students, who qualify to take the Proficiency in English exam and pass the exam, after completing the optional English Preparatory program at IUE, or without receiving this education, are exempted from ING 101-ING 102-ING 105-ING 106 courses with AA grade.

    c) Students, who have taken a similar course in an associate or undergraduate program of another university, have been successful and the course content is deemed appropriate, are exempted with letter grade for the success score they submit. pursuant to the “Regulation for Associate and Undergraduate Degree Education and Examinations” and "Faculty of Medicine Education and Examination Bylaw.

    ç) (Added SD 07.08.2024-535-2024/15-C/1) Those who have received Compulsory English Preparatory Education and have an end of Pre-Department Program assessment score of 80 and above are exempted from ENG 101 and ENG 102 courses with a letter grade equivalent to end of Pre-Department Program assessment score pursuant to IUE “Regulation for Associate and Undergraduate Degree Education and Examinations” and “Faculty of Medicine Education and Examination Bylaw”.


    (2) Students, who have taken this course before and have failed cannot enter the exemption exams.

    (3) Undergraduate and Associate Degree English program exemption exam success grade is at least 70 (CC). Students, who succeed in these exams, are exempted with the letter grade equivalent to their scores pursuant to the “Regulation for Associate and Undergraduate Degree Education and Examinations” and "Faculty of Medicine Education and Examination Bylaw".

    (4) The Undergraduate or Associate English exemption exam cannot be taken to improve grades. Those wishing to improve their grades need to repeat their courses.

    (5) Undergraduate students, who wish to take the exemption exam, need to apply to the SFL Directorate with a petition. Associate students, who wish to take the exemption exam, need to apply to Vocational Schools English Coordinatorship with a petition.

    (6) The exemption exam is administered each semester on the dates specified in the academic calendar. Announcements about Exam date, place, and time are announced by SFL.

    (7) Students, who are not satisfied with their exemption exam grade may waive their exemption right and take the course in question by applying to the Student Affairs’ Office with a petition. In this case, the student must comply with the requirements of the course taken.

    (8) The grade obtained at the end of the semester will be counted as the final grade for students, who are not satisfied with their exemption exam grade even though they are exempt and take the course.

    Changes in Principles (Add SD 12.01.2022-457/2022/01-C/1-BTD-22.02.2022-64)

    Article 9/B – (1) These principles can be changed with the decision of the Izmir University of Economics Senate.

    Effective Date and Execution
    Effective date
    Article 10: (Article No Changed SD 26.02.2015-243-A8 / BTD 14.04.2015-5)
    (1)These principles will take effect on the date they are accepted by the Senate and will be exercised as of academic year.
    Article 11:(Article No Changed SD 26.02.2015-243-A8 / BTD 14.04.2015-5)
    (1)These principles will be executed by the Rector of Izmir University of Economics.


    (Added SD 07.08.2024-535-2024/15-C/1) PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 1- (1) The exemption status in subparagraph (ç) of the first paragraph of Article 9/A of these principles covers students enrolled in our University for the first time as of the 2024-2025 academic year.


    This regulation takes effect upon the decision of the Senate dated 16.08.2011 and numbered 176-A/11.






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