Department of Undergraduate English Program



Purpose, Scope, Basis, and Definitions



ARTICLE 1 – (1) The purpose of this bylaw is to set out the general rules, procedures and principles regarding the aims, activities, governing bodies and duties of governing bodies of Izmir University of Economics Psychological Research and Application Centre.



ARTICLE 2 – (1) This bylaw includes provisions regarding the aims, activities, governing bodies and duties of governing bodies of Izmir University of Economics Psychological Research and Application Centre.



ARTICLE 3 – (1) This bylaw has been established in accordance with paragraph (d), sub paragraph (2) of clause one of Article 7, and Article 14 of Higher Education Law No. 2547 dated 4 November 1981.



ARTICLE 4 – (1) The references in this bylaw are as follows;

a) Department Head: Head of Department of Psychology of Izmir University of Economics,

b) Advisory Board: The Advisory Board of the Centre,

c) Centre: Izmir University of Economics Psychological Research and Application Centre,

ç) Director (General Coordinator): Director of the Centre,

d) Vice Directors (Coordinators): Vice Directors of the Centre,

e) Board of Trustees: The Board of Trustees of Izmir University of Economics,

f) Rector: The Rector of Izmir University of Economics,

g) Senate: The Senate of Izmir University of Economics,

ğ) University (IUE): Izmir University of Economics,

h) Administrative Board: The Administrative Board of the Centre.



Aims of the Centre and Areas of Activity


Aims of the Centre

ARTICLE 5 – (1) Aims of the center are as follows: allow graduate students in clinical psychology program to practice under supervision; and facilitate education and research in the field of clinical psychology for undergraduate/graduate students and academicians of Department of Psychology. 


Areas of Activity

ARTICLE 6 – (1) Activities of the center are as follows:

a) Offer services to individuals, who need support with their psychological problems,

b) Allow graduate students in clinical psychology program to practice individual clinical sessions under supervision,

c) Support undergraduate students reinforce the theoretical information taught in clinical courses through observation,

ç) Provide education and internship opportunities to students with their clinical psychology researches,

d) Allow academicians to carry out clinical psychology events and process researches, develop measuring tools, and collect data for their clinical psychology researches.



Governing Bodies of the Centre and Duties


Governing Bodies

ARTICLE 7 – (1) The center is made up of the following governing bodies:

a) Centre Director,

b) Administrative Board,

c) Advisory Board.


Director (General Coordinator)

ARTICLE 8 – (1) Director of the Centre is selected among the lecturers of the University, who have received psychology education at an undergraduate level at least, and assigned for three-year period upon the request of the Administrative Board and approval of the Board of Trustees. Director answers to the Administrative Board regarding the duties carried out.

(2) When the assignment period of the Director of the Centre expires, s/he can be reassigned. In the event of the Director being absent from his/her duty for any reason for a period exceeding six months, the assignment will be terminated. A new Director will be reassigned the same way.


Director’s Duties

ARTICLE 9 – (1) Duties of the Director of the Centre are to:

a) Represent the Center,

b) Prepare, implement, monitor, and supervise action plans in accordance with the policies and strategies specified by the Administrative Board,

c) Submit the annual activity reports regarding the activities of the Centre, or reports to be demanded when necessary, to the Administrative Board,

ç) Determine the allocation and staffing needs of the Center, other respective issues, and recommendations about budgeting, and submit them to the Administrative Board with justifications,

d) Collaborate with institutions and organizations domestic and abroad, develop joint projects, and submit them to the Administrative Board,

e) Ensure all the units within the Center operate efficiently, qualitatively, and in coordination,

f) Work in coordination with the academic units of the University in order to carry out education and research activities efficiently, and take necessary precautions to realize this.


Vice Directors (Coordinators)

ARTICLE 10 – (1) Two vice-directors the most are selected among the lecturers of Department of Psychology upon the approval of the Administrative Board. The Vice Directors, assist the Director of the Centre in carrying out the services of the Center based on the delegation of authority.

(2) When the assignment period of the Director of the Centre expires so does the assignment of the Vice Directors. A vice director, whose assignment ended, may be reassigned the same way or dismissed before the end of the assignment period the same way. 

(3) Vice Directors (Coordinators) carry out duties assigned to them by the Center Directorate.


Administrative Board

ARTICLE 11 – (1) Administrative Board is made up of the following members:

a) Rector,

b) Head of Department,

c) Director of Centre,

ç) Two lecturers of Department of Psychology.


(2) Rector is the Chair of the Administrative Board; the Head of the Department chairs the meetings of the Administrative Board in the absence of the Rector. Administrative Board convenes by absolute majority at least twice a month upon the invitation of the Chair of the Administrative Board and majority of votes takes decisions.

(3) Administrative Board membership of the Rector and the Head of the Department ends when their assignments end. Those, who are assigned to this duty, are considered natural members of the Administrative Board. Assignment period of other members is three years. The members, whose assignment period expires, may be reassigned.


Administrative Board Duties

ARTICLE 12 – (1) Duties of the Administrative Board are to:

a) Identify the policies and strategies regarding the operations of the Center,

b) Specify the principles and rules regarding the use of the center for associate, undergraduate, and graduate education activities, and present opinion(s) about this to the Center Directorate when necessary,

c) Search for funds in order to fulfill the objectives of the Center,

ç) Determine the allocation and staffing needs of the Center, finalize issues about budgeting, recommendations about new units to be established and projects, and other respective issues,

d) Assess the annual report to be prepared by the Director of the Center (General Coordinator) regarding the activities of the Center, or reports to be prepared on demand, and notify the senior management about the results,

e) Adjudicate the decisions on collaborating with institutions and organizations domestic and abroad, and developing joint projects,

f) Ask for opinions and recommendations from the Advisory board on an annual basis or whenever necessary.


Advisory Board

ARTICLE 13 – (1) Advisory Board is made up of the following members:

a) Director of the Center,

b) Three lecturers of Department of Psychology,

c) Two people recommended by the Department and approved by the Rectorate, among those who stand out in terms of areas of activity of the Center.

(2) Advisory Board membership of the Director of the Center ends when his/her assignment ends. Those, who are assigned to this duty, are considered natural members of the Advisory Board and the Rector assigns them as the members of the Advisory Board. Assignment period of other members is three years. The members, whose assignment period expires, may be reassigned.

(3) Advisory Board convenes at least once a month. The Administrative Board may call an emergency meeting. The Director of the Center chairs the meetings. 


Advisory Board Duties

ARTICLE 14 – (1) Duties of the Advisory Board are to:

a) Assess the long-term scientific and administrative plans of the Center, and make recommendations to the Administrative Board,

b) Assess the activities of the Centre, and make recommendations.



Miscellaneous and Final Provisions


Center procedures and principles

ARTICLE 15 – (1) Working principles and procedures of all centers are prepared by the Center Directorate, and are presented to the Administrative Board for approval. 


Staffing Needs

ARTICLE 16 – (1) Academic, technical, and administrative staffing needs of the Center is fulfilled by a staff to be assigned by the Rector pursuant to Article 13 of Law No. 2547.

Non-Provisional Circumstances

ARTICLE 17 – (1) Provisions of Law No. 2547 and other respective legislations will be taken into account should non-provisional cases occur in this bylaw.



ARTICLE 18 – (1) This Bylaw takes effect on the date it is published.



ARTICLE 19 – (1) The Rector of the Izmir University of Economics enforces the provisions of this Bylaw.


This directive takes effect on the date of its publication on the Official Gazette dated 13.01.2019 and numbered 30654.


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