İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi


    Department of Undergraduate English Program


    Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions

    (Section number and title added SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)


    - (1) (Change SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) The purpose of this regulation is to bring in high quality students to postgraduate degree programs being conducted within the Graduate School affiliated to Izmir University of Economics, and to set out the general rules regarding scholarships and tuition discounts to be awarded for successful students.


    ARTICLE 2 
    - (1) This regulation comprises the rules regarding scholarships and tuition discounts to be provided for post-graduate degree students of the university, including those in the Foreign Language Preparatory Program.


    ARTICLE 3-
     (1) (Change SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56 (Change 17.09.2019 SK 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26) This regulation has been prepared in accordance with the Graduate Degree Education and Examination Bylaw of Council of Higher Education published in the Official Gazette dated 20 April 2016 and numbered 29690, and the respective articles of Izmir University of Economics Graduate Degree Education Bylaw established pursuant to Law No: 2547, and “The Principles and Procedures of Foundation Higher Education Institutions for  Free Student Instruction within the Scope of Additional Article 9 of the Law No. 2547”. 


    ARTICLE 4 –
     (1) The references in this regulation are as follows;
    a) (Change SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) Graduate School: Graduate School affiliated with Izmir University of Economics, 
    b) Postgraduate Program: Master and Ph.D. programs conducted within the University,
    c) (Change SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) Director: The Director of Graduate School affiliated with the University,
    ç) Rector: The Rector of Izmir University of Economics,
    d) Senate: The Senate of Izmir University of Economics,
    e) University Administrative Board: Izmir University of Economics Administrative Board,
    f) University/IUE: Izmir University of Economics,
    g) Board of Trustees: Izmir University of Economics Board of Trustees.   



    (Section number and title added SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)


    Scholarship Quotas (Change of Title SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)
    ARTICLE 5- (1) (Change SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) Scholarship rates and quotas for postgraduate degree programs being conducted within the Graduate School affiliated to Izmir University of Economics are determined by the Senate upon the recommendation of the respective Department and the decision of the Graduate School Administrative Board and announced prior to the applications with the decision of the Board of Trustees.


    Scholarship Minimum Terms
    ARTICLE 6-
     (1) (Change SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) Scholarship holders are ranked starting from the top student who meets the minimum requirements determined by the Graduate School Boards affiliated to Izmir University of Economics. Minimum requirements may also include undergraduate/graduate averages, ALES or equivalent scores, foreign language scores, and/or specific criteria to be determined by the Graduate School Board.


    Comprehensive PhD Merit Scholarship (Change of title SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)
    ARTICLE 7- (1) (Change SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) Students, who are enrolled in PhD programs at Graduate School affiliated to Izmir University of Economics may be provided a tuition fee scholarship or “Comprehensive PhD Merit Scholarship” with the proposal of the Graduate School Board and under the terms by the Board of Trustees, or “Comprehensive PhD Merit Scholarship”, based on their academic achievements. 

    (2) (Deleted SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)

    (3) (Deleted, change of article number  SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD  03.08.2021-56) 

    (4) (Deleted, change of article number SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD  03.08.2021-56)

    Scholarship for Research Assistants (Change of title SD 28.07.2021-442/23-MHK 03.08.2021-56)
    ARTICLE 8- (1) (Change SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) Among the students admitted to the post graduate programs at Graduate School affiliated to Izmir University of Economics and students who are currently studying at these programs, 100% tuition fee scholarship is offered to those who are working as research assistants at Izmir University of Economics and those assigned within the scope of Article 35 of Law No. 2547. Such types of scholarships cover tuition fees for courses in post graduate programs, and foreign language preparatory class and scientific preparatory class, if applicable.

    (2) (Change SD 28.07.2021-442/23-MHK 03.08.2021-56) There are no quota limitations for Scholarship for Research Assistants. Those who are working as research assistants at Izmir University of Economics qualify directly for this scholarship. 

    (3) (Added SK 11.12.2024-543/2024/23-C/3 MHK 20.12.2024/95) Among the students enrolled in the graduate program from the paid or discounted quota, the research assistant scholarship of those who start working as a Research Assistant is applied from the first semester following the date of their appointment. 

    Scholarship for Education and Research Support
    ARTICLE 9-
     (1) (Changed SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) Scholarship for Education and Research Support is provided for education and research scholarship holders, supported by institutions and organizations specified below, among the new or current students who are admitted to post graduate programs at Graduate School affiliated to Izmir University of Economics. 
    a) Those who are granted research scholarships for their postgraduate studies by public institutions and organizations such as TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), TUBA (The Turkish Academy of Sciences), Ministry of Science and Technology, State Planning Organization (DPT).
    b) (Changed SD 28.07.2021-442/BTD  03.08.2021-56)Those, whose post-graduate thesis studies are supported as part of a research project by national and international institutions and organizations such as European Union, World Bank, TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), TUBA (The Turkish Academy of Sciences), Ministry of Industry and Technology, State Planning Organization (DPT), etc.

    (2) Scientific Research Project (BAP) funds of Izmir University of Economics or other universities cannot be used for this scholarship.    

    (3)  These scholarships cover the tuition fees for courses in post graduate programs, and foreign language preparatory class and scientific preparatory class, if applicable. 

    (4) (Deleted 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26)


    ARTICLE 10-
     (1) (Deleted, Change of article number SD 28.07.2021-442/23-MHK 03.08.2021-56)


    Scholarship for Technical and Administrative Personnel (Change SD 28.07.2021-442/BTD 03.08.2021-56) (Change 17.09.2019 SK 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26)
    ARTICLE 11- (1) (Changed 17.09.2019 SK 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26) 100% tuition fee scholarship is awarded to full-time technical or administrative personnel who has been working at Izmir University of Economics, or at its partner institutions and organizations and its founding organization for at least two years. This scholarship covers tuition fees for courses in graduate programs, and foreign language preparatory class and scientific preparatory class, for one time only. 

    (2) (Added 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26) Izmir University of Economics personnel benefitting from this scholarship are required to serve at the University after they graduate for the period they spent in their graduate program, and sign a contract regarding this liability.

    (3) (Changed SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD  03.08.2021-56) (Add 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26) Izmir University of Economics personnel, who wish to benefit from this scholarship, cannot apply for the courses/programs that take place during office hours.

    (4) (Added 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26) Students, who benefit from Scholarship for Technical and Administrative Personnel, and graduate from the program, cannot benefit from this scholarship again.


    Degree Scholarship (Change of article number SD 28.07.2021-442/23-MHD 03.08.2021-56)  (Title Changed SD 05.06.2024-531-2024/11-C2-BTD 04.07.2024-90)
    ARTICLE 11/A- (1) (Additional paragraph SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) (Changed SD 05.06.2024-531-2024/11-C2-BTD 04.07.2024-90) According to the "Procedures and Principles for the Determination of Ranking Graduates", including joint degrees, those, who graduated from IUE undergraduate programs with first rank and a GPA of at least 3.00 and enrolled in IUE master's and/or doctoral programs, receive 100% scholarship over the tuition fees of the programs they are enrolled in.

    (2) (Added SD 05.06.2024-531-2024/11-C2-BTD 04.07.2024-90) Highest ranking student scholarship cannot be used twice for the same level of education. Those who are eligible for a ranking student scholarship can use the scholarship once for the education levels specified below.

    a) Graduates of associate degree programs, for the undergraduate program,

    b) Graduates of the undergraduate program, for the master's program,

    c) Graduates of the undergraduate program, for the doctoral program.

    (3) (Added SD 05.06.2024-531-2024/11-C2-BTD 04.07.2024-90) Those who graduate from the master's program with a highest ranking student scholarship, continue to receive their scholarship if they continue to the doctoral program.


    Liabilities for Scholarships (Change of article number SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)
    Article 11/B - (1) Annex SK 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) Scholarships specified in Articles 6, 7,8, 9 and 11/A are complementary and it does not burden the scholarship holder with any financial liability.


    Duration and Termination of Scholarships
    ARTICLE 12-
     (1) (Change 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26) The duration for scholarship is the maximum education period of the enrolled program.
    (2) (Deleted 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26)  
    (3) (Deleted 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26
    (4) (Changed 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26) The scholarships will be terminated in the event of:
    a) (Deleted 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26)
    b) (Deleted 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26)
    c) Receiving a suspension from the school for at least one semester.
    ç) (Changed SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) (Change 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26) Lowering the cumulative GPA below 2.70 over 4.00 at the end of two semesters for the master’s program, and below 3.00 for doctoral program enrolled.
    d) (Deleted 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26
    e) (Deleted 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26)
    f) (Deleted 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26)
    g) (Deleted 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26)
    ğ) Termination of contract with the University for research and teaching assistants, and technical and administrative personnel receiving scholarship.
    h) (Changed 17.09.2019 SK 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26) Termination of projects of students receiving Education and Research Support Scholarship, or termination of their maximum education period for scholarship.
    (5) (Changed 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26) Those, whose scholarships are terminated due to termination of contract, can benefit from another scholarship providing they meet the requirements specified in this regulation.


    Special terms
    ARTICLE 13-
     (1) (Changed SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) (Change 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26) Students who are enrolled in courses in special student status at Izmir University of Economics are not granted scholarships.


    ARTICLE 14- (1) (Deleted  SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)



    (Section number and title added SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)


    Discounts (Title changed SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)
    ARTICLE 15- (1) (Change SD 24.01.2018/ 331-A12 -BTD 06.02.2018-40) Discounts are offered on terms specified below;
    a) (Changed SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) (Changed SD 24.01.2018/ 331-A12 -BTD 06.02.2018-40) Family Member Discount of 10% is given to parents (mother-father), children, and spouses of students studying in graduate, undergraduate, and associate programs of Izmir University of Economics at the same time. This discount does not apply to summer school fees or dormitory fees. In the event of one of the scholarship holders leaving the University, the discount for the continuing member will be terminated in the following semester.

    b) (Changed SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)  (Changed SD 22.01.2020/ 381-A5 -BTD 18.02.2020-35)  (Changed SD 24.01.2018/ 331-A12 -BTD 06.02.2018-40)  (Changed SD 20.12.2017-328/15-BTD 02.01.2018-39) Discount of 25% is given to IUE Graduates, or Discounts for Students Who Studied at IUE for Four Semesters is applied to students, who enrolled to post-graduate programs at the University and graduated from any undergraduate program of IUE and those, who have studied at IUE for at least four semesters consecutively or intermittently except for the summer semester, upon request.

    c) (Changed SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) (Changed 17.09.2019 SK 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26) (Change SD 26.12.2018-355-A/26-BTD 08.01.2019-15) (Changed SD 7.11.2018-351-A/11-BTD 26.11.2018-12) (Changed SD 20.12.2017-328/15-BTD 02.01.2018-39) “Academic Merit Discount for IUE Graduates” at the rate of 50% is applied to students, who meet the requirements for academic merit discount during their undergraduate study, and are admitted to graduate programs at IUE, for a period of maximum education period of the enrolled program for one time only. Students, who graduate from the graduate program they enrolled with “Academic Merit Discount for IUE Graduates”, cannot benefit from this discount again. The period of deferred registration, for students with justified and valid reasons, is added to their discount period.

    ç) (Changed SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) (Changed SD 24.01.2018/ 331-A12 -BTD 06.02.2018-40) Discount of those who benefit from the discount of IUE (Izmir University of Economics) and IZTO (Izmir Chamber of Commerce) Members at the rate of 25% is applied to members, their spouses and children of Izmir Chamber of Commerce, and Izmir University of Economics permanent academic and administrative personnel, their spouses and children, who continue postgraduate programs at the University.

    d) (Changed SD 05.02.2025-574-2025/04-C/1, BTD 11.02.2025-97) (Changed SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) (Changed SD 24.01.2018/ 331-A12 -BTD 06.02.2018-40) Discount in tuition fees at the rate of 15% is applied to spouses and children, and employees of business owners or partners, who enrolled to post-graduate programs at the University, that are affiliated to Izmir Chamber of Commerce.

    e) (Changed SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) (Changed SD 24.01.2018/ 331-A12 -BTD 06.02.2018-40) Discount in tuition fees at the rate of 25% is applied to Research and Development personnel employed at companies located at Izmir Bilimpark.

    f) (Changed 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26)  (Changed SD 24.01.2018/ 331-A12 -BTD 06.02.2018-40) Discount in tuition fees, at specific rates deemed suitable by the Board of Trustees, can be applied to groups from the same institution who enrolled to post graduate programs of Izmir University of Economics within their maximum education period.

    g) (Deleted, changed in order SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)

    ğ) (Additional subparagraph SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) A discount of 50% is given to one student, who is considered outstandingly successful in each graduate program with thesis offered, following the evaluation made at the end of the fall semester of each academic year, one student from each program if they meet the following conditions upon the recommendation by the Division and the approval of the Graduate School Administrative Board:
    1) Beginning the course stage of the program, in which they enrolled, in the fall semester of the relevant academic year,
    2) Having taken at least 30 ECTS courses in the fall semester of the program in which they enrolled, and receiving a grade point average of 3.75 and higher,
    3) Not having received any disciplinary action in the relevant semesters subject to academic merit discount,
    4) Not currently receiving a 100% Tuition Fee Scholarship or 50% Merit Scholarship discount.

    h) (Additional subparagraph SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) If there is more than one student who fulfills the following conditions in a graduate program with thesis, the relevant Division determines the student with the highest-grade point average among these students and recommends that student to the Graduate School Administrative Board. As a result of the evaluation made at the end of the fall semester, students, who have been entitled to a discount for the following spring semester, if they have taken at least 60 ECTS courses in the spring semester and their overall academic grade point average is 3.75 and higher, are offered the same rate of discount provided that they are enrolled in the thesis course in the following two semesters and receive a grade of P from the thesis course.

    (2) (Deleted, changed in order SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)

    (3) (Deleted, changed in order SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)

    (4) (Deleted, changed in order SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)

    (5) (Deleted, changed in order SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)

    Applications, Duration and Termination of Discounts (Additional article SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)
    ARTICLE 15/A- (1) (Additional paragraph SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) Discounts are applied for within a maximum 5 working days after the last day of course registration dates announced on the academic calendar. Applications made after this date are considered for the following semester. Tuition fees paid for previous semester(s) are not refunded or appropriated.

    (2) (Additional paragraph SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) The discounts are valid in maximum education period, and for in foreign language preparatory and scientific preparatory programs (if applicable). The discounts do not apply to summer schools and dormitory fees.

    (3) (Additional paragraph SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) Discounts for recipients of corporate discount will be terminated starting from the following semester in the event of their corporate relations specified in Article 15 being terminated. Students, whose corporate discount is terminated, can apply for another discount providing they meet the requirements specified in this regulation.

    Various and Final Provisions

    (Section number and title added SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)


    ARTICLE 15/B- (Additional article SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) (1) Students, who are awarded more than one scholarship or discount, can benefit from the one with the highest amount and most extensive scholarship/discount.


    Continuity of Scholarships
    ARTICLE 16-
     (Change SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) (1) The academic performances of scholarship holders are evaluated at the end of each semester by the Graduate School Administration and the Rector’s Office is notified whether the scholarship should continue or not.
    (2) (Deleted, changed in order SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.202


    General Provisions (Additional Article SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56)
    ARTICLE 16A- (Additional paragraph SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) (1) In case of disasters and epidemics, postgraduate students in thesis stage may be given an additional semester upon their request, in case of re-application, based on the phase of the disaster or epidemic, one more semester, a maximum period of two semesters may be given. These additional periods given are also added to the duration of scholarships/discounts.


    ARTICLE 17
    - (1) This Regulation takes effect on the date it is approved by the Board of Trustees.

    ARTICLE 18-
    (1) The Rector of the Izmir University of Economics enforces the provisions of this Regulation.

    PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 1-(1) (Added SD 24.04.2019/361-8- 17.05.2019/20-) 1- This appropriation process specified in item five of Article 15 of this Regulation shall be effective as of 2019-2020 Academic Year.

    PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 2-(1) (Added 17.09.2019 SD 371-A/4-BTD 26.09.2019-26)  The terms specified in Article 11 of this Regulation, which include Izmir University of Economics full-time personnel having worked at least for two years to be eligible to apply, serving at the University after they graduate for the period they spent in their graduate program, and not being able to attend the courses/programs that take place during office hours, is valid for those who enrolled in 2019-2020 academic year spring semester and afterwards. 

    PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 3- (Additional Article SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) (1) (Additional paragraph 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) In accordance with Article 11 of Izmir University of Economics Graduate Degree Education Bylaw published in the Official Gazette dated November 28, 2016, and numbered 29902, which has been repealed, tuition fees paid by students in special student status, who were admitted to graduate programs after taking courses as a special student status shall be appropriated for:
    a) (Additional subparagraph SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) the fourth semester fee, which is the last semester of regular education period of master’s program with thesis if they enroll in master’s programs with thesis,
    b) (Additional subparagraph SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) the second semester fee, which is the last semester of regular education period of master’s program without thesis if they enroll in master’s programs without thesis,
    c) (Additional subparagraph SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) the eighth-semester fee, which is the last semester of regular education period of doctoral program if they are enrolled in doctoral programs, and
    ç) (Additional subparagraph SD 28.07.2021-442/23-BTD 03.08.2021-56) the tenth semester fee, which is the last semester of regular education period of integrated doctoral program if they are enrolled in integrated doctoral programs.

    PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 4- (Article Added SD 05.02.2025-574-2025/04-C/1, BTD 11.02.2025-97)  (1) The changes made in subparagraph d of the first paragraph of Article 15 of this regulation covers students who started studying in graduate programs in the 2025-2026 academic year and after. Discount in tuition fees at the rate of 25% is continued to be applied to spouses and children, and employees of business owners or partners, who enrolled to post-graduate programs at the University before the 2025-2026 academic year, that are affiliated to TOBB.

    This regulation takes effect upon the decision of the Senate dated 22.11.2016 and numbered 298/A4 and Board of Trustees dated 06.12.2016 and numbered 25.






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