İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi


    Department of Undergraduate English Program



    Purpose, Scope, Basis, and Definitions


    ARTICLE 1 – (1) The purpose of this Bylaw is to set out the general rules and principles regarding the graduate degree programs carried out by the Graduate School affiliated to Izmir University of Economics.


    ARTICLE 2 – (1) This Bylaw includes provisions on graduate degree programs (Masters and Ph.D. programs) carried out by the Graduate School affiliated to Izmir University of Economics.


    ARTICLE 3 – (1) This Bylaw has been prepared in accordance with item (c) of Article 44 of Higher Education Law No: 2547, dated November 4, 1981.


    ARTICLE 4 – (1) The references in this Bylaw are as follows;

    a) Active student: Student who benefits from the right to be a student by fulfilling the compulsory payment obligations and course registrations on the dates announced by the University,

    b) ECTS: European Credit Transfer System,

    c) ALES: (Changed OG 03.05.2021-31473)Maximum period: Regardless of whether the registration is renewed or not for each semester, four semesters for the English preparatory class, two semesters for the scientific preparation program, three semesters for the non-thesis master's program, six semesters for the master's program with thesis, twelve semesters for the Ph.D. program and fourteen semesters for the Ph.D. program after undergraduate degree,

    ç) Maximum period: Regardless of whether the registration is renewed or not for each semester, four semesters for the English preparatory class, four semesters for the scientific preparation program, three semesters for the non-thesis master's program, six semesters for the master's program with thesis, twelve semesters for the Ph.D. program and fourteen semesters for the Ph.D. program after undergraduate degree,

    d) Total Course Credits: The product by multiplying the ECTS credit hour of any course included in the grade point average with the coefficient that corresponds to the grade the student is awarded with,

    e) SGPA: Semester Grade Point Average,

    f) DQE: Doctoral Qualifying Exam

    g) DGS: Division of Graduate School,

    ğ) HDGS: Head of Division of Graduate School,

    h) Graduate School Board (GSB): Board of Graduate School affiliated to Izmir University of Economics,

    ı) Graduate School Administrative Board (GSAB): Administrative Board of Graduate School affiliated to Izmir University of Economics,

    i) Graduate School: Graduate School affiliated to Izmir University of Economics,

    j) GMAT: The International Graduate Management Admission Test,

    k) GPA: Grade Point Average,

    l) GRE: The International Graduate Record Examination,

    m) Plagiarism: Taking and using the thoughts, methods, data or works of others consciously or unconsciously without declaring and referring to the source of information and presenting them as their own opinion and work,

    n) Optional preparatory class: The foreign language education that the students will receive upon their request before the first semester of the program in which the language of instruction is completely Turkish.

    o) PIE: IUE School of Foreign Languages Proficiency in English Exam (IUE-PIE),

    ö) Graduate program: Master’s with/out thesis and PhD programs,

    p) Board of Trustees: Board of Trustees of Izmir University of Economics,

    r) Regular education period: Regardless of whether the registration is renewed or not for each semester, two semesters for the English preparatory class, two semesters for the scientific preparation program, two semesters for the non-thesis master's program, four semesters for the master's program with thesis, eight semesters for the Ph.D. program and ten semesters for the Ph.D. program after undergraduate degree,

    s) Academic staff: Faculty members, lecturers and instructors,

    ş) Faculty member: Full-time academic staff at the university who work as assistant professors and higher titles,

    t) OSYM: Measurement, Selection and Placement Center,

    u) Inactive student: Student who cannot benefit from the right to be a student due to failing to fulfil the compulsory payment obligations and course registrations on the dates announced by the University,

    ü) Rector: The Rector of Izmir University of Economics,

    v) Senate: The Senate of Izmir University of Economics,

    y) TMC: PhD Thesis Monitoring Committee

    z) Transcript: Detailed record of courses taken during the education period.

    aa) TUS: Graduate Studies Examination in Medicine,

    bb) University (IUE): Izmir University of Economics,

    cc) University Administrative Board: Administrative Board of Izmir University of Economics,

    çç) SFL: School of Foreign Languages of  Izmir University of Economics,

    dd) CoHE: Council of Higher Education.


    Student Admissions and Registrations

    Quotas and Admission Requirements

    ARTICLE 5 – (1) The quotas of students to be admitted to graduate programs are determined by the Senate upon the proposal of GSB by taking the number of faculty members, who can work in graduate programs determined by the Council of Higher Education, and the number of students per current faculty member into account in a way that allows thesis advisory for a maximum of fourteen students per faculty member for master's with thesis and PhD programs, and thesis advisory for a maximum of sixteen students per faculty member for master's programs without thesis excluding master's with thesis and PhD programs. However, this quota can be increased up to 50% for graduate programs carried out within the scope of the protocol made with the Council of Higher Education and within the framework of university-industry cooperation.

    (2) Graduates of which programs can apply to graduate programs and other requirements are determined by the Senate upon the proposal of the GSB.

    Applications and Students Admissions

    ARTICLE 6 – (1) A candidate must have an undergraduate diploma in order to be admitted to a master’s program.

    (2) In admission to master’s programs with thesis, the candidate must have received a sufficient score (in the type of score applied for) determined by the Senate, not to be less than the minimum score specified by CoHE in ALES or exams that are deemed equivalent. However, ALES requirement is not mandated;

    a) in admission of students to the divisions of the Graduate School for conservatory programs and the programs of the faculties fine art and design that only accept students with special aptitude exam,

    b) in admission of students who are graduates of PhD/ proficiency in arts / specialization in medicine/ dentistry / veterinary / pharmacy.

    (3) In admission to master’s programs without thesis, the ALES score or equivalent score requirement is not mandated. Other requirements for admission to master’s programs (grade point average, a written scientific assessment and/or interview result and such) are determined by the Senate upon the proposal of the relevant DGS, and recommendation of GSB.

    (4) In order for a candidate to be admitted to a Ph.D. program, s/he must have;

    a) an undergraduate diploma or master’s with thesis diploma,

    b) obtained minimum GPA of 3.00/4.00 or its equivalent accepted by CoHE, if applied with an undergraduate degree,

    c) received a sufficient score (in the type of score applied for) determined by the Senate, not to be less than the minimum score specified by CoHE in ALES or exams that are deemed equivalent.  However, ALES requirement is not mandated in admission of students to PhD programs who are graduates of PhD/ proficiency in arts / specialization in medicine/ dentistry / veterinary / pharmacy.

    ç) obtained a score specified by CoHE, in foreign language exams accepted by CoHE and in equivalent international foreign language exams administered in languages other than their native language or a score equal to this score in equivalent international foreign language exams accepted by OSYM, or a score determined by the Senate not to be less than these minimum scores,

    d) In order for faculty of medicine graduate to be admitted to a Ph. D. program in basic medical sciences, s/he must have obtained an undergraduate diploma and obtained a score in basic medicine in TUS determined by the Senate not to be less than the minimum score identified by CoHE, or numerical score in ALES, or GRE or GMAT both of which are accepted as the equivalent of ALES, identified by the Senate not to be less than the minimum score identified by CoHE.

    e) In order for a candidate who is not a graduate of faculty of medicine to be admitted to a Ph. D. program, s/he must have obtained a graduate diploma (undergraduate diploma in faculties of dentistry and veterinary medicine) and obtained a numerical score in ALES, or GRE or GMAT both of which are accepted as the equivalent of ALES, identified by the Senate not to be less than the minimum score identified by CoHE.

    f) In order for a candidate to be admitted to a Ph. D. program in basic medical sciences, s/he must have obtained a score of minimum of 55 points in foreign language exams accepted by CoHE and in equivalent international foreign language exams administered in languages other than their native language, or a score equal to this score in equivalent international foreign language exams accepted by OSYM, or a score identified by the Senate in case these scores are increased based on the qualifications of the programs.

    (5) ALES score requirement is not mandated in admission of students to the divisions of the Graduate School for conservatory programs and the programs of the faculties fine art and design that only accept students with special aptitude exam ALES score can be mandated only with a Senate decision. If ALES score is required, the base score is determined by the Senate.

    (6) Other requirements for admission to PhD programs (grade point average, a written scientific assessment and/or interview result and such) are determined by the Senate upon the proposal of the relevant DGS, and recommendation of GSB.

    Evaluation of the Applications

    ARTICLE 7 – (1) Candidates applying for graduate programs must meet all requirements determined by the Senate upon the proposal of the relevant DGS, and recommendation of GSB and document them in order for their applications to be evaluated. Applications of candidates with missing documents required for application will not be evaluated.

    (2) In evaluation of applications for master’s programs with thesis, only ALES score, not to be less than the minimum score identified by CoHE, or equivalent exam scores, as well as undergraduate  grade point average, written scientific assessment and/or interview result can be additionally determined by the Senate upon the proposal of the relevant DGS, and recommendation of GSB.

    (3) In evaluation of applications for master’s programs without thesis in formal or distance education undergraduate grade point average, written scientific assessment and/or interview result and their weights are determined by the Senate upon the proposal of the DGS, and recommendation of GSB.

    (4) In evaluation of applications for PhD programs, basic medical score or ALES score, or equivalent exam scores, and their weights, not to be less than the minimum score identified by CoHE, as well as undergraduate grade point average (if necessary) and/or graduate grade point average,  written scientific assessment and/or interview result are determined by the Senate upon the proposal of the DGS, and recommendation of GSB.

    (5) In evaluation of applications to PhD programs of candidates who are graduates of PhD/ proficiency in arts / specialization in medicine/ dentistry / veterinary / pharmacy ALES requirement is not mandated, and following requirements apply to these candidates:

    a) Regardless of the type of score at the admission to the graduate program or specialty, the score determined by the Senate and announced in the requirements of the relevant program, not to be less than 55 and more than 75, is taken into account.

    b) These candidates can apply for type of score they have previously obtained or in a field different from the doctorate / proficiency in art / specialty.

    c) The score announced is included in the calculations as ALES score regardless of the type of score.

    (6) Basic medical score in basic medical sciences is calculated by multiplying the standard points obtained in test 1 in basic medical sciences in TUS by 0.7 and multiplying the standard points obtained in clinical medicine test by 0.3 and adding these two scores. Students can be admitted only by basic medical score or ALES score.

    (7) Applications for graduate programs are evaluated by admissions juries consisting of at least three faculty members formed by the relevant DGS within itself.

    (8) The admissions jury makes proposals about the admission of candidates to the program by evaluating according to the criteria determined by the Senate.

    (9) Final admission list and waiting list are prepared upon the approval of the recommendations of the jury by the respective GSAB and results are announced to the candidates.

    International Admissions

    ARTICLE 8 – (1) Rules and procedures, regarding the admission of foreign national candidates and citizens of Republic of Turkey who completed their entire undergraduate education abroad, are determined by the Senate

    Admissions Through Transfer

    ARTICLE 9 – (1) The quotas, admission requirements, evaluation criteria, course equivalencies and other requirements for transfer to graduate programs from universities abroad or other domestic universities, or within the University (among the other graduate programs in IUE or among the thesis and non-thesis programs of the same name in IUE), are determined according to the principles determined by the Senate.

    Special Student Admissions

    ARTICLE 10 – (1) Students enrolled in a graduate program at a higher education institution can be accepted as special students for graduate courses if they meet their financial obligations at IUE with the approval of the DGS in the higher education institution they are enrolled in. A transcript, showing the courses they have registered in, and the grades they have received, can be given to these students on their demand. This document does not substitute for the diploma or show any academic degree.

    (2) Students enrolled in a graduate program at IUE who meets his / her financial obligations for the relevant semester, can take courses from a graduate program at another higher education institution as special student with the approval of the relevant DGS and decision of GSAB. Special student application terms, course taking terms, how the grade of the course taken will be reflected and credit equivalence, special student period and other additional terms, if any, are determined by the Senate upon the proposal of the GSB. During this period, the enrollment of the student at the University continues and this period is included in the maximum education period.


    Principles Regarding Education

    Taking Courses from Other Higher Education Institutions and Student Exchange

    ARTICLE 11 – (1) IUE sends and receives students to and from universities that it has agreement with for a period of one or two semesters in accordance with the agreement between IUE and other higher education institutions or as part of student exchange programs. During this period, the enrollment of the student at the University continues and this period is included in the maximum education period.

    Medium of Instruction and Foreign Language Proficiency

    ARTICLE 12 – (1) The medium of instruction at the University’s graduate programs is English. However, the courses or programs to be conducted in Turkish or partially / completely in another foreign language are determined by the Senate, the Board of Trustees is informed and conducted in the relevant language by obtaining the approval of CoHE.

    (2) Compulsory English preparatory class is opened in graduate programs to be conducted partially or completely in English.

    (3) Professional foreign language courses can be offered in programs where medium of instruction is entirely Turkish. Compulsory English preparatory classes cannot be opened in these programs, but optional English preparatory classes can be opened with the decision of the Senate.

    (4) Candidates must document their proficiency in English for application to Ph.D. programs. Foreign language proficiency requirements for Turkish national candidates applying at Ph.D. programs are specified at clause four, item (ç) of Article 6 and for foreign national candidates applying at Ph.D. programs are specified at Article 8 of this Bylaw.

    (5) Provisions regarding the exemption of students from the foreign language placement and proficiency exam are determined by the Senate.

    Academic Year

    ARTICLE 13 – (1) An academic year consists of fourteen-week (seventy business days) fall and spring semesters, excluding the end of semester exams. The Senate may extend or shorten the length of the semesters if it deems necessary. Summer school can be opened when necessary. Instruction may be offered in three semesters in one academic year with the approval of the CoHE.

    (2) The duration and dates of the registration, course, exam and similar activities in an academic year are arranged by the academic calendar.

    (3) Weekly schedules of courses in semesters and summer school are organized and announced by the Graduate School upon the recommendation of HDGS.

    (4) If necessary, classes and exams may be conducted after office hours during the week and/or on Saturdays and Sundays.

    Scientific Preparatory Program

    ARTICLE 14 – (1) Student, who received their masters or Ph. D. degrees in fields other than the masters or Ph.D. fields they have been admitted to, and students, who received their masters or Ph.D. degrees in higher education institutions other than IUE, may have to attend scientific preparatory program in order to make up for shortages. 

    (2) During the scientific preparatory program, the student may take courses related to the graduate program that he/she is admitted to upon the recommendation of the DGS with the approval of GSAB. The courses that will be taken by graduate program students during scientific preparatory program are determined by the advisor among the courses in undergraduate and/or graduate level.

    (3) The credits of the courses taken in scientific preparatory program cannot be used in the graduate program that the student is admitted to and they are not taken into consideration while calculating the GPA of the courses that take place in the graduate programs. Mandatory courses to be taken in scientific preparatory program, cannot substitute for courses required to complete the graduate program.

    (4) In order for a master’s program student admitted to the scientific preparatory program to start the program that he/she has applied to, the student should have completed all the scientific preparatory program courses with at least CC grade and with at least 2.00 GPA. Student, who fails to meet this requirement, is dismissed from the University.

    (5) In order for a Ph.D. program student admitted to the scientific preparatory program to start the program that he/she has applied to, the student should have completed all the scientific preparatory program courses with at least CB grade and with at least 2.50 GPA. Student, who fails to meet this requirement, is dismissed from the University.

    Education Period

    ARTICLE 15 – (1) The preparatory class education period is a maximum of four semesters in programs that provide education partially or completely in a foreign language. The period spent in the preparatory class is not included in the maximum education period of the master's or PhD program. Student, who fails to complete the preparatory class successfully in two years, is dismissed from the University.

    (2) The maximum duration of the scientific preparatory program is two semesters. Summer education is not included in this period. The period spent in the preparatory class is not included in the maximum education period of the master's or PhD program. Student, who fails to complete the scientific preparatory class successfully at the end of these periods, is dismissed from the University.

    (3) Period of education in master’s programs with thesis is four semesters, excluding the period spent in scientific preparatory and foreign language preparatory program. It begins from the semester when the courses of the registered program start and is completed in maximum of six semesters regardless of registration being renewed for each semester. 

    (4) Students, who cannot successfully complete the credited courses and seminar course in the instruction plan of master’s programs with thesis at the end of four semesters, or cannot fulfill the success requirements anticipated by the University within this period; fail at thesis studies or fail to defend thesis within maximum periods, are dismissed from the University.

    (5) Period of education in non-thesis master programs is minimum of two semesters, excluding the period spent in scientific preparatory and foreign language preparatory program. It begins from the semester when the courses of the registered program start and is completed in maximum of three semesters regardless of registration being renewed for each semester. Student, who fails or fail to complete the program, is dismissed from the University.

    (6) Period of education in Ph.D. programs for those admitted with graduate degree with thesis is eight semesters, excluding the period spent in scientific preparatory program. It begins from the semester when the courses of the registered program start and is completed in maximum of twelve semesters regardless of registration being renewed for each semester.  It is ten semesters for those admitted with undergraduate degree and is completed in maximum of fourteen semesters.

    (7) In Ph.D. programs, the maximum education period for completing the credited courses successfully for those admitted with graduate degree with thesis is four semesters, and for those admitted with undergraduate degree is six semesters. Those, who fail to complete their credited courses successfully or obtain the grade point average required for graduation within this period, are dismissed from the University.

    (8) Students, who successfully complete the credited courses, pass the doctoral qualifying exam, and whose doctoral thesis proposal is accepted, but cannot complete their thesis by the end of twelve or fourteen semesters as specified in item six, are dismissed from the University.

    (9) Students, who are admitted to Ph. D. programs with undergraduate degree are issued non-thesis graduate degree diploma if they wish, if they fail to complete their credited courses successfully and/or fail to complete their thesis within maximum period, fail at doctoral thesis, given that they fulfilled non-thesis requirements such as credit load, project, and etc.

    (10) In disasters and epidemics, higher education institutions can give an additional semester to graduate students in thesis stage upon their request, and one more semester (period of up to two semesters most) if they apply again according to the stage of the disaster or epidemic. These additional periods are not included in the maximum period.

    Advisor Assignments

    ARTICLE 16 – (1) In master’s programs without thesis, an academic advisor is appointed by the HDGS for each student to help them with course selections and semester project among faculty members or a lecturer with Ph.D./specialty in medicine/competency in art based on the qualification specified by the Senate by the end of the first semester at the latest. 

    (2) In master’s programs with thesis or PhD programs, an academic advisor is appointed among faculty members by the respective HDGS for each student following their admission to the relevant program to help them with course selections. Lecturers can also be appointed as academic advisors based on the qualifications specified by the Senate. 

    (3) In master’s programs with thesis, HDGS recommends a thesis advisor for each student who has the qualifications to be specified by the Senate to the Graduate School by the end of the first semester at the latest, and recommends the subject of the thesis determined together with the student's advisor to the Graduate School by the end of the second semester the latest. Thesis advisor and thesis subject are finalized with the approval of GSAB. In the event of faculty members not being available at IUE based on the qualifications specified by the Senate, faculty member from another higher education institution can be selected by GSAB within the framework of the principles set by the Senate.

    (4) In cases, where more than one thesis advisor is needed due to the quality of the thesis in master’s programs with thesis, a second thesis advisor may also be appointed. Second thesis advisor may be appointed among IUE faculty members as well as among others (non IUE members) with at least Ph.D. /specialty in medicine/competency in art. The second thesis advisor is appointed at the latest until the end of the semester when the student is enrolled in the thesis course.

    (5) In PhD programs, HDGS recommends a thesis advisor among IUE faculty members for each student and the subject and title of the thesis determined together with the student's advisor to the Graduate School. Thesis advisor and thesis proposal are finalized with the approval of GSAB. It is mandatory to appoint a thesis advisor until the end of the second semester at the latest.

    (6) In PhD programs, thesis advisors are selected among faculty members based on the qualifications specified by the Senate. In the event of faculty members not being available at IUE based on the qualifications specified by the Senate, faculty member from another higher education institution can be selected by GSAB within the framework of the principles set by the Senate. For faculty members to be appointed as thesis advisors in PhD programs, excluding divisions of faculties of dentistry, pharmaceutics, medicine, and veterinary, they must have successfully supervised at least one master’s thesis.  

    (7) In cases, where more than one thesis advisor is needed due to the quality of the thesis, a second thesis advisor may also be appointed. Second thesis advisor may be appointed among IUE faculty members as well as among others (non IUE members) with at least Ph.D. /specialty in medicine/competency in art. The second thesis advisor is appointed at the latest until the end of the semester when the student is enrolled in the thesis course.

    (8) The advising of the thesis advisors ends if they cannot be physically present at IUE due to reasons such as health or being assigned abroad for more than six months while being on IUE staff. A new thesis advisor is appointed for the student with the recommendation of DGS and GSAB.

    (9) (Add OG 03.05.2021-31473)Except for force majeure, the student or the student's thesis advisor requests for a change of thesis advisor can be made until the end of the second semester in which the student is enrolled in the thesis course for master's programs, and until the end of the fourth semester in which the student is enrolled in the thesis course for doctoral programs at the latest. The change of thesis advisor, together with its justification, is sent to Graduate School Administrative Board for decision after the approval of the Head of Division of Graduate School. 

    Joint Graduate Programs

    ARTICLE 17 – (1) Joint Graduate Programs may be offered in collaboration with higher education institutions domestic or abroad.

    (2) The instruction in these programs is carried out in accordance with respective legislation.

    Tuition Fees

    ARTICLE 18 – (1) The University charges tuition fees. The amount, method of, and time of payment are determined by the Board of Trustees for each academic year. Registration will not be renewed in the event of failure to pay the current and retroactive fees. Students in this status become inactive students.

    (2) The fees paid by students whose enrollment is canceled for any reason other than undergraduate transfer are not refunded.

    (3) Students, who received suspension from the University due to disciplinary penalty, are obliged to pay the tuition fee for the semester they received the disciplinary penalty. These students will not be refunded for the period in which they received disciplinary penalty.

    Scholarships and Discounts

    ARTICLE 19 – (1) Principles regarding scholarships and discounts to be awarded to graduate program students, are determined by the Board of the Trustees upon the recommendation of GSB and approval of the Senate.


    Registration Procedures, Exams, Assessments

    Final Registration Procedures

    ARTICLE 20 – (1) The documents required for registration are announced by the University. Students, who are eligible to enroll in graduate programs need to complete their final registration procedure by meeting the requirements below within the dates specified in the academic calendar:

    a) Having an undergraduate diploma for those who are accepted to master's programs with and without thesis, and to PhD programs post undergraduate degree, and a master's degree with thesis diploma for those who are accepted to post-graduate PhD programs.

    b) Fulfilling obligations regarding tuition fees.

    c) Submitting military status certificate.

    ç) Meeting the other requirements announced.

    d) Meeting the requirements determined by the Senate (for International students)

    (2) The original or certified copies of the required documents are submitted to the Student Affairs Directorate during final registration. Those who have deficiencies in their documents and who make false or misleading statements are not be registered even if they have the right to register, if they are already registered, their registration is canceled regardless of the semester they are in, if any, all documents including the diploma given to them are considered invalid and legal action is taken against them, the fee paid for registration is not refunded. Those who are in this situation are deemed not to have gained student status and cannot benefit from any rights related to be a student.

    (3) Those who do not complete the registration process in due time or who do not provide the required documents are deemed to have waived the right of registration and cannot claim any rights.

    (4) Students cannot register and continue at the same time to more than one graduate program, except for master’s programs without thesis.

    Registration Renewal and Course Enrolments

    ARTICLE 21 – (1) Students, who have fulfilled their compulsory payment obligations, are also obliged to complete the registration renewal process by course enrollment at the beginning of each semester between the dates specified in the academic calendar. Master’s and PhD program students who are in the thesis stage, including those who take additional time due to a correction in their thesis, must enroll in the thesis course each fall and spring semester.

    (2) Students, who fail to renew their course enrollment on the dates specified in the academic calendar, even if they fulfill their compulsory payment obligations, become inactive students. Those, who do not renew their registration cannot attend classes and exams during that semester and cannot benefit from their student rights. The period in which the student does not renew his / her registration is included in the maximum education period specified in the relevant legislation.

    Changing Courses, Sections, and Course Withdrawal

    ARTICLE 22 – (1) Students, who fail to register between the dates specified in the academic calendar, want to change the course or section of the course they are enrolled in, can make course enrolment or course or section changes by obtaining the approval of their academic advisor during the period specified in the academic calendar as the "add-drop" period.

    (2) Students can withdraw from a maximum of two courses during their graduate studies with the recommendation of their academic advisors on the dates specified in the academic calendar. Students cannot withdraw from the courses they have taken to improve the grade, they must repeat, those they have received a W grade before and those that have not been included in the grade point average. Exchange students, studying at the University within the scope of the protocols signed between the University and the higher education institutions abroad or official institutions, can withdraw from courses with the knowledge of HDGS and the Office of International Affairs. The rules regarding the W grade do not apply to students in this situation.

    Instruction Programs and Course Load

    ARTICLE 23 – (1) The courses anticipated in each graduate instruction program and IUE/local and ECTS credits are determined by the Senate upon the proposal of the GSB in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation by taking the credit interval determined by the diploma level and higher education qualifications framework for that field into consideration. At least one course including scientific research techniques and research and publication ethics must be given during graduate education.

    (2) The decision to open which graduate courses in a semester and by which faculty members  they will be taught is decided by GSAB upon the recommendation of HDGS.

    (3) Students can take a maximum of 45 ECTS credit courses in one semester.

    Credit Value of the Courses

    ARTICLE 24 – (1) The IUE/local credit value of a course consists of all the weekly theoretical hours for that course plus half of the weekly laboratory, application, workshop or studio course hours.

    (2) ECTS credit for a course is determined by the Senate upon the recommendation of relevant HDGS and approval of GSB in a way that one ECTS credit corresponds to the student workload of twenty-five to thirty hours. The workload for student represents all the time spent  on educational activities such as labs, workshops, clinical studies, assignments, applications, projects, seminars, presentations, preparation to exams, exams, internships, on the job training as well as course hours.


    ARTICLE 25 – (1) Students are required to attend classes, labs and applications, take any exam held during and at the end of the semesters, and participate in other studies deemed appropriate by faculty members.

    (2) Students' attendance is monitored by the relevant faculty members. A student who does not fulfill the obligation to attend a course in accordance with the principles determined by the Council of Higher Education and at the rate determined by the Senate for any reason, including suspension with a report and disciplinary penalty, is considered unsuccessful.

    Exams and Assessments

    ARTICLE 26 – (1) Semester and end of semester exam, homework, application and similar evaluation criteria to be taken into account in determining course success and the weights of these criteria are determined by the faculty member teaching the course. Evaluation criteria and their weights are announced to students in the ECTS catalog on the University's website.

    (2) At least one midterm exam is held for each course and its dates are announced by the relevant faculty members during the semester. Apart from midterm exams, quizzes can be done without a prior date.

    (3) Students are subjected to the end of semester exam as well as the semester exams. End of semester exams are held on the dates specified in the academic calendar, at the place and time announced by the University.

    (4) End of semester grade of the course is appraised by the faculty member teaching the course with one of the letter grades by taking into account the student's success in midterm exams, semester studies, attendance to courses and practices, end of semester exam and other evaluation criteria, if any.

    (5) Courses that do not require midterm and / or end of semester exam are determined by the Senate upon the proposal of the GSB.

    Retake/Make-up Exams

    ARTICLE 27 – (1) Students, who do not take the end of semester exam due to a justified and valid excuse accepted by the Graduate School, taking into account the principles determined by CoHE, are entitled to retake / make-up exams. In this case, an “I” (Incomplete) grade is given by the faculty member for the relevant course. Provisions specified in this Bylaw are applied in the conversion of the grade I to another letter grade.

    (2) In master’s programs without thesis, students, who despite being successful in all courses, cannot achieve the 3.00 grade point average required for graduation, may be granted additional exam rights with the recommendation of the academic advisor and the decision of the GSB, for two courses they have previously taken.

    (3) (Changed OG 03.05.2021-31473)In master’s programs without thesis, students, who cannot fulfill the graduation requirements because they failed at most two courses, may be granted additional exam rights for these courses, upon the recommendation of their academic advisor.

    (4) Additional exam right is given to a student only once.

    (5) There is no additional exam right for project-type courses whose success evaluation depends on a certain period.

    (6) Additional exam right is used on the dates determined by the University following the end of the semester exams.

    (7) Mid-term exams and similar year-round evaluation criteria are not taken into account in additional exams. The additional exam grade received by the student is accepted as the final grade of the course.


    ARTICLE 28 – (1) Students are given one of the following grades for each course they enroll in:

    a)  (Changed OG 03.05.2021-31473) Master’s students must get at least CC and PhD students must get at least CB from courses with IUE / Local credits and included in GPA. The coefficients of the letter grades and their equivalents over 100 points and the status of these grades are shown below:

    Letter Grade



    For Master’s Student

    For PhD Student



















    Conditional Pass                

    Conditional Pass




    Conditional Pass         





    Unsuccessful- Fail      





    Unsuccessful- Fail       





    Unsuccessful- Fail   




    49 and below

    Unsuccessful- Fail      

    Unsuccessful- Fail   


    b) The grade of NA (Non-Attendance) is appraised by the faculty member teaching the course to students, who do not fulfill the attendance requirements for a course with IUE / Local credit included in GPA and / or who do not fulfill the requirements for course applications. The coefficient of NA grade in the calculation of grade averages is treated as 0.00 (zero).

    c) The grades not included in the average calculations are given below:

    1) Grade of S (Satisfactory) is given to students who are successful in courses that do not have IUE / Local credits.

    2) Grade of U (Unsatisfactory) is given to students who fail in courses that do not have IUE / Local credits.

    3) The grade of P (Successful Progress) is given to students, who regularly carry out the academic studies expected to be done in the relevant semester in courses that do not have IUE / Local credits, are not included in GPA, and with a duration of more than one semester.

    4) The grade of NP (Not Successful Progress) is given to students who do not regularly carry out the academic studies expected to be done in the relevant semester in courses that do not have IUE / Local credits, are not included in GPA, and with a duration of more than one semester.

    5) The grade of EX (exempt) is given to students who are exempt from some of the courses in the curriculum.

    6) The grade of NI (Not Included) is given to describe the courses taken by the student on condition that they are not included in the grade point average. This grade is indicated in the student's transcript along with the letter grade the student received from the relevant course. Courses in this status are not counted towards the courses of the program in which the student is registered. This letter grade is appraised for scientific preparation courses.

    7) The grade of I (Incomplete) is given to students who cannot complete the required conditions for the course at the end of the semester for a valid reason accepted by the faculty member teaching the course. Grade of I must be converted into a letter grade within fifteen days from the deadline of semester grades. However, in special cases, the conversion to letter grade that exceeds this period must be made at least two weeks before the start date of the next semester course enrollments. These procedures in special cases are carried out upon the recommendation of the faculty member teaching the course and with the decision of GSAB. An I grade that is not converted to a letter grade within the time limit transforms into grade of FF, NP or U.

    8) The grade of W (Withdrawal) is the grade given to the course the student withdrew in the relevant semester. Withdrawals are made according to the Article 22 of this Bylaw.

    Announcement of Grades and Transcripts

    ARTICLE 29 – (1) End of semester letter grades are given by the faculty member teaching the course on the dates determined by the University and become final when they are announced to the students on the Student Information System.

    (2) The courses, grades and academic achievements of all students studying at the University, starting from the date they first enrolled in the graduate program, are shown on the transcript.

    Errors in Grades

    ARTICLE 30 – (1) Students can object to the evaluation result of the course (s) within three business days following the announcement date.

    (2) In case of any error, the request for correction is decided by the GSAB upon the application of the faculty member.

    (3) Errors related to grades must be corrected by the beginning of the course registrations for the following semester at the latest.

    Grade Point Averages

    ARTICLE 31 – (1) The grade point average is determined by multiplying the ECTS credits, of each enrolled course included in grade averages, with the coefficient of the grade obtained from that course and dividing the total course scores by the total ECTS credits of these courses. If this process is done for the courses taken in a semester, the semester grade average is obtained, if it is done for all the courses taken up to that time, then the cumulative grade point average is obtained.

    (2) While calculating the grade point average, the last grade obtained from this course is taken into consideration if there is a repeated course, and if another course is repeated instead of a course removed from the curriculum or an elective course, the last grade of the course is taken into consideration.

    Success in Courses and Repeating Courses

    ARTICLE 32 – (1) Requirements for a graduate student to be considered successful in a course are determined according to Article 28 of this Bylaw.

    (2) Students are obliged to take the courses they failed or withdrew until they are successful.

    (3) If these courses are the courses removed from the program due to a change in the curriculum, the equivalent courses to be taken are determined by the Senate upon the recommendation of GSAB. Students are obliged to take these equivalent courses again until they are successful.

    (4) Students may take a different course to replace an elective course they took but failed or withdrew. Students are obliged to pass the new course they have taken.

    (5) Students can repeat the courses they have passed in order to increase their GPA or can take these courses if the courses accepted as equivalent by the Senate with the proposal of GSAB.

    (6) In the repeated course, the total score of the previous course is deducted from the GPA calculations and the total score of the last course is included in the GPA calculations.

    Exemption from Courses

    ARTICLE 33 – (1) Students, who have previously taken courses from a higher education program, may request exemption from these courses. For exemption, students must apply to the Graduate School with their documents by the last day of the course registration dates announced in the academic calendar.

    (2) Exemptions may be granted for courses that have not been used in any diploma degree before.

    (3) Given that they obtained grade of at least BB or its equivalent from the courses for which they apply for exemption, master’s students with thesis may be given exemption for maximum of three courses, master’s students without thesis for four courses, PhD students who are admitted with a bachelor's degree for seven courses, and PhD students who are admitted with a graduate degree for three courses.

    (4) In order to be exempt for courses taken from another higher education institution, these courses must have been taken from a higher education institution recognized by CoHE. Grade of EX (Exempt) is given to the courses given exemption. These grades are not included in the GPA calculation, the GPAs of these students are determined according to the courses they take at IUE.

    (5) The letter grade of the course, in courses taken and exempted at IUE programs, is transferred and these course (s) are included in the GPA calculation.

    (6) Exemption exam can be offered for the courses in the scientific preparatory program determined by the recommendation of the relevant division and the decision of the GSB.


    Master’s Programs

    Requirements for Master’s Program Without Thesis

    ARTICLE 34 – (1) The master’s program without thesis provides the student with knowledge on professional issues and shows how to use the existing knowledge in practice.

    (2) The master’s program without thesis consists of a total of at least 60 ECTS credits, including at least ten courses, not less than thirty IUE credits, and a semester project course. Semester project does not have IUE credits.

    (3) Students can take three undergraduate courses at most, provided that they have not been taken during undergraduate study with the decision of GSAB. The conditions required for students to be considered successful in these courses are determined according to the second paragraph of Article 28 and these courses are included in the student's average calculation.

    (4) Students must register for the semester project course in the semester it is offered and submit a written project and / or report at the end of the semester.

    (5) A proficiency exam can be administered at the end of the master's program without thesis according to the principles determined by the Senate.

    Requirements for Master’s Program With Thesis

    ARTICLE 35 – (1) The master's program with thesis enables the student to gain the ability to access, compile, interpret and evaluate information using scientific research methods.

    (2) The master's program with thesis consists of a total of 120 ECTS credits, not less than 60 ECTS credits per academic year, including at least seven courses, not less than twenty-one IUE credits, a seminar course and a thesis study. Seminar course and thesis study do not have IUE credits.

    (3) Students can take two undergraduate courses at most, provided that they have not been taken during undergraduate study with the decision of GSAB. The conditions required for students to be considered successful in these courses are determined according to the second paragraph of Article 28 and these courses are included in the student's average calculation. Additionally, upon the proposal of HDGS and with the approval of GSAB, a maximum of two courses can be selected from the courses offered in other higher education institutions.

    Transfer between Master’s Program with Thesis and Master’s Program without Thesis

    ARTICLE 36 – (1) Those who continue to the master’s program without thesis can transfer to the master's program with thesis with the same name and in the same language of instruction, provided that they meet the minimum requirements for the master's program with thesis. In this case, the courses taken in the master’s program without thesis are counted instead of the courses in the master's program with thesis with the decision of GSAB and the letter grade of the course is transferred. This course (s) is included in the GPA account.

    (2) Same rules apply to students who continue to the master’s program with thesis.

    (3) The time spent by the student who wants to transfer between the programs is deducted from the maximum period of the program he / she wants to transfer from and the student's application is evaluated by determining whether there is enough time to complete the program he / she wants to transfer to.

    Preparation and Finalization of the Master’s Thesis

    ARTICLE 37 – (1) Students studying in the master's program with thesis write the findings of their research in the language of the program they study in accordance with the thesis writing guide approved by the Senate, and defend their thesis verbally in front of the jury.

    (2) Before the master's thesis defense, student, who completes the thesis study and correction of the thesis for which correction has been required, submits the desired number of digital and / or printed copies of the thesis to the thesis advisor.

    (3) In order for the master's thesis to be defended again before the jury at the end of the additional time given by the thesis jury in accordance with the correction decision taken as a result of the first thesis defense examination, the following conditions must be met:

    a) Receiving the report showing the similarity index percentage by using the plagiarism software program by the thesis advisor.

    b) The similarity index percentage in the thesis being below the maximum similarity index percentage recommended by GSB and approved by the Senate.

    c) Submission of the plagiarism report, the thesis jury proposal form approved by the HDGS containing the opinion that the thesis is defensible and the Ethics Committee report or declaration with wet signature along with the thesis to the Graduate School by the thesis supervisor.

    (4) If a real plagiarism is detected in the data in the report, the thesis is sent to GSAB with its justification for a decision.

    (5) The Graduate School sends the plagiarism software program report regarding the thesis and the thesis to the jury members. The jury members meet within one month at the latest from the date the thesis is submitted to them and take the student to the thesis exam. The date and place for the thesis exam are announced by the Graduate School at least one week before the thesis exam date. The thesis exam consists of the presentation of the thesis study followed by a question and answer section. The thesis exam is held in an environment open to the participation of the audience consisting of academic staff, graduate students and experts in the field.

    (6) The thesis jury is designated by the decision of GSAB within two weeks following the relevant HDGS proposal. The jury consists of three or five full-time faculty members, one of whom is the student's thesis advisor and at least one from outside the University. If the jury consists of three members, the second thesis advisor cannot be a jury member. In addition, two substitute jurors are designated.

    (7) After the completion of the thesis exam, the jury makes the decision of acceptance, rejection or correction of the thesis by absolute majority, without the audience. This decision is reported to the Graduate School in writing by HDGS within three days following the thesis exam.

    (8) The student, whose thesis requires correction, makes the corrections and defends his/her thesis again in front of the same jury within three months at the latest. If the student is found unsuccessful again and whose thesis is not accepted at the end of this defense, is dismissed from the University.

    (9) If the student, whose thesis is rejected, he / she is awarded a master's diploma without thesis, provided that he / she has fulfilled the course credit load, project writing and similar requirements of the master's program without thesis.

    (10) Provided that the other requirements are met, the graduate student, who submits at least three copies of the accepted master's thesis signed and bound by the jury members and the desired number of electronic copies to the Graduate School within one month from the date of the thesis examination and whose thesis is deemed appropriate in terms of form, is entitled to graduate. GSAB can extend the delivery period for a maximum of one more month upon request. Registration is not required for the thesis period during the extended period. A student, who does not fulfill these requirements, cannot receive his / her diploma until he / she fulfills the requirements, cannot benefit from student rights and is dismissed from the University if the maximum period expires.

    (11) A copy of the master's thesis is sent electronically by the Graduate School to the Council of Higher Education within three months following the submission of the thesis to be put into service of scientific research and activities.

    (12) During the semesters of the master's thesis study, the studies that the students will do is evaluated by the thesis supervisor and a P or NP grade is appraised for these studies. Students, who receive a grade of NP two times consecutively or three times intermittently from the thesis and thesis related courses within the maximum period are considered unsuccessful and dismissed from the University.


    Ph.D. Programs

    Requirements for Ph.D. Programs

    ARTICLE 38 – (1) The PhD program provides the student with the necessary skills to conduct independent research, to interpret, analyze, and reach new syntheses by examining scientific problems and data with a broad and deep perspective. The thesis to be prepared at the end of the PhD study must fulfill at least one of the qualifications such as bringing innovation to science, developing a new scientific method and applying a known method to a new field.

    (2) The PhD program consists of a total of 21 IUE credits and a minimum of 240 ECTS, not less than 60 ECTS credits per academic year, including at least seven courses, a seminar course, qualifying exam, thesis proposal and thesis study for students admitted with a master's degree with thesis. It consists of at least forty-two IUE credits and a minimum of 240 ECTS, not less than 60 ECTS credits per academic year, including at least fourteen courses, a seminar course, qualifying exam, thesis proposal and thesis study for students admitted with a bachelor's degree.  

    (3) In PhD programs, Students, admitted with a master's degree with thesis, can take two courses at most offered at other higher education institutions, and students, admitted with a bachelor's degree can take four courses at most offered at other higher education institutions with the approval of GSAB upon the recommendation of DGS. These courses are not counted towards course load and doctoral credits, they are recorded in the student's transcript as NI. Failed courses or courses deemed equivalent by the Senate upon the recommendation of GSAB are repeated until they are succeeded.

    Doctoral Qualifying Exam

    ARTICLE 39 – (1) The qualifying exam is the testing of whether the student, who has completed his/her courses and seminars, has the scientific research depth related to the basic subjects and concepts in his/her field and the doctoral study.

    (2) A student takes the qualifying exam at most twice a year. Qualifying exam dates are determined by GSAB with the recommendation of DGS.

    (3) Students admitted with a master's degree must take the qualifying exam until the end of the fifth semester at the latest, and students admitted with a bachelor's degree by the end of the seventh semester at the latest.

    (4) Qualifying exams are organized and conducted by a doctoral qualification committee that consists of five full time faculty members, who are appointed by GSAB. The committee sets up exam juries consisting of faculty members in order to prepare, apply and evaluate exams in different fields. The exam jury consists of five faculty members, including the advisor and including at least two members from outside IUE. GSAB decides whether the advisor has the right to vote. If the advisor does not have the right to vote, the jury consists of six faculty members. Qualifying exam meetings are held open to the participation of the audience consisting of academic staff, graduate students and experts in the field.

    (5) (Changed OG 03.05.2021-31473)The qualifying exam is held in two parts, written and oral. Students who are successful in the written exam are taken to the oral exam. The candidate takes the oral exam within three business days at the latest after passing the written exam. A minimum of 80 points is required to be successful in both exams. The passing grade of the qualifying exam is at least 80 points and consists of the sum of 50% of the oral exam grade and 50% of the written exam grade. Students, who cannot get 80 points or more from the written exam, are not taken to the oral exam. Exam juries evaluate the success of the student in written and oral exams and decide whether the student is successful or unsuccessful by absolute majority. If the student is successful in the qualifying exam, the S grade, if the student is unsuccessful the U grade is appraised to the student. This decision is reported to the Graduate School by HDGS within three days following the qualifying exam.

    (6) Students, who fail the qualifying exam are re-examined in the next semester, in the section(s) where they failed. Students must fulfill their registration renewal obligations during the semesters they will take the qualifying exam. The student, who also fails in this exam, is dismissed from the PhD program.

    (7) The qualification exam jury may request a student ,who passes the qualifying exam, to take extra course(s) on condition that it does not exceed one third of the total IUE credits, even if the course load is completed. Students, who are successful in the extra credit courses are given NI grade for these courses. The conditions required for students to be considered successful in these courses are determined according to Article 28 and these courses are not included in the student's GPA calculation.

    (8) A student, who has been accepted to a PhD program with a bachelor's degree and has successfully completed at least seven courses, can pass if they meet the relevant master’s program application requirements determined by the Senate for the period of application to the master’s program.

    Thesis Monitoring Committee

    ARTICLE 40 – (1) A thesis monitoring committee is established within one month with the recommendation of HDGS and the approval of GSAB for the student who is successful in the qualifying exam.

    (2) The thesis monitoring committee consists of three faculty members, the student's thesis advisor, one member from within and outside the DGS. If there is a second thesis supervisor, the second thesis supervisor can attend the committee meetings.

    (3) In the periods after the establishment of the thesis monitoring committee, members can be changed with the recommendation of HDGS and the approval of GSAB.

    Thesis Defense

    ARTICLE 41 – (1) The student, who is successful in the doctoral qualifying exam, defends the thesis proposal which includes the purpose, method and work plan of the research, orally in front of the thesis monitoring committee, within six months at the latest. The student distributes a written report of his/her proposal to the committee members at least fifteen days before the oral defense.

    (2) The thesis monitoring committee decides on the acceptance, correction or rejection of the thesis proposal submitted by the student with absolute majority. Student is given a one-month period for corrections. At the end of this period, the decision of acceptance or rejection by absolute majority is notified to the Graduate School within three days following the end of the procedure by HDGS.

    (3) The student, whose thesis proposal is rejected, has the right to choose a new supervisor and / or thesis topic. In this case, a new thesis monitoring committee can be appointed, and the thesis proposal is submitted again in the next semester. Student, who wants to continue with the same advisor re-defends thesis within three months, student, who changes advisor and/or thesis topic re-defends thesis within six months.  The student, whose thesis proposal is also rejected in this defense, is dismissed from the University.

    (4) The thesis monitoring committee meets at least twice a year, once between January-June and July-December for the student whose thesis proposal is accepted. The student submits a written report to the committee members at least one month before the meeting date. The summary of all studies accomplished so far and the study plan for the following year are stated in this report. The student's thesis work is evaluated as successful or unsuccessful by the committee. Student, who is evaluated as unsuccessful twice consequently or three times intermittently, is dismissed from the University.

    (5) The student, who does not attend the thesis proposal defense within the period specified in the first paragraph without a valid excuse, is considered unsuccessful and the thesis proposal is rejected.

    Preparation and Finalization of PhD Thesis

    ARTICLE 42 – (1) The student is entitled to participate in the PhD thesis defense by fulfilling the requirements of the program in which he / she is registered. The student writes his/her thesis in the language of instruction of the program he / she studied in accordance with the thesis writing guide approved by the Senate upon the recommendation of the GSB and defends it orally in front of the jury.

    (2) In order for PhD students to take the PhD thesis exam, they must have published at least one research article in the indexes scanned by Web of Knowledge, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey Incentive Program for International Scientific Publications or a research article in this field must be accepted for publication.

    (3) Before the PhD thesis defense, student, who completes the thesis study and correction of the thesis for which correction has been required, submits the desired number of digital and / or printed copies of the thesis to the thesis advisor.

    (4) In order for the PhD thesis to be defended before the jury for the first time or to be defended before the jury at the end of the additional time given by the thesis jury, the following conditions must be met:

    a) Receiving the report showing the similarity index percentage by using the plagiarism software program by the thesis advisor.

    b) The similarity index percentage in the thesis being below the maximum similarity index percentage recommended by GSB and approved by the Senate.

    c) Submission of the plagiarism report, the thesis jury proposal form approved by the HDGS containing the opinion that the thesis is defensible and the Ethics Committee report or declaration with wet signature along with the thesis to the Graduate School by the thesis supervisor.

    (5) If a real plagiarism is detected in the data in the report, the thesis is sent to GSAB with its justification for a decision.

    (6) In order for the student's thesis to be finalized, at least three thesis monitoring committee reports must be submitted.

    (7) The PhD thesis jury is designated by the decision of GSAB upon the proposal of HDGS. The jury consists of five full-time faculty members, three of whom are faculty members in the thesis monitoring committee, and at least two faculty members from outside the University. GSAB decides whether the advisor has the right to vote. If the advisor does not have the right to vote, the jury consists of six faculty members. In addition, the second thesis advisor can take part in the jury without the right to vote.

    (8) The studies that the students will do during the semesters of the PhD thesis study, are evaluated by the committee and a P or NP grade is appraised for these studies.

    (9) The Graduate School sends the plagiarism software program report regarding the thesis and the thesis to the jury members. The jury members meet within one month at the latest from the date the thesis is submitted to them and take the student to the thesis exam. The date and place for the thesis defense are announced by the Graduate School at least one week before the thesis defense date. The thesis exam consists of the presentation of the thesis study followed by a question and answer section and is open to the participation of the audience.

    (10) After the completion of the thesis exam, the jury makes the decision of acceptance, rejection or correction of the thesis by absolute majority, without the audience and reports this decision to the Graduate School in writing within three days following the thesis defense. Student, whose thesis is accepted is considered successful. Student, whose thesis is regarded as unsuccessful and rejected, is dismissed. The student, whose thesis requires correction, makes the corrections and defends his/her thesis again in front of the same jury within six months at the latest. The student must enroll in the periods of extension. If the student is found unsuccessful again and whose thesis is not accepted at the end of this defense, is dismissed from the University. Those who fail PhD thesis are awarded a master's diploma without thesis, provided that they have fulfilled the course credit load, project writing and similar requirements.

    (11) Provided that the other requirements are met, PhD student, who submits at least three copies of the accepted PhD thesis signed and bound by the jury members and the desired number of electronic copies to the Graduate School within one month from the date of the thesis examination and whose thesis is deemed appropriate in terms of form, is entitled to graduate. GSAB can extend the submission period for a maximum of one more month upon request. A student, who does not fulfill these requirements, cannot receive his / her diploma until he / she fulfills the requirements, cannot benefit from student rights and is dismissed from the University if the maximum period expires.

    (12) Students, who receive a grade of NP three times consecutively or intermittently for their thesis or those cannot complete their thesis within the maximum period and receive a grade of U in the thesis exam are dismissed from the University.


    Leave, Deferral of Registration, and Cancellation of Registration

    Deferral of Registration

    ARTICLE 43 – (1) Registrations of students can be deferred with the decision of GSAB for health, family, military service, academic, education, unexpected compulsory situations and similar reasons, on the condition of documenting their justified and valid excuses to return to the University.

    (2) A final conviction is not considered a reason for deferral of registration.

    Application and Duration for Deferral of Registration

    ARTICLE 44 – (1) Students, who wish to defer their registration, need to apply to the Graduate School with a petition along with necessary forms regarding deferral within two weeks following the beginning of the courses at the latest.

    (2) Except for force majeure, applications made after these periods are not processed.

    (3) In order for the deferral application to be processed, the tuition fee for that semester and other requirements must have been fulfilled. The payment made for the semester that the student deferred registration will be deducted from the first semester fee the student starts education.

    Deferral of Registration Periods

    ARTICLE 45 – (1) Students in foreign language preparatory class are permitted to defer their registration for two semesters, students in graduate programs for two semesters at most. 

    (2) In obligatory cases, these periods can be exceeded by the decision of the University Administrative Board upon the recommendation of GSAB.

    (3) The period for deferral is not counted towards the maximum education period.

    End of Deferred Registration Period

    ARTICLE 46 – (1) At the end of deferral period, Students, who deferred their registration, continue their education by applying to the Graduate School with their petition stating that they want to start education and registering for the semester. However, students who deferred registration due to health problems, must prove that they are able to continue their education with the report that will be taken from a respective specialist in the two weeks before they begin education.

    Withdrawing from the University and Cancellation of Registration

    ARTICLE 47 – (1) Students can apply to the Graduate School with a petition to withdraw from the University. The procedures, regarding tuition fees payment and registered courses for students who wish to withdraw, are stated below:

    a) Students, who apply to withdraw from the University before the completion of course registrations, and students, whose registrations are cancelled, do not to pay the tuition fee for that semester.

    b) Students, who apply to withdraw from the University after the completion of course registrations and students, whose registrations are cancelled after that date, are obliged to pay the tuition fee for that semester. The fee paid by these students for that semester is not refundable.


    ARTICLE 48 – (1) Students, who disenroll by their will, whose registrations are cancelled, who transferred, who are dismissed or graduated, must fulfill all payment obligations of previous periods, if any, and complete the discharge processes in order to receive their diplomas or their personal documents.  


    Graduation and Diplomas

    Graduation Requirements and Dates

    ARTICLE 49 – (1) For a student to be entitled to graduate from graduate programs, his/her GPA must be at least 3.00 and must meet the following requirements:

    a) Completing at least twenty-one IUE credits, seven courses and 120 ECTS credits for the master's program with thesis and being successful in all the courses and seminar course and thesis study anticipated in the program.

    b) Completing at least thirty IUE credits, ten courses and 60 ECTS credits for the master's program without thesis and being successful in all the courses and semester project course anticipated in the program.

    c) Completing at least forty-two IUE credits, fourteen courses and 300 ECTS credits for the PhD program (those admitted with a bachelor’s degree) and being successful in all the courses and seminar, qualifying exam, thesis proposal, and thesis study anticipated in the program.

    ç) Completing at least twenty-one IUE credits, seven courses and 240 ECTS credits for the PhD program (those admitted with a graduate degree) and being successful in all the courses and seminar, qualifying exam, thesis proposal, and thesis study anticipated in the program.


    ARTICLE 50 – (1) Master’s degree without thesis diploma is awarded to students of master’s programs without thesis, and master’s degree with thesis diploma is awarded to students of master’s programs with thesis who meet all the graduation requirements specified in Article 49. Diplomas to be issued in distance education programs contain the phrase "distance education".

    (2) Ph.D. diploma is awarded to students of Ph.D. programs who meet all the graduation requirements.

    (3) The CoHE approved name of the DGS program, in which the student is registered, is issued on the diplomas.

    (4) The graduation date, for master’s programs with thesis and Ph. D. programs, is the date when the signed copy of thesis is submitted by the exam jury commission.

    (5) Graduation in master’s programs without thesis is approved and finalized by GSAB. The graduation date, for master’s programs without thesis, is the date of approval of GSAB.

    (6) Graduation points are not indicated on the diploma.

    (7) The form and size of the diplomas and the information to be written on diplomas are determined by the Senate.

    (8) A diploma supplement document that helps the international recognition of academic and professional qualifications is also issued for graduates.

    (9) In the event of loss of the diploma and / or diploma supplement, a diploma bearing the second copy phrase will be awarded for one time only on the condition that a missing item ad is published in a national newspaper, diploma and / or diploma supplement fee is paid and the condition is declared with a petition. The second copy of the diploma is prepared in accordance with the original. If the second copy is lost, the third copy is not prepared.

    (10) A temporary graduation certificate, bearing  the signatures of the Director of Graduate School, and the Director of Student Affairs, may be issued for one time only until the diplomas are being prepared.


    Miscellaneous and Final Provisions

    Health Services

    ARTICLE 51 – (1) Health services to be provided to the students and the medical treatments for ailing students are determined by the Board of the Trustees upon the recommendation of the Senate.

    Disciplinary Actions

    ARTICLE 52 – (1) Students’ disciplinary actions are carried out in accordance with the provisions of Higher Education Institutions Student Disciplinary Regulation, published in the Official Gazette numbered 28388 and dated August 18, 2012.


    ARTICLE 53 – (1) All kinds of notifications are hand delivered against signature, or in writing to the address notified to the University, or electronically to the student who wishes to be notified to this address by providing an electronic address suitable for notification. In cases where notification is not possible by these means, the notification is deemed completed by announcing the notification at the University.

    (2) Students who have not notified their new addresses to the University, or who have given an incorrect or incomplete address although they have changed their address while enrolling at the University, are deemed to have been notified to their current addresses at the University.

    Storage of documents and works based on measurement and assessment

    ARTICLE 54 – (1) Exam papers, homework, projects, films, designs, laboratories and similar documents and works, which are used in determining measurement and assessment, excluding those subject to the case, are kept for a period of six months from the date they are last processed.

    Enrolling to Two Programs Concurrently

    ARTICLE 55 – (1) Students cannot enroll to and continue more than one graduate program concurrently, except for master’s programs without thesis.

    Non-Provisional Circumstances

    ARTICLE 56 – (1) Provisions of other respective legislations, and decisions of CoHE, Interuniversity Board, will be applied should non provisional cases occur in this Bylaw.

    Repealed Bylaw

    ARTICLE 57 – (1) Izmir University of Economics Graduate Degree Education Bylaw, published in the Official Gazette numbered 29902 and dated November 28, 2016 has been repealed.


    PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 1 – (1) First clause of Article 31 is applied to first time students in 2013-2014 academic year fall semester and students after that date. Grade point averages of former students are calculated based on IUE credits.

    Transitional Provisions

    PROVISIONAL ARTICLE 2 – (1) The periods determined in this Bylaw start from the fall semester of the 2016-2017 academic year.

    (2) Clause four of Article 20 will not be applied to students who were enrolled to more than one graduate program concurrently before April 20, 2016.

    (3) Students, who enrolled to master’s programs without thesis, or graduated before February 6, 2013, can apply to Ph.D. programs. 

    (4)  The provisions of the ARTICLE 11 of the Bylaw repealed by ARTICLE 57 continue to apply to students admitted as special students to graduate programs before the 2020-2021 academic year.

    (5) (Add  OG 03.05.2021-31473)The course passing grade in the fourth and fifth sub articles of Article 14 of this Bylaw is valid for the 2020-2021 academic year spring semester and beyond. Within the scope of the fourth sub article, for a master’s program student admitted to the scientific preparatory program to start the program that he/she has applied to, the student must have completed all the scientific preparatory program courses taken in the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year and before, with at least DD grade. Within the scope of the fifth sub article, for a Ph.D. program student admitted to the scientific preparatory program to start the program that he/she has applied to, the student must have completed all the scientific preparatory program courses taken in the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year and before, with at least CC grade.

    (6) (Add OG 03.05.2021-31473) Passing grades in item a of the first sub article of Article 28 of this Bylaw are at least DD for undergraduate courses, at least CC for master’s courses, and at least CB for Ph.D. courses taken in the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year, regardless of whether the student is a master’s or Ph.D. student.


    ARTICLE 58 – (1) The first clause of Article 5 of this Bylaw takes effect as of the beginning of 2020-2021 academic year, other provisions take effect on the date of its publication.


    ARTICLE 59 – (1) The Rector of the Izmir University of Economics enforces the provisions of this Bylaw.

    This Bylaw entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 31347, dated 27 December 2020.







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