İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi


    Department of Undergraduate English Program


    Purpose and Scope
    Article 1- The purpose of this regulation is to set out the general rules regarding the implementation and assessment of "IUE 301 Civic and Environmental Engagement Projects I" and "IUE 302 Civic and Environmental Engagement Projects II" courses that will be offered as elective courses to all undergraduate students throughout the University.

    Article 2- "Advisory Board", “Assessment Board” and “Civic and Environmental Engagement Projects Coordinatorship" is established by the Rectorate for the coordination and implementation of these courses.

    Advisory Board
    Article 3- This board is chaired by the Rector and it gathers leading names who are actively engaged in activities for the benefit of society and environment, and the representatives of local administrations and professional associations invited by the Rector every year.
    The Advisory Board convenes at least once a year.
    The Board identifies medium and long term strategies in line with the social, environmental, and current needs; delivers opinions and suggestions regarding next year’s course of action and main themes of applicable project.

     Assessment Board:
    Article 4- The Project Assessment Board is chaired by the Vice Rector in charge of Academic Affairs, and it gathers coordinator, faculty members, specialized in different disciplines, assigned by the Rector to assess the legal, financial, administrative, technical, social, and ethical aspects of the projects, and representatives from EU Education, Training and Youth Programs National Agency.
    The Project proposals and outcomes are assessed by the Project Assessment Board.

     Coordinatorship and Duties:
    Article 5- These courses are conducted by a coordinatorship assigned by the Rectorate. The Coordinatorship consists of coordinator, vice-coordinator, administrative personnel, and consultant supervisors.

    The coordinator is assigned by the Rector for three years among the faculty members who have at least lecturer competencies, and is relieved of duty the same way.

    The vice coordinator is assigned by the Rector among the faculty members who have at least an undergraduate degree.

    Supervisors are chosen by the coordinator among the students, who have successfully completed the course before or performed studies in this area.

    The students, who take this course, choose the project they want to work on, co-design the project with civil society organizations they will work with and with other team members, and conduct their project under the guidance of the supervisors.  Although the projects are structured within the frame of the instructional program, due to their nature, they are open to individual contributions and can be claimed by the project members.

    Article 6- The coordinator is responsible for the following duties:
    a.    Ensures the updates of the course syllabus by working with the Assessment Board.
    b.    Specifies the web site content of the course and keeps it updated.
    c.    Follows up on the administrative and technical procedures regarding the course; handles correspondences regarding project implementations, leaves, meetings, confidentiality agreements, etc.
    d.    Organizes the teams, equipment, technical support, location, and transportation, etc. for conducting the course.
    e.    Keeps track of the attendance and transfers this information to the system.
    f.    Enters students’ grades, collects progress reports, and submits them to the Assessment Board.
    g.    Informs all internal and external partners about the content and running of the course, and any planned projects within the course, and conducts promotional activities.
    h.    Prepares the course file at the end of each semester and submits the course assessment report to the Rectorate and the Advisory Board.

    Course Implementation and Evaluation
    Article 7- Civic and Environmental Engagement Projects I-II courses are conducted within the principles specified below:
     a.    These courses will be offered as elective courses to all undergraduate students throughout the University.
     b.    These courses can be taken as off-faculty or social elective courses.
     c.    In order to take IEU 302 course, students need to score at least ‘BB’ in IEU 301 course.
     d.    Theoretical parts of the courses will take place at the University, while the project implementation will take place on-site.
     e.    Students separate into project groups for the projects to be conducted as part of IEU 302 course, and a supervisor is assigned for each group. The project is conducted under the guidance and supervision of the supervisor.
     f.    The project groups submit their project proposals and outcomes to the Assessment Board during the semester on a date specified in the syllabus.
     g.   The groups submit their progress reports to the coordinator after the approval of their project proposals.
     h.   Among the evaluation criteria of the course, in-group evaluation criteria is also used. In in-group evaluation, each student evaluates the other members of the group based on the following criteria:  "participation in group and field studies", "analysing and research, "working in harmony", "generating and sharing ideas", "entrepreneurship", "generating resources", "and communication with partners", "application skills" etc.
     i.   The Assessment Board assesses the project proposals in terms of sustainability, applicability, consistency with the objective of the course, and the anticipated common effect on the target groups/beneficiaries.
    j.    A supervisor is assigned for each project group to guide and monitor. The assignment and working principles for supervisors are determined by the Senate.
     k.    The coordinator is informed about the grades, specified by the Assessment Board, and in-group assessments at the end of each semester. The coordinator then enters the final grades, which are determined based on the evaluation rates of the course, into the OASIS Student Information System.
    l.    Grade objections are reviewed by the Coordinator.
    m.    Students, who successfully complete both courses, are awarded “Izmir University of Economics Civic and Environmental Volunteer Certificate” by the Rectorate.
     n.    “Civic and Environmental Engagement Projects” are exhibited at the end of each academic year. The most successful project of the year, co-decided by Advisory Board and Assessment Board, is given an award at the Graduation Ceremony.
     o.    Students, who fail in either of the IEU 301-302 courses, are not allowed to take the respective course again. They may take another elective course instead.
    Article 8- This Regulation takes effect on the date it is approved by the University Senate being valid from the beginning of 2013-2014 Academic year.
    Article 9- The Rector of the Izmir University of Economics enforces the provisions of this Regulation.

    This regulation takes effect upon the decision of the Senate dated 17.12.2012 and 201/A10 number and Borad of Trustees dated 12.02.2013 and numbered 30.





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