ARTICLE 1- The purpose of this regulation is to set out the general rules regarding “Overseas Experience Program” that is established to enable full time academic teaching staff of Izmir University of Economics, who does not have long-term overseas experience, to go overseas.
Izmir University of Economics, based on its internationalization goals, encourages its academic personnel to attend Overseas Experience Program within the bounds of possibility of the University. Participation in this program cannot disrupt education and training activities within the University.
ARTICLE 2- This regulation has been established in accordance with Article 39 of Higher Education Law No: 2547 and provisions of respective regulations of Izmir University of Economics.
ARTICLE 3- The references in this regulation are as follows;
University/IUE: Izmir University of Economics,
Board of Trustees: The Board of Trustees Izmir University of Economics,
Rector: The Rector of Izmir University of Economics,
Vice Rector: The Vice Rectors of Izmir University of Economics,
Dean: The Deans of Faculties affiliated with the University,
Director: Directors of Graduate schools affiliated with the University,
Department Head: The Heads of Departments affiliated with faculties or schools,
International Institutions: Institutions that states or international organizations are affiliated to.
Who Can Apply
ARTICLE 4- Faculty members, who have been continuously engaged in education-training activities at the university for at least three years that do not have an overseas experience for a total of 1 academic year for purposes of education, scientific review-research and/or studies on areas regarding the scientific area at institutions or organizations stated in article 9 of this regulation.
ARTICLE 5- The university will be paying the salaries of the faculty members to be assigned overseas as part of this program during their time at overseas.
Faculty members participating in this program are assumed to have fulfilled the requirement of publishing during the time of arrival from overseas as stated in the contract.
In the event of receiving support from national and international organizations such as TUBITAK, TUBA, NSF, FULBRIGHT, etc. during this time, salaries of the assigned faculty members will continue to be paid in full. In the event of transportation expenses not being paid by any organization or institution, faculty members will be provided a round-trip ticket for one time only.
Beneficiaries of this program may be allowed to travel to and stay in Turkey for up to 7 days maximum in obligatory cases (Associate Professorship exam, family and medical reasons, etc.). Any time that extends this period will be deducted from their salaries. The University needs to be notified within one week of entry and exit of Turkey.
Program Length
ARTICLE 6- Faculty members may benefit from Overseas Experience Program for minimum of 5 months and maximum of 10 months. Faculty members, who wish to return home before completing the minimum staying period for reasons other than compelling reasons such as a medical reason, or death of an immediate family members, etc. will be asked to refund the payments made to him for the period of staying overseas.
The period of assignment may be extended at a rate of one fifth of the period of assignment without a pay upon the recommendation of the respective faculty dean and approval of the Rector.
Application Process
ARTICLE 7- Following processes take place for faculty members who wish to attend Overseas Experience Program:
a) Applications are accepted twice a year; once in March or in October. The claimant needs to submit a written notice to the respective Department Head/Faculty Dean no later than the end of office hours on the last Friday of March or October.
b) The written notice needs to include the purpose of the study, any planned scientific activities or professional activities to be conducted at the university/institution/organization intended to be visited; preliminary studies regarding this; reason(s) why that place was chosen; how it will affect academic, pedagogical, or professional development; and its contributions to the University or the country in details.
c) Assignments for Overseas Experience Program cannot disrupt education and training activities in the respective unit. Applications are assessed by the respective Department Head/Faculty Dean/Graduate School Director by taking that into consideration. The fact about education and training activities not being disrupted within the assignment period at overseas has to be confirmed with the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board upon the recommendation of the respective Department Head/Faculty Dean. In the event of the application being acceptable, the application folder is submitted to the Rector’s Office with the decision of the respective Faculty or Graduate School.
Application Folder
ARTICLE 8- Following documents need to be included in the application folder:
Host Institution Eligibility
ARTICLE 9- Faculty members are expected to be assigned at universities or institutions with below qualifications:
Selection Criteria
ARTICLE 10- In determining the academic personnel to be assigned at overseas, those who receive scholarships and projects from scientific national or international funding institutions such as TUBITAK, TUBA, NSF, and FULBRIGHT, are given priority.
In the event of equality in the assessment results of candidates, the actual length of service of the candidate in Izmir University of Economics is taken into account.
Assessment Committee
ARTICLE 11- The applications of faculty members to benefit from Overseas Experience Program who are recommended by the respective academic units, are assessed by an Assessment Committee chaired by the Vice Rector in charge of Academic Affairs where one representative from each faculty is assigned by the Rector.
The following criteria are taken into account when assessing the applications for Overseas Experience Program:
The Assessment Committee informs the Rector about the assessment results. After being discussed at the University Administrative Board, the issue is taken to the Board of Trustees for approval of assignments.
Finalizing the Applications
ARTICLE 12- The assessment process of the applications are finalized within two months the most following the deadline for applications, and the applicants are notified about the results by the Rectorate.
ARTICLE 13- Faculty members assigned overseas are asked to sign a commitment letter stating that they would be performing duties at the University for as long as the time they spent overseas.
A “Bill of Undertaking and Bill of Joint Debtor and Solidary Suretyship” is prepared for faculty members to be assigned overseas totalling up to their gross salaries for the period of service previous to their overseas assignment.
Faculty members are required to pay the University the indemnity twice the amount of their salary that accrues to the period of compulsory service not performed in the event of faculty member not reporting to work within one month or quit work before fulfilling the commitment of service.
The beneficiaries of this program are required to submit a detailed report to the respective Deanship or Directorate based on the study program at the end of their assignment. The report should include detailed information on the studies conducted and outcomes by making references to the objectives stated in the application letter. The report is sent to the Rectorate along with a letter including the opinions of the respective Dean or the Director.
ARTICLE 14- The budget for Overseas Experience Program is determined by the Board of Trustees each year. The Rector’s/Senate’s suggestion regarding how many of the faculty members may be sent overseas for that year is taken into consideration in determining the program budget.
Other Provisions
ARTICLE 15- The Board of Trustees is entitled to make a decision about faculty members with PH. D. degree to benefit from Overseas Experience Program within the budget upon the recommendation of the Rectorate.
ARTICLE 16- This Regulation takes effect on the date it is approved by the Board of Trustees.
ARTICLE 17- The Rector of the Izmir University of Economics enforces the provisions of this Regulation.
Application Form for Overseas Experience Program
This regulation takes effect upon the decision of the Senate dated 20.02.2014 and numbered 222/A4 and Board of Trustees dated 03.03.2014 and numbered 44.
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