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English language teachers and teachers of other languages at the School of Foreign Languages, whether in the Preparatory School or in Faculty, may be expected to be observed by members of the administration, their co-ordinators and members of CCPL. The observations carried out by members of CCPL are for developmental purposes only, whereas those by members of the administration and the co-ordinators are for appraisal purposes. It is the policy of the School that all language teachers, irrespective of their experience, should have occasional visits by members of CCPL. Those visits will always happen on a notified basis as opposed to the unnotified ones conducted by the administration and coordinators. The aim of the CCPL observations is threefold: First, that the former are afforded the opportunity to discuss the effectiveness of the lesson observed. Second, that the suggestions offered in feedback will be reflected upon and implemented in future lessons. And third, that the teachers receive, on a one-to-one basis, recognition that their teaching is being appreciated. All this to the benefit of the teachers and their learners.
The process consists of seven stages: informing the teachers that they are to be observed and arranging a time, the pre-observation chat, the observation itself, immediate reaction to the observation by the teacher, guided reflection by both the teacher and the observer on the lesson (using the feedback form developed by CCPL), feedback and follow-up.
Before the post-observation feedback session, the teachers complete the Self-Reflection Template.
You can access the checklist used by the trainers.
In addition to the above-mentioned observations, teachers are encouraged to visit each other’s classes either by invitation from another teacher or on the recommendation of another teacher, co-ordinator or CCPL member. The aim of such peer observations is to afford those teachers visiting others classes the opportunity of focussing on a particular aspect or apsects of English language teaching including classroom management. Peer observations are always conducted on a notified basis, and the teacher being visited can discuss with the guest teacher beforehand apsects of the lesson the latter would like to focus on. During feedback, the two teachers discuss the focus or foci of the lesson. Feedback on other items of the lesson can be discussed if the visited teacher requests this.
You can access a collection of lesson observation tasks and Peer Observation Form.
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