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General Provisions
Purpose and Scope
Article 1-(1) The purpose of these principles is to set out the general rules regarding the establishment and operation of Advisory Boards to be established in order to contribute to the education-training and research activities of academic units within Izmir University of Economics.
Article 2- (1) These principles have been prepared pursuant to the provisions of Regulation on Advisory Board Establishment in Higher Education Institutions published in Official Gazette dated 08.10.2016 and numbered 29851.
Article 3- (1) The references in these principles are as follows;
ç) Rector: The Rector of Izmir University of Economics,
Establishment, Operation, and Duties of Advisory Board
Article 4 (1) Advisory Board of an Academic Unit is assigned by the decision of the Senate upon the recommendation of the respective academic unit within the scope of the respective regulation. The Board consists of at least 9 members who are respectable and successful people, and institution representatives in respective fields in Turkey, Aegean Region, in particular.
(2) At least two faculty members, to be assigned by the Dean’s Office/ School/ Graduate School representing the Rector/ Faculty Dean/ School Director/ Graduate School Director and departments, shall be the natural members of the Board. The Board selects a Chairman among its members.
(3) It is recommended that the Advisory Board is made up of members, who are the graduates of the respective academic unit, representatives of institutions who employ the graduates, faculty members from esteemed higher education institutions, as well as other external stakeholders deemed suitable by the respective academic unit.
(4) The term of office, for Advisory Board members, is three years. The members can be re-elected at the end of their term of office. A new member can be appointed in the event of a member who resigns before their term is over, or to replace a member whose membership was terminated with the approval of the Senate upon the recommendation of the respective academic unit.
Article 5 (1) Advisory Board convenes at least once a year upon the invitation of the Chairman. Minimum number of meetings is more than half of the number of full members of the Advisory Board.
(2) Each academic unit itself carries out the rapporteuring for the Advisory Board.
(3) Meeting minutes are turned into a report by the respective academic unit each year, and submitted to the Rectorate until the end of November of the year the meeting was held the latest.
Article 6 (1) Duties of the Advisory Board are as follows:
a) Help academic unit develop relations with stakeholders,
b) Make recommendations regarding the medium-term and long-term development plans of the academic unit,
c) Make recommendations regarding the organization of national and international events and help find support for these events and activities from respective people and institutions,
ç) Support students about career planning,
d) Make recommendations regarding education*training programs of the academic unit,
e) Make recommendations regarding the training and development of human resources who will work in areas to be determined by the academic unit, and regarding the activities, events to be held to encourage current employees in these areas,
f) Encourage all kinds of technological and R&D activities regarding the sector, and make recommendations to increase these activities.
Other Provisions
Article 7- (1) The Rector of the Izmir University of Economics enforces the provisions of these Principles.
Article 8- (1) These principles take effect on the date accepted by the Senate of Izmir University of Economics.
These principles have taken effect with Senate Decision dated 16.01.2019 and numbered 356-10, and with Board of Trustees Decision dated 12.02.2019 and numbered 16.
As Izmir University of Economics transforms into a world-class university, it also raises successful young people with global competence.
More..Izmir University of Economics produces qualified knowledge and competent technologies.
More..Izmir University of Economics sees producing social benefit as its reason for existence.