Center for Continuous Professional Learning

The Workshop Festival in the 2021-2022 Academic Year





Don Dungan & Monique Gümüş











We believe that if we are happy, this leads to a better learning and teaching experience. Over the past three years, we have found out that academic research actually backs up this belief, we asked you how happy you are and collected your happy experiences. All this to enable us (and you) to go into the classroom feeling more positive and to become happier teachers.



Altun Arıkan, Funda Yeşilyurt &Deniz Gebitekin





Poster presentation



“A Strategic Approach towards Learner Autonomy and Academic Success”


In this presentation, the presenters will give their insights on the extra-curricular program designed to assist preparatory students to become more autonomous and enhance their academic performance. General information about the program and the process will be presented briefly. There will be time for your questions at the end of the presentation.



Ian White







Poster presentation





As the title of this short poster presentation talk illustrates, almost all of the Turkish alphabet can be exploited through transliteration to render the pronunciation of English.  Furthermore, the transliteration of the pronunciation of English words and phrases rendered can be used to check spelling. These transliterated renderings can also be used to play a game.



Beril Kebapçıoğlu, Catherine Baydar & İdil Kırıkkaya






Poster presentation

PIE Tasks


“Effective Reading”


We wanted to make reading texts from the course book more exam orientated and decided to focus on levels A2+ and B1. We chose texts which were appropriate for sentence insertion, reference, and vocabulary questions. We will review the strategies we used to write the questions, why we chose the texts, our experience of working together, and how we maintained our motivation throughout the project.



Filiz Kaya &
Kamer Öztin






Short Talk



“Being a mentor is a great opportunity to support and guide our students.”


Mentoring is a learning relationship for both the mentor and mentee(s). Mentors learn how to listen to someone who needs help and guidance more actively and effectively, how to give constructive feedback and not to judge. As for mentees, they get a lot more self-confident, believe in themselves, have better study habits, and time management skills thanks to the mentoring process. In short, it is a valuable chance for both parties



Mary Jane Özkurkudis






Short Talk

Trainer Course


“Addiction installing…: Once you start, you never stop”


The OPEN (Online Professional English Network) Programme is open to non-U.S. citizens living outside the United States and offers foreign English teaching professionals the opportunity to develop professionally. The presenter will share her experiences regarding this programme; how she started her journey, which courses she took and what the impact of these were on her professional development.



Özlem & Tim Evans





Short Talk


“A Brief Summary of the Purpose and Activity of the Advisory Committee”



Two members of the advisory Committee would like to share their experiences of being part of this process, explain what goes on in this group, provide a summary of what has been agreed and to offer an insight into the future aims of said group. Should time allow, we will end with Q and A.

Figen Akgöl & Gülgün Gökçeler



Short Talk



“Insights into the Mentoring Project”


In this short talk, the speakers will share their journey through the project and the benefits for students of having a mentor in their first year in the prep programme and the challenges a mentor might face during the process. At the end of this talk, participants will be able to gain insights into the experience of being a mentor.

Bahşende Yardibi & Pelin Kuyum



Short Talk



“Fitting ourselves into the students’ shoes”

In this talk, we will share first-hand experience of mentoring. Being a mentor means building trusted relationships, communicating effectively, and facilitating students’ learning a foreign language. In addition to this, mentors gain a deeper understanding of students’ needs and their strengths and weaknesses. Also, from the mentees’ point of view, they gain new perspectives to learning a new language, realise the importance of having good study skills and become more autonomous learners thanks to the mentoring project.

Sarah Metzker, Gill Mazıcı, Michelle Douglas & Aygün Boduroğlu



 Jennifer Lacano





“Reflections from the Advisory Committee”


For this academic year, a team of instructors from the Preparatory program has been serving as an Advisory Committee to provide advice and feedback to program administrators. Panellists will describe the different projects they have been working on, give a brief overview of changes made as a result of their work, and share reflections about what they learned.


Pınar Acar 15:10-15:30
Using Mnemonics for Vocabulary Teaching and Retention
This is a quasi-experimental study investigating the effects of the Keyword Mnemonic technique on vocabulary learning and retention in comparison with the definition method. A total of 36 tertiary level students at a Turkish state university were chosen as participants, who made up the experiment and the comparison groups. The findings will be presented.
Selda Bodur
Short Talk
“An Extreme Sport”
Sometimes, to develop professionally (if you haven’t developed enough), you need to push the limits, and be brave enough to choose mentoring… Yes, in this episode we will analyse the mentoring project and how far a teacher can travel bare hands in this jungle… The name of this episode is “A Wedding, Olympics, and Out of Reach”
Gülşah Yağlıdağ & Meltem Akçora
Short Talk
“Our satisfactory
mentoring experience”
Thanks to the mentoring project, it was a great opportunity to guide and support our mentees in order to motivate and encourage them. In addition, it was a satisfying experience to make our mentees be aware of our guidance, especially on the areas they thought prevented them from being successful. When we observed how they appreciated the time we spent with them and respected the guidance we were providing we even felt more satisfied.
Gülfem Akdoğan & Ebru Çetindağ
Short Talk
“Activity Centre for Teachers and Students 2021-2022 Academic Year”
Extra-curricular activities are a means to provide a safe environment for students to improve their language abilities. Furthermore, these activities promote communication and interaction with students and teachers, building a sense of belonging and unity in foreign language schools. In this talk, information will be given on our ACTS, the activities, clubs, and events together with results of a survey, future plans, reflections, and suggestions.
Lynette Cooper
Poster Presentation
“Should we be doing more lexis?”
While working with international students, we realised that many students did not have the lexis to cope with their level. The aim was to introduce an extra lexical programme to support students, independent from their course book and not level specific. The program was based on expressions, functional language, and vocabulary sets found within a weekly theme.
Reyhan Köse
Short Talk
“Reflections on Exam-Oriented Courses”
I have been involved in teaching challenging courses, which determine the attendees’ professional and/or educational future. These courses are a requirement of the IUE HR department, or the Ministry of Education making them high stakes for the participants. The courses were run through EKOSEM (2021-2022 academic year). In this talk, I will share my reflections on how I dealt with this teaching context and enabled my learners to be confident and successful scoring the required grades.
Charles Riddlle
Short Talk
“ACTS Website and Online Newsletter”
This will be a short presentation on the ACTS website and online newsletter outlining the creation, maintenance and updating procedures. It is intended to provide information to teachers about the website/newsletter and how students and teachers can contribute. Examples of articles and activities will be presented. 
Ceyhun Ergin & Semra Hasegeli
Short Talk
The COVID-19 pandemic has remarkably affected every sphere of our lives and education inclusive. In this talk presenters will share their both positive and not so positive teaching and learning experiences which helped them grow personally and professionally in the last two years.
  Friday Longwe
Short Talk
“School of Foreign Languages Podcast”
Podcasts are a useful tool for developing speaking skills in language acquisition settings. While much research has emphasized the effectiveness of teacher-produced podcasts, the aim of this project was to address the gap in documenting, recording, and sharing our teaching and learning experiences among teachers and students in the School of Foreign Languages at IUE. In addition to highlighting some of the main pedagogical benefits of podcasts in language learning, the presenter will outline some challenges that producing a podcast may present and offer solutions. There will be time for Q&A at the end of the presentation.


                                                              THE 3rd IUE WORKSHOP FESTIVAL
                                                                UNDERGRADUATE ABSTRACTS
                                                                             JUNE 17th 2022


Arthur Gordon Jones 10.05 – 10.35
Student Perception of Learning Motivation
Every instructor tries to motivate their students when teaching their lessons. How much does the course material matter? Does it make a difference how the instructor presents the course material during the lesson? Is the class dynamic the biggest motivating factor? Through the eyes of our students, this presentation will attempt to find out what students believe motivates them.
Lyndon Merrett 10.45 – 11.00
E 109
Short Talk
Reflections on my year’s hybrid journey and its effect on my teaching
An informal reflection of my year’s hybrid journey and the said journey’s influence on my current teaching. This being looked at from the viewpoint of challenges faced, leading to attempts of quality improvement in lesson delivery due to these challenges and, resulting in agreed improvements being adopted on a possible permanent basis. Improvements being considered “agreed upon” by my own satisfaction in combination with student feedback.
Tülay İnceisa
10.45 – 11.00
E 110
Short Talk
Extra Telaffuz Çalışmasının Almanca Öğrenimine Etkileri
In Turkish
Dil derslerimizde telaffuz çalışmalarına gerektiği kadar yer ayıramadığımız hepimiz tarafından kabul edilen bir gerçek. Konuşmacı bu sunumda 2021-2022 Bahar döneminde GER 202 dersinin iki şubesinde 4 ay süren extra telaffuz çalışmalarını ve sonuçlarını dinleyicilerle paylaşacak.
Antonio Ramirez
10.45 – 11.00
E 111
Short Talk
Panopto Quizzes as a Way to Get Students Ready for an Exam
In this short talk, I will be presenting how to add quizzes to Panopto recordings, and also I will be presenting my findings regarding the implementation of said quizzes as a way to get students ready for a midterm exam.  Adding quizzes to recordings is one of the many features Panopto offers.  Other features include the upload of captions, PowerPoint slides, and other videos.
Hulya Eser, Nihat Derebaşoğlu & Nilay Gezgin
11.10 – 11.25
E 109
Short Talk
Foreign Language Teaching for Industries (professional fields)
In Turkish
Our project is about the advantages and interests of foreign language teaching by branches.
We introduced the materials we prepared for students in different departments in an additional 3x40 min lesson. Afterwards, feedback was obtained from the students and the plus and minus aspects of the courses that could be given to the specialties were mentioned.
Arzu Yabacı 11.10 – 11.25
E 110
Short Talk
Benefits of using tape scripts to develop listening skills
In this short talk, the presenter would like to share some reflections on the benefits of using tape scripts to develop listening skills in second language learning through sources. At the end of this talk, the presenter is going to share examples of some activity types based on tape scripts and some useful links with the participants.
Juan David Morcote
11.10 – 11.25
E 111
Short Talk
Language and culture: Cultural effects on the Spanish lexicon
In this short talk, I will share my proposal for an elective course with the aim to develop intercultural communicative competence, promote multilingualism as a lifelong learning tool, to acquire lexicon in Spanish variants and to recognize the linguistic-cultural diversity of the Hispanic countries and its influence in the Turkish culture.
Nilcan Okan Yavuz & Necan Saygaç 11.10 – 11.25
E 112
Poster Presentation
Peer Observation
In this poster presentation, we will talk briefly about our journey and impressions about peer observation, and we will answer your questions. We both believe that teacher learning is a continuing process and peer observation makes contribution to teachers’ professional development and helps teachers to cooperate among themselves.
Müge Gençoğlan 11.35 – 11.45
Poster Presentation
Teaching/Learning Process during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our lives significantly. This short poster presentation talk will be about the influence of the pandemic process on our teaching and learning experiences considering both teachers’ and students’ perspective. In this talk, I will share my reflections on how I dealt with this situation by mutual collaboration between me, my colleagues, students, and the institution.
Sedef Ahuoğlu
11.35 – 11.50
Short Talk
Fransızca Eğitiminde Geçmişten Günümüze Kültürel Öğeler Karşılaştırması
In Turkish
Fransızcanın yabancı dil olarak eğitiminin Türkiye’de ki ilk örneklerinden olan «La France en direct» ten itibaren 4 farklı metotta Fransız kültürünün en tipik örneklerinden biri olan bayramlar ve özel günlere dair konuyu nasıl işlediklerine dair incelemeyle kültürel konuların geçmişten günümüze dil eğitiminde var olduğunu gözlemleyebileceğiz.
Nil Akpınar Wilsing 11.35 – 11.50
Short Talk
Written Academic Language
There are many differences between general and academic English, especially in the written form. To help students address these differences, the teaching of some aspects of written grammar were integrated into this year’s freshman English course.  In this talk, these elements will be focused on, and the ways they were integrated will be explained.
Anna Maria Lapira 11.35 – 11.50
Short Talk
The use of video in teaching a language
In Italian
In this presentation, the speaker will explain what made her to decide to use more videos during Italian lessons; will illustrates the benefits of this choice in terms of keeping students focused and engaged; lastly will show the students’ positive response to that, tested through the administration of targeted questionnaires.
Anıl Uçak & Ebru Sabuncuoğlu 13.00 – 13.15
Short Talk
Reflective Teaching
“Somebody’s Watching Me”
We strongly believe observations are part of teaching. There is so much to gain from this experience especially when you give informal feedback to each other. Watching a colleague in their natural habitat is a great way to analyze our own strengths and weaknesses as an instructor. There is always something we can learn when we observe or are observed.
Akkadın Çankaya & Elif Boduroğlu 13.00 – 13.15
Short Talk
Hybrid lessons: Teachers and students perspective
In Turkish
We want to talk to you how we felt about Hybrid teaching the last year as teachers and also the students' views play an important role.  That's why we did a survey with our students. We would like to share these results and our conclusions about them with you.
Seçil Uğur 13.00 – 13.10
Poster Presentation
Out with the Spoonfeeding, In with the Self-empowerment
The aim of this “mentoring project” was to encourage two freshman students for self-study from a distance to improve their English language skills throughout an academic year first by listening to them attentively to discover their academic concerns and then encouraging them to take action for self-study through guidance of their instructor. The successive face-to-face meetings held with the students have demonstrated the power of hands-off guidance on students’ increased self-confidence and success.
Elma Corujo 13.25 – 13.55
E 109
“Linguistic Tandem as a Method to Favour the Acquisition of Linguistic and Intercultural Skills”
This study focuses on a review of Linguistic Tandem as a method to favour the acquisition of linguistic and intercultural skills. This aim was pursued by the design of five tandem tasks for a transnational education program between students in Argentina and Turkey. By analysing qualitative information, we observed if the measures adopted had the expected results. Finally, we draw some conclusions.
Dr. Meltem Aktaş 13.25 – 13.55
E 110
Investigation of Cultural Elements in the Course Book "dieci a1"
The purpose of this study is to take into consideration of the use of cultural items in the Italian language teaching books titled “Dieci, the first volume - A1, the most used in the field. In order to reach the data, all the cultural element parts of the book are analysed
Buket Kasalı 13.25 – 13.40
E 111
Short Talk
Yabanci dil öğreniminde kaygi düzeyinin öğrenciler üzerindeki etkisi: bilinçli farkindaliğin alana katkilari
In Turkish
2021-2022 Güz yarıyılında başlamış olduğum çalışmamı 2021-2022 Bahar döneminde tamamlamış bulunmaktayım. Covid-19 pandemi sürecinde başlamış olduğum çalışmada, A1/A2 seviyesinde zorunlu İtalyanca dersi alan İngilizce Mütercim ve Tercümanlık Bölümü öğrencilerinin pandemi süreci ve sonrasında kelime bilgisi ile ilgili yaşadıkları sorunları ortaya çıkarmak amaçlanmıştır. Yüz yüze eğitim sürecinde, öğrencilerden toplanan verilerin analizi sonucu ders içeriğinde yapılan değişiklikler ile öğrencilerin hata yapma korkularında ciddi bir azalma olduğu ve kaygı düzeylerinin düştüğü belirlenmiştir. Katılımcıların bilinçli farkındalıklarının geliştirilmesi amaçlanmış ve bu doğrultuda ders içeriğinde değişiklikler yapılmıştır.
13.25 – 13.40
E 112
Short Talk
Russian advertising at the lessons of Russian as a foreign language
In teaching a foreign language, it is very important to refer to issues of intercultural communication, which means the communication of people, representing different cultures. For this communication to be successful, it is necessary to feel, to understand the language features.
One of the advantages of using advertising texts in problematic tasks is the maximum information with a minimum amount of text.


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