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Table I: The ENG 102 – Academic Skills in English II course and its sections for the 2024-2025 Spring Semester in undergraduate programs with English-medium instruction are listed below.
Table II: The ENG 210 – Technical English for Engineers course and its sections for the 2024-2025 Spring Semester are listed below.
Table III: The ENG 310 – Essential Speaking Skills in English and ENG 410 – English for Career Development courses and their sections for the 2024-2025 Spring Semester are listed below.
Table IV: The English courses (ING 106, ING 206, ING 306, ING 406) and their sections for the 2024-2025 Spring Semester in undergraduate programs with Turkish-medium instruction are listed below.
As Izmir University of Economics transforms into a world-class university, it also raises successful young people with global competence.
More..Izmir University of Economics produces qualified knowledge and competent technologies.
More..Izmir University of Economics sees producing social benefit as its reason for existence.