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ING 101 and/or ING 102 will be offered during the summer if the minimum number of students registering for the summer courses is met. If you are interested in taking summer school, please take the advantage of pre-registration period.
Yes, students who fail from ING101 in the fall semester can take ING102 in spring semester. There are no prerequisites for ING102.
Yes. You’re free to switch to another section of ING101 or ING102 during the add-drop period at the beginning of each semester. Either speak with Associate Degree English Program Coordination or add/drop your class through OASIS. As long as there is an open seat in the new class, you can add it and drop your original class.
ING101 and ING102 instructors follow the University’s attendance policy, which recommends an automatic “N/A” for students who miss more than 30% of the class lessons.
There are two ways for students to be exempt from ENG101 and/or ENG102.
Students who have successfully completed at least Module B of Preparatory program at IUE will be exempted from ING101 and ING 102.
Students who are transferring from another university may submit their official academic transcript from their past school to Student Affairs to see if they can be exempt from ING101 and/or ING102. They are also required to submit the syllabus and course description of the English course they took at their past school. If course(s) the transfer student took covered the same or similar objectives that we cover in our ING101 and/or ING102 courses, the student will be accepted to take an exemption exam, and if they pass this exam they will be exempt from ING101 and/or ING102.
There are three ways for students to be accepted to take exemption exam for ING101 and/or ING102.
Students, whose native language is English, or who completed their education at secondary education institutions at a country where the official spoken language is English and the citizens of that country also attend those institutions, or students who graduated from an English medium secondary education institution, may take the exemption exam for ING 101 and/ or ING102 if they wish and provide certificates.
Students are allowed to take the exemption exams for Associate first year English courses if they had taken a similar course at an undergraduate, associate program of a different university, got successful but did not get exempt from the course due to mismatches of program content.
An exemption exam is administered at the beginning of each semester (except summer term) in Associate English Programs.
The exemption exam, administered by the SFL, takes place within the first two weeks of lessons commencing. The SFL will announce the date, time and place prior to the exam.
Passing grade for the Associate English Program exemption exam is 70 (CC).
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