School of Foreign Languages

Academic Publications

Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI


  • Esin Caglayan and Evrim Üstünlüoğlu.
    (2020) A Study Exploring Students’ Usage Patterns and Adoption of Lecture Capture.
    Technology, Knowledge And Learning ,


  • Filiz Başkan , Ünsal Doğan Başkır , Erdinç Erdem and Funda Sarıcı.
    (2022) A music for all times: Arabesk as a nostalgic commodity for New Turkey’s entertainment industry.
    European Journal Of Cultural Studies , Vol. 25, No. 2, 498-514,
  • Aynur Yürekli.
    (2022) English Medium Instruction and the role of Students’ use of L1.
    Journal Of Language Teaching And Learning , Vol. 12, No. 2, 78-100,
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu , Filiz Mumucu , Nilüfer Uslu and Petek Aşkar.
    (2022) A case study on the usage of lecture capture: perceptions of students, faculty members and administrators. .
    Journal Of Computer In Higher Education ,
  • Simon Mumford , Derin Atay.
    (2021) Teachers’ perspectives on the causes of rater discrepancy in an English for Academic Purposes context.
    Assessing Writing , Vol. 48,
  • Mary Jane Özkurkudis , Nilay Bümen.
    (2021) Using Cartoon Discussions for Vocabulary Acquisition in English Language Teaching.
    Journal Of Education And Future , No. 19,
  • Anita Afacan , Aynur Yürekli.
    (2020) Journal Writing: Effects on Students’ Writing Proficiency and Student/Teacher Attitudes .
    Register Journal , Vol. Vol. 13, No. 1, 1-48, ISBN: 2503-040X
  • Mehmet Şahin , Şeyda Eraslan , Damla Kaleş and Özge Altıntaş.
    (2020) Virtual Worlds as a Contribution to Content and Variety in Interpreter Training: The Case of Turkey..
    The Role Of Technology In Conference Interpreter Training. , No. New Trends, ISBN: 978-1-78874-407-2
  • Aynur Yürekli , Anita Afacan.
    (2020) Journal Writing and Diary Journal Writing: Effects on Students’ Writing Proficiency and Student/Teacher Attitudes.
    REGISTER , Vol. 13, No. 1, 1-48,
  • Evrim üstünlüoğlu , Esin çağlayan.
    (2020) .A Study Exploring Students' Usage Patterns and Adoption of Lecture Capture .
  • Simon Mumford.
    (2020) Pre-service language teachers reflection development through online interaction in a hybrid learning course.
    Computers & Education , Vol. 144,
  • Simon Mumford.
    (2020) Preschool English teachers gaining bilingual competencies in a monolingual context.
    System , Vol. 91,
  • Mary Jane Özkurkudis , Nilay T. Bümen.
    (2019) Flipping the Writing Classroom: Using Grammar Videos to Enhance Writing.
    Journal Of Education And Future , No. 15, 1-16,
  • Nesrin Oruç Ertürk.
    (2019) Teaching to the ‘other’: Comparative perspectives of Netherlander and Turkish teachers’ attitudes on gender identity.
    EDUCAR Em Revista , Vol. 35, No. 75, 265-282,
  • Aynur Yürekli.
    (2018) Pedagogy in HE: Does it matter.
    Studies In Higher Education ,
  • Nesrin Oruç Ertürk , Simon Mumford.
    (2017) Understanding test-takers perception of difficulty in EAP vocabulary tests: the role of experiential factors.
    Language Testing , Vol. 34, No. 3, 413-433,
  • Simon Mumford.
    (2017) Understanding test-takers’ perceptions of difficulty in EAP vocabulary tests: The role of experiential factors.
    Language Testing , Vol. 34, No. 17,
  • Simon Mumford.
    (2016) Supporting the writing up of teacher research: peer and mentor roles.
    ELT Journal , Vol. 70, No. 4, 371-381,
  • Evrim üstünlüoğlu.
    (2015) Teaching quality matters in higher education: a case study from Turkey and Slovakia.
    Teachers And Teaching: Theory And Practice ,
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu.
    (2013) Understanding Misbehavior at University Level: Lecturer Perceptions from the US and Turkey. Education and Science..
    Eğitim Ve Bilim , Vol. Vol. 38,, No. No. 169.,
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    (2013) Effects of Visually Enhanced Input, Input Processing and Pushed Output on Grammar Teaching.
    Porta Linguarum , Vol. 20, No. 20, 153-167, ISBN: ISSN: 1697-7467
  • Aynur Yürekli.
    (2013) The six category intervention: a classroom observation reference”, ELT Journal.
    ELT Journal , Vol. 67, No. 2,
  • Bahar Gün.
    (2012) "Views of teacher performance: To what extent do multiple observers converge?,.
    EJER , Vol. 46, 81-100,
  • D. Burcu Eğilmez.
    (2012) Governing and/or Repressing Dissent via the Politics of Toleration: The Justice and Development Party versus the Labor Class.
    Turkish Studies ,
  • Bahar Gün.
    (2012) Quality Self-reflection through Reflection Training.
    ELT Journal , Vol. 65, No. 2,
  • Asst. Dr. Evrim Üstünlüoğlu , K Funda Akgül Zazaoğlu , Michelle Necla Keskin , Beril Sarayköylü and Gülfem Akdoğan.
    International Journal Of Instruction , Vol. 5, No. 1,
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    (2011) Disruptive Behaviors: The Conception and Reaction of Instructors in Higher Education.
    Eurasian Journal Of Educational Research , Vol. 43, 188-202,
  • Simon Mumford.
    (2011) Changes to English as an Additional Language writers’ research articles: From spoken to written register.
    English For Specific Purposes , Vol. 30, No. 2, 113-123,
  • Bahar Gun.
    (2010) Quality self-reflection through reflection training.
    ELT Journal , Vol. 65, No. 2,

Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by other indexes


  • Devrim Sezer , Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2022) Amerikan Federalistleri, Hannah Arendt ve Cumhuriyetçilik: Temsili Demokrasiye Karşı Konsey Sistemi?.
    Felsefi Düşün , No. 19, 420-457,
  • Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2021) Kozmopolitanizmin İçkin Gerilimi: Politikanın Çağdaş Krizini Kavram Tarihi Işığında Düşünmek.
    Mülkiye Dergisi , Vol. 45, No. 1, 33-60,
  • Nesrin Oruç Ertürk , Aylin Köyalan , Feryal Çubukçu.
    (2017) Training Teacher Trainees on Teaching Young Learners..
    Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi , 1-22,
  • Aynur Yürekli.
    (2016) Shall we forget about L1 when teaching English.
    TÖMER Dil Dergisi , Vol. 167, No. 2, 15-25,
  • Nesrin Oruç Ertürk , Simon Mumford.
    (2016) “Teacher, is the exam difficult?” Students’ perceptions of difficulty in vocabulary assessment tasks.
    Litearcy Trek , Vol. 1, No. 2, 1-15, ISBN: 2149-6382
  • Esin Caglayan.
    (2014) Relationship between Instructors’ Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Organizational Justice Perceptions.
    Educational Administration: Theory And Practice , Vol. 20, No. 4, 421-452, ISBN: 1300-4832
  • Nesrin Oruç , Bahar Gün , Aynur Yürekli.
    (2014) Exploring Language Teachers Perceptions of Teacher Development in Turkish Context.
    Celal Bayar University Journal Of Social Sciences , Vol. 12, No. 4, 19-33,
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    (2013) The role of altruism in the motivation of language teachers in Turkey.
    EKEV Academy , Vol. 17, No. 54, 173-186, ISBN: ISSN:1301-6229
  • Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2013) Arendt Türkiye’de: Fatmagül Berktay ve Nilgün Toker’in Arendt’i Üzerine Bir Tartışma/Diyalog Denemesi.
    Toplum Ve Bilim , No. 127, 287-294,
  • Aynur Yürekli.
    (2013) How Effective Are Classroom Observations in the Development of English Language Teachers.
    Mediterranean Journal Of Education Research , Vol. 14a, 246-251,
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    (2012) Dictogloss: The role of reconstruction tasks on noticing.
    İnönü University Journal Of The Faculty Of Education , Vol. 13, No. 2, 43-56,
  • Unsal Doğan Başkır , Erdinç Erdem.
    (2012) Sivil İtaatsizlik Eylemi olarak Türkiye’de Vicdani Ret: Bir Yurttaşlık Talebi.
    Toplum Ve Bilim , No. 124, 61-84,
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu , Beril Sarayköylü , Michelle Keskin , Funda Zazaoğlu and Gülfem Akdoğan.
    (2012) Developing a CEF Based Curriculum: A Case Study..
    International Journal Of Instruction. , Vol. Vol.5, No. No.1, 115-128, ISBN: 1308-1470


  • Kenan Dikilitaş , Simon Mumford.
    (2023) Identity reconstruction through reflection and reflexivity: a new journey beyond the Ph.D. dissertation.
    Reflective Practice ,
  • Meltem Aktaş Doğan.
    (2022) Examining the Self-Directed Skills of University Students Learning Foreign Languages Through Distance Education: The Case of Izmir University Economics.
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE ACADEMY , Vol. -, No. 43, 185-201, ISBN: 2342-0251
  • Nesrin Oruç Ertürk , Yeşim Bektaş Çetinkaya.
    (2022) Practicum experiences of prospective English language teachers in the era of curriculum reform: Challenges and strategies. .
    International Journal Of TESOL And Learning , Vol. 11, No. 1,
  • Bahar Gün.
    (2021) Teacher Quality: Epicenter of the Learning Process at Higher Education.
    TOJNED , Vol. 11, No. 2, 75-80,
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu , Robert Dahlgren.
    (2021) The Perceptions of Faculty Members of Education Regarding the Technology-Based Implementations: Lecture Capturing. .
    Journal Of Teaching And Learning In Digital Age , Vol. 6, 46-54,
  • Ela Burcu Ucel , Burcu Guneri-Cangarli , Esin Caglayan , Gulem Atabay.
    (2020) Insights into Ethical Climate and Teacher Behavioral Outcomes.
    E-International Journal Of Educational Research , Vol. 11, No. 3, 217-230, ISBN: 1309-6265
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu.
    Eğitim Teknolojisi Kuram Ve Uygulama , Vol. 10, No. 2, 590-607, ISBN: ISSN: 2147-1908
  • Nesrin Oruç Ertürk.
    (2020) The development and construction of teacher professional identity: A case study on beliefs towards teaching. .
    Başkent University Journal Of Education (BUJE) , Vol. 7, No. 2, 169-179, ISBN: ISSN 2148-3485 -
  • Simon Mumford.
    (2019) Teacher autonomy development through reading teacher research: Agency, motivation and identity.
    Innovation In Language Learning And Teaching , Vol. 13, No. 3,
  • Nesrin Oruç Ertürk.
    (2018) Education and Empowerment: Educating Girls on Domestic Violence. .
    PEOPLE: International Journal Of Social Sciences , Vol. 4, No. 2, 1003-1012,
  • Aynur Yürekli.
    (2017) Do Current Teaching Methodologies Really Work in Every Context?.
    Universal Journal Of Educational Research , Vol. 5, No. 12/, 71-76, ISBN: ISSN-2332-3205
  • Bahar Gün.
    (2017) Exploring the Impact of Professional Development Intervention through Reflection.
    Journal Of Education And Training , Vol. 4, No. 2, 14-26,
  • D. Burcu Eğilmez.
    (2016) Theatre, Film and History in terms of Intertextuality: “Hacivat Karagöz Neden Öldürüldü?”/Metinlerarasılık Bağlamında Temaşa, Sinema, Tarih: “Hacivat Karagöz Neden Öldürüldü?”.
    Monograf , Vol. 6, 52-86, ISBN: ISSN 2148-3442
  • Utkan Boyacıoğlu.
    (2016) Les défis linguistiques d’une communauté émergente dans l’espace francophone urbain: Les Turcs de Montréal.
    Cahiers Internationaux De Sociolinguistique , No. 10, 47-76,
  • D. Burcu Eğilmez.
    (2015) Difference and Equality for U.K. Le Guin: Dialogue, Dialogical Novel and Interdisciplinarity/U. K. Le Guin için Farklılık ve Eşitlik: Diyalog, Diyalojik Roman ve İnterdisiplinerlik.
    Monograf , No. 4, 144-167, ISBN: 2148-3442
  • Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2015) Book Review of The Degradation of the International Legal Order? The Rehabilitation of Law and the Possibility of Politics. by Bill Bowring.
    Journal Of Parliamentary And Political Law , Vol. 9, No. 2, 413-417,
    Turkish Studies International Periodical For The Languages, Literature And History Of Turkish Or Tur , Vol. 10/11, 57-78, ISBN: 1308-2140
  • Nesrin Oruç Ertürk.
    (2015) Testing your Tests: Reliability Issues of Academic English Exams.
    International Journal Of Psychology And Educational Studies , Vol. 2, No. 2, 47-52,
  • Bahar Gün.
    (2014) The reciprocal relationship between teachers’ caring qualities and student achievement: reality or coincidence?”.
    Basic Research Journal Of Education Research And Review ISSN 2315-6872 , Vol. 3, No. 2, 13-18,
    TURKISH STUDIES , Vol. 12, No. 8, 29-47, ISBN: 1308-2140
  • Bahar Gün.
    (2014) Making Sense of Experienced Teachers’ Interactive Decisions: Implications for Expertise in Teaching.
    International Journal Of Instruction , Vol. 1, 75-90,
    E-International Journal Of Educational Research , Vol. 4, No. 4, 100-116, ISBN: 1309-6265
    (2013) An analysis and assessment of teachers’ perceptions of school climate.
    Mediterranean Journal Of Educational Research , Vol. 14a, 229-234, ISBN: 1309-0682
  • Nesrin Oruç , Berna Yavuz.
    (2013) Choosing Course Book in Foreign Language Education.
    The Journal Of International Social Research , Vol. 6, No. 27, 398-407, ISBN: ISSN: 1307-9581
  • Bahar Gun , Esin Caglayan.
    (2013) Implications from the Diagnosis of a School Culture at a Higher Education Institution.
    Turkish Online Journal Of Qualitative Inquiry , Vol. 4, No. 1, ISBN: ISSN 1309-6591
  • Bahar Gün , Esin Çağlayan.
    (2013) " Implications from the Diagnosis of a School Culture at a Higher Education Institution”.
    Turkish Online Journal Of Qualitative Inquiry , Vol. 4, No. 1, 47-59,
  • Aynur Yürekli.
    (2013) How Effective Are Classroom Observations in the Development of English Language Teachers?.
    Mediterranean Journal Of Education Research , Vol. 14a, 246-251,
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu.
    (2012) Student Evaluation of Teachers: A Case Study at Tertiary Level.
    International Journal On New Trends In Education And Their Implications , Vol. Vol:3, No. Issue: 4 , ISBN: ISSN 1309-6249
  • Aynur Yürekli.
    (2012) An analysis of curriculum renewal in an EAP context.
    International Journal Of Instruction , Vol. 5, No. 1, 49-68,
  • Üstünlüoğlu, E Güngör, D.
    (2012) Investigating Student Evaluation of Teachers by Using Latent Class Analysis: A Case Study at a Tertiary Level...
    International Journal Of Education. , Vol. Vol. 4, No. No.3., ISBN: ISSN 1948-5476.
  • Bahar Gün.
    (2010) Are teachers fully prepared to teach different varieties of English?: A Case Study in Turkey.
    English As An International Language Journal , Vol. 5,
  • Aynur Yurekli , Gulriz Imer.
    (2009) Teacher candidates' computer self-efficacy levels for sustainable development.
    E-Journal Of New World Sciences Academy , No. 4, 185-196, ISBN: 1306-3111
  • D. Burcu Eğilmez .
    (2009) The Politics of Turkish Gecekondu (Slum) Dwellers: Case of Kuruçeşme.
    International Journal Of Interdiciplinary Sciences , Vol. 4, No. 7, 65-74, ISBN: 1833-1882
  • Aynur Yürekli.
    (2008) Class participation: What to look for and how to evaluate.
    Studies In Second Language Teaching , 277-287, ISBN: 9783895861345
  • Sabri Kocakulah , Evrim Ustunluoglu , Aysel Kocakulah.
    (2005) The effect of teaching in native and foreign language on students' conceptual understanding in science courses.
    Asia-Pacific Forum On Science Learning And Teaching , Vol. 6, No. 2,
  • Nesrin Oruç Ertürk.
    () The development and construction of teacher professional identity: A case study on beliefs towards teaching.
    Başkent University Journal Of Education (BUJE) ,

Published or accepted to be published in refereed journals


  • Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2021) 2010lar Türkiyesi’nde ‘Olağanüstü Hal Yurttaşlığı’nın Geri Dönüşü.
    Ayrıntı Dergi , No. 36,
  • Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2018) 'Küreselleşme İdeolojisi’: Donald Trump Neye Karşı Çıkıyor?.
    Birikim Güncel ,
  • Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2018) Ünsal Doğan Başkır'la Röportaj: “‘Cumhuriyet fikri, merkezindeki kamusallıktan kaynaklanan gerilimlerle malûldür.’.
    Ayrıntı Dergi , 21-29,
  • Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2016) Cumhuriyetin Sınırlarıyla Yüzleşmek: Anayasal Yurttaşlık.
    Ayrıntı Dergi , 49-56,
  • Nesrin Oruç Ertürk.
    (2014) Student and Teacher Perceptions on Reliability and Validity of Freshman EAP Tests.
    Ahi Evran University Kırşehir Faculty Of Education Journal , Vol. 15, No. 3, 1-13,
  • Nesrin Oruç Ertürk , Bahar Gün , Aynur Kaynardağ.
    (2014) Exploring Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Teacher Development in Turkish Context.
    CBU Journal Of Social Sciences , Vol. 12, No. 4, 19-33,
  • Utkan Boyacıoğlu.
    (2014) Partial reduplication in Turkish / Le redoublement partiel en Turc.
    E-Dil Dergisi ,
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    (2013) The role of altruism in the motivation of language teachers in Turkey.
    EKEV Akademi Dergisi , Vol. 17, No. 54, 173-186,
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu.
    (2012) Türkiye'de Üniversite hazırlık programlarına Yönelik bir Durum Analizi ve Öneriler.
    Çağdaş Eğitim Dergisi Akademik, , Vol. 1, No. 2, ISBN: ISSN 2146-8044.
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    (2009) A Research Review on the Role of Technology in Education: Perceptions of Learners and Teachers.
    Dicle Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Elektronik Dergisi (DÜSDEM) , No. 1, 13-20,
    Journal Of Theory And Practice In Education , Vol. 5, No. 2, 148-169, ISBN: 1304-9496
  • Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2008) Kuruluşunun Altıncı Yıldönümünde Guantánamo Üssü: Hukuktan Müstesna Adalar.
    Birikim , No. 226, 95-100,
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    (2008) English-Medium Instruction: Does it Work?.
    Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi , Vol. 17, No. 1, 345-356,
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    (2008) Where Do The Turkish Students Stand According to Their Success in Math and Science when Compared to 38 Countries.
    Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi , No. 24, 69-81,
  • Evrim Ustunluoglu.
    (2008) What Can Turkey Learn From Other Countries Regarding English Language/ A Brief Account of Language Teacher Training and Teaching from Other Countries.
    Milli Eğitim Dergisi , Vol. 37, No. 178,
  • Aynur Yürekli.
    (2007) The importance of genitive in assigning markedness degrees to English relative clauses.
    Buca Eğitim Dergisi , Vol. 21, 108-114,
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    (2007) The Effect of L1 on the Pronunciation of /θ/ Sound in English.
    Buca Faculty Of Education Journal , Vol. 21, 124-129, ISBN: 1302-5147
    (2006) Üst düzey düşünme becerilerini geliştirmede bilişsel soruların rolü.
    Çağdaş Eğitim Dergisi , Vol. 31, No. 331, 17-24,
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu , Dilek İnan.
    (2004) Connecting NLP and Poetry Writing in the Language Class.
    İstanbul Üniversitesi, Hasan Ali Yücel Eğitim Fakültesi Yayınları. , Vol. 2,
  • Meltem Aktaş.
    (2002) Dil Öğreniminde Bireysel Özellikler ve Ayırtedici Etkenler -"Grammatica e Insegnamento di una Seconda Lingua, Problemi Psico e Sociolinguistici" adlı kitaptan sf.9-14 çeviri, Yazar: Maria Antonietta Covino Bisaccia.
    Ankara Üniversitesi TÖMER Dil Dergisi , No. 117, 69-71, ISBN: 1300-3542
  • Meltem Aktaş.
    (2002) Dil Öğreniminde Çocuklar ile Yetişkinler Arasındaki Farklılıklar - " Grammatica e Insegnamento di una Seconda Lingua Problemi Psico e Sociolinguistici" adlı kitaptan çeviri, sf: 15-26, Yazar: Maria Antonietta Covino Bisaccia.
    Ankara Üniversitesi TÖMER Dil Dergisi , No. 114, 30-34, ISBN: 1300-3542
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu , Nevin Akkaya.
    (2002) Balıkesir Üniversitesi Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Türkçe Son Sınıf Öğrencilerinin staj Dönemlerinde Gözlem yoluyla Öğretimlerinin Değerlendirilmesi,.
    Anadili Ve Eğitim Dergisi , Vol. 26, 39-51, ISBN: 1301-6296
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu.
    (2001) Öğretimin Değerlendirilmesi ve İyileştirilmesinde Alternatif bir Yaklaşım..
    Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi , Vol. 26, No. 119,
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu.
    (2001) Yabancı Dil Öğretiminde Yöntemlere bir Bakış, İhtiyaç Analizinin Gerekliliği ve Program Değerlendirmesi..
    Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayını , Vol. 10, No. 1, 81-97,
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu.
    (2000) Dogrudan Gözlem Yoluyla Öğretmenlerin İşbirlikli Öğretimi..
    Milli Eğitim Dergisi , Vol. 145,


  • Sabire Pınar Acar , Eda Akgün Özpolat , İrem Çomoglu.
    (2023) Teacher-tailored Classroom Observation for Professional Growth of EFL Instructors: an Exploratory Case Study.
    (2022) El Tándem lingüístico en un programa de español de los negocios.
    ForLingua , No. 3, 115-136, ISBN: 2660-7026
  • Kamer Öztin.
    Dil Dergisi , Vol. 172 , No. 1, 43 - 59,
  • Özge Coşkun Aysal , Gülfer Tunalı.
    Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi , Vol. 22, No. 4, 1427-1446,
  • Kamer Öztin.
    (2020) Toni Morrison’un Sula (1973) romanındaki folklorik unsurların Türkçeye aktarımı.
    RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi , Vol. 2020.S8 ,
  • Özge"" Coşkun Aysal , Gülfer Tunalı .
    (2020) Low Social Status, High Individual Status: Turkish Translators In The State And Private Sectors.
    Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, , Vol. 22 , No. 4, 1427-1446,
  • María Elma Corujo González.
    (2019) El español del comercio. Aproximación a una propuesta didáctica para una clase de EFP con una especial atención al desarrollo de los géneros discursivos.
    Les Cahiers Du GERES , Vol. 10, 28-45,
  • María Elma Corujo González.
    (2015) El español de los negocios: diseño curricular de un curso de marketing internacional para estudiantes turcos.
    Master's Thesis ,
  • Nesrin Oruç Ertürk.
    (2014) The Feminization of Schooling: Is Primary Education Really a Woman’s World?.
    The Teacher , Vol. 116, No. 2, 57-62, ISBN: ISSN 1644-2059
  • Utkan Boyacıoğlu.
    (2013) Analyse De La Fréquence Des Expressions Idiomatiques Utilisées Dans Les Articles De Journaux.
    Synergie-Turquie ,
  • V. Doğan Günay , Utkan Boyacıoğlu , Ürün Perçin.
    (2012) Türk Toplumunda İntikam Algısı. Bir Saha Araştırması Denemesi.
    Dilbilim Dergisi , Vol. 1, No. 25, 35-58, ISBN: 0255-674X
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu.
    (2011) Developing a new test culture: the art of possible..
    Journal Of Educational Sciences Research. International E-Journal. , Vol. Vol. 1, No. No:1, 19-31,
  • Bahar Gün.
    (2011) What is it that I do in the classroom?: Teachers’ feedback to their own classroom feedback.
    Journal Of Buca Education Faculty , Vol. 29, 178-191,
  • Nesrin Oruç , Yeşim Bektaş Çetinkaya.
    (2011) Effects of Socioeconomic Status and Physical Learning Environment on Motivation of University Students.
    European Journal Of Social Sciences , Vol. 21, No. 1, ISBN: ISSN: 145-2267
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    (2011) The Perception of Teaching as a Profession by Turkish Trainee Teachers: Attitudes towards Being a Teacher..
    International Journal Of Humanities And Social Science , Vol. 1, No. 4, 83-87, ISBN: ISSN 2220-8488 (Prin
  • Aynur Yurekli.
    (2011) The Importance of Genitive in Assigning Markedness Degrees to English Relative Clauses.
    Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi , No. 21, 108-114,
  • Bahar Gün.
    (2010) From TDU to CPD.
    English Teaching Professional ,
  • Bahar Gun , Evrim Ustunluoglu , Aynur Yurekli.
    (2010) Listening and Responding to Novice Teachers' Inner Voices.
    Humanizing Language Teaching , No. 3, ISBN: 1755-9715
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu.
    (2010) Üstünlüoğlu, E; Gün, Bahar; Yürekli, A. (2010). Listening and Responding to Novice Teachers’ Inner Voices..
    Humanising Language Teaching. , Vol. Vol. 12, No. Issue 3 , ISBN: ISSN 1755-9715
  • Simon Mumford.
    (2009) An analysis of spoken grammar: the case for production.
    ELT Journal , Vol. 63, No. 2, 137-144, ISBN: 0951-0893
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    (2009) Becoming Whole and a Teacher Through Fulbright.
    Fulbright FLTA Newsletter , No. 16,
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu.
    (2008) Do Teachers Speak the Same Language with the Students? It is Time to Tune in.
    Humanising Language Teaching , Vol. 10, No. 1, ISBN: 1755-9715
  • Aynur Yurekli , Evrim Ustunluoglu.
    (2007) Towards Student Involvement in Essay Assessment.
    Essays In Education , Vol. 22, 55-64, ISBN: 1527-9359
  • Evrim Ustunluoglu.
    (2007) University students' perceptions of native and non-native teachers .
    Teachers And Teaching , Vol. 13, No. 1, 63-79, ISBN: 10.1080/135406006011
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu.
    (2004) Teaching English Through Critical Thinking and Self –Awareness..
    English Teaching Forum , Vol. 42, No. 3,
  • Özge Coşkun Aysal , Donald Francis Staub.
    (2023) Scaling Quality in University-Level Language Education Through a Learning Organization Model .
  • Yiğit İnan , Berkin Öztekin , Ege Şener , Kutluhan Erol , Esin Çağlayan and Çınar Gedizoğlu.
    (2023) Potential Transformative Impact of Predictive Modeling on Assessment Grading.
    INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION CONGRESS 2023 / Conference Proceeding
    865-874, ISBN: 978-605-72845-4-9
  • Özge Coşkun Aysal .
    (2023) Creating a Learning Organization (which will really help your quality assurance efforts).
    2nd International Conference On Quality Assurance And Accreditation In Foreign Language Education
  • Özge Coşkun Aysal , Donald Francis Staub.
    (2023) A Digital Badging System to Facilitate a Supportive Learning Environment in a School of Foreign Languages.
    First Istanbul Medipol Language School Conference On Social-Emotional Learning And Cultural Competence
  • Özge Coşkun Aysal .
    (2023) Scaling Quality in University-Level Language Education Through a Learning Organization Model .
    First International Conference On Best Practices In Second Language Education
  • Özge Coşkun Aysal , Donald Francis Staub.
    (2023) The Critical Role of SEL in an SFL – Sustaining the Learning Organization & Combatting Student Retention .
    First Istanbul Medipol Language School Conference On Social-Emotional Learning And Cultural Competence
  • Esin Çağlayan , A. Sermet Anagün.
    (2023) Bibliometric Analysis and Prediction of Future Trends of Learning Analytics in Higher Education.
    Ankara Üniversitesi / EDU Congress 2023
    ISBN: 978-605-72845-3-2
  • Devrim Sezer , Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2022) Amerikan Federalistleri, Hannah Arendt ve Cumhuriyetçilik: Temsili Demokrasiye Karşı Konsey Sistemi?.
    Siyasi İlimler Türk Derneği / Siyasi İlimler Türk Derneği Birinci Siyaset Bilimi Kongresi
  • Sabire Pınar Acar , Gülşah Külekçi.
    (2022) E-feedback versus Paper-based Feedback: Learner Perceptions.
  • Sabire Pınar Acar , Yeşim Bektaş Çetinkaya.
    (2022) Using Mnemonics for VocabularyTeaching and Retention.
    UBAK / The 13th International Scientific Research Congress -Social And Educational Sciences-Proceeding Book
    23-33, ISBN: 978-625-7501-68-2
  • Esin Çağlayan.
    (2022) Enhancing Instructor Competencies Through a Professional Development Program in Higher Education.
    EYFOR XIII International Education Management Forum / EYFOR XIII International Education Management Forum
    ISBN: 978-975-2490-85-7
  • Devrim Sezer , Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2022) Arendt’s Council Democracy and the American Federalists: Two Rival Visions of Federalism.
    University Of Aberdeen / Council Democracy As An Alternative To Representative Democracy
  • Esin Çağlayan , Murat Aşkar.
    (2021) Setting the Standards for Quality Online Education.
    IDEC2021 International Distance Education Congress / 2021 INTERNATIONAL DISTANCE EDUCATION CONGRESS
    ISBN: 978-605-83569-8-6
  • Aimara Rodríguez De Cesero.
    (2021) La revisión por pares en textos escritos con estudiantes turcos de la IEU: clases presenciales y en línea.
    362-369, ISBN: 978-88-97908-61-6
  • Esin Çağlayan , Murat Aşkar.
    (2021) Fostering Instructor Competencies to Enhance Online Education.
    IDEC2021 International Distance Education Congress / 2021 INTERNATIONAL DISTANCE EDUCATION CONGRESS
    ISBN: 978-605-83569-8-6
    (2021) Uzaktan Eğitim Sürecinde Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Öz-Yönetimli Becerilerinin İncelenmesi: İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi Örneği.
    11111-11111, ISBN: -
    (2021) Review of Self-Directed Skills of University Students in the Distance Education Process: Example of Izmir University of Economics.
    11111-11111, ISBN: -
  • Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2020) Yalan, Hakikat, Siyaset: Arendtçi Bir Bakış.
    8. İzmir Felsefe Günleri / İzmir Felsefe Günleri 2019
    ISBN: 978-605-85453-6-6
  • Esin Caglayan.
    (2019) Professional development in assessment through a community of practice: FOAI.
    IATEFL ESP SIG Conference
  • Sedef Ahuoglu eroglu.
    (2019) Yabancı Dil Öğretimine Sanat Dokunuşları: FIRÇADAN DEKLANŞÖRE.
    Azerbeycan Yabancı Diller üniversitesi Bakü / International Congress On “Current Issues In Applied Linguistics”.
    (2019) The Use of Blackboard in Foreign Language Teaching: The Example of IUE.
    514-514, ISBN: 978-975-441-531-5
  • Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2019) Adalet Arayışı olarak Politika.
    Felsefe Seminerleri: Adalet Arayışı
  • Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2019) Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism: Ethics and Politics of Citizenship in the Times of Rising Populism.
    Political Theory Workshop
    (2019) Yabancı Dil Öğretiminde Blackboard Kullanımı: İEÜ Örneği.
    514-514, ISBN: 978-975-441-531-5
  • Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2019) Politika Sahnesinde Yalan ve Önyargı.
    Politika Teorisi Atölyesi
  • Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2018) Anayasal Yurttaşlık: Ulus-Sonrası Dünyada Cumhuriyeti ve Yurttaşlığı Yeniden Düşünmek.
    İzmir Demokrasi Üniversitesi / I. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimlerde Kritik Tartışmalar Kongresi
  • Utkan Boyacıoğlu.
    (2018) (Mai 3-4, 2018). Communities of practice in the context of hegdes and boosters: Montreal Turkish Society Sampling.
    32th National Linguistics Congress. Izmir.
  • Esin Caglayan.
    (2018) Using Learning Analytics as a Tool to Assess Student Engagement and Enhance Student Success.
    3rd International Higher Education Studies Conference (IHEC) 2018
  • Esin Caglayan.
    (2018) Learning Analytics: What the Numbers Really Tell.
    TESOL In Turkey Conference
  • Aynur Yürekli.
    (2017) Do .
    TESOL In Turkey Conference
  • Muharrem Yeni , Damla Kaleş , Niloufar Fallahshahrak.
    (2017) Big Friendly Giant (The Bfg) Kitabı ile Eserin Aynı İsimli Canlı Aksiyon Filminin Göstergelerarası Çeviri Çerçevesinde İncelenmesi.
    İstanbul Üniversitesi Doktora Araştırmaları Çalıştayı
  • Mehmet Şahin , Şeyda Eraslan , Gazihan Alankuş , Damla Kaleş , Özge Altıntaş , Yasin Sinan Kayacan , Yiğit Can Parıltı and Mert Künan.
    (2016) Moving boundaries of interpreting and interpreter training through virtual worlds..
    European Society For Translators Congress
  • Nesrin Oruç Ertürk.
    (2016) Language Learner Autonomy: Is it Really Possible?.
    GlobELT 2016, Hacettepe University / International Conference On Teaching And Learning English As An Additional Language,
  • Şeyda Eraslan , Mehmet Şahin , Gazihan Alankuş , Özge Altıntaş , Damla Kaleş , Yiğit Can Parıltı , Yasin Sinan Kayacan and Mert Künan.
    (2016) rom traditional to virtual: Professional interpreters’ Second Life..
    European Society For Translators Congress 2016
  • Esin Caglayan.
    (2016) Assessment of Digital Literacy Competence of Higher Education Students.
    ICETR 2016 International Conference On Educational Theory And Research
  • Emre Gönlügür , Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2015) From Follies to Forums: The Democratic Horizon of Urban Dissent.
    Design History Society / Design History Society Conference
  • Mehmet Şahin , Derya Duman , Sabri Gürses , Damla Kaleş.
    (2015) Revealing Plagiarism in Translation through Empirical Evidence..
    Retranslation In Context II
  • Gökçem Menekşe Gökçen .
    (2015) "Fresh Pair of Eyes: The New Story of Ammu’s Body in The God of Small Things".
    International Knowledge And Politics In Gender & Women Studies
    ISBN: 978-975-429-353-1
  • Emre Gönlügür , Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2015) Ephemeral Architectures, Enduring Assemblies: The Romantic Dimension of Urban Dissent.
    Utopian Imaginaries: Past, Present And Future
  • Aynur Y. Kaynardağ.
    (2015) Reactions and Reflections on Class Observation Feedback.
    The Magic Of Innovation: New Trends In Language Research And Teaching Foreign Languages. School Of International Relations Of The Moscow State Institute Of Foreign Relations
  • Evrim üstünlüoğlu.
    (2015) Perceptions Versus Realities: Teaching Quality in Higher Education.
    TEDMEM Ve Boğaziçi Üniversitesi / 1st International Higher Education Studies Conference (IHEC) 2015 The Changing World And Higher Education: Identity, Policy And Reform Models
  • Utkan Boyacıoğlu.
    (2015) La description ethnographique de l'intégration linguistique de la communauté turque à Montréal.
    83e Congrès De L'Acfas, L'Université Du Québec à Rimouski, Canada
  • D. Burcu Eğilmez.
    (2015) Difference and Equality in the Anarchist Worlds of Ursula K.Le Guin.
    Ege University
  • Meltem Aktaş.
    (2015) Evaluation of Italian Language Books in Terms of European Language Portfolio Criteria.
    Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi / 1st International Symposium On Language Education And Teaching
    45-45, ISBN: 14749
  • Mehmet Sahin , Sabri Gurses , Damla Kales , Derya Duman.
    (2014) Lost in Plagiarism: Retranslation vs. Reproduction.
    6th International Integrity & Plagiarism Conference
  • Aynur Y. Kaynardağ.
    (2014) Increasing the Effectiveness of Classroom Teaching in Higher Education based on Lecturers’ Pedagogical Competencies: Student Perspective/ Lecturers’ Perspective.
    The 11th International Conference On “Innovation In Education (ICIE-2014)
  • Meltem Aktaş.
    (2014) L'Importanza della Cultura nell'Insegnamento dell' Italiano in Turchia.
    International Journal Of Arts And Sciences, Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia - Italia / International Conference For Academic Disciplines
    323-325, ISBN: 1943-6114
  • Utkan Boyacıoğlu.
    (2014) The Perception of French Language in Turkish Society of Quebec.
    American Council For Québec Studies Nineteenth Biennial Conference.Montreal
  • Mehmet Şahin , Derya Duman , Sabri Gürses , Damla Kaleş.
    (2014) Çeviride İntihalin Tespiti: Yeni Bir Yaklaşım.
    14th International Language, Literature And Stylistics Symposium
  • Emre Gönlügür , Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2014) Follylerden Forumlara: Gezi Deneyiminde Kentsel Muhalefetin Demokratik Ufku.
    Hasan Ünal Nalbantoğlu Sempozyumu III: Kent, Mekân, Politika
  • Esin Caglayan.
    (2014) An Insight into the Physical Conditions of School Buildings in Turkey: The Teachers’ Perspective.
    International Conference On Excellence In Education
  • Mehmet Şahin , Sabri Gürses , Damla Kaleş , Derya Duman.
    (2014) Lost in Translation: Retranslation vs Reproduction..
    Translation Studies In The New Millennium
  • Nesrin Oruç Ertürk.
    (2014) I Know it, but do I know why?.
    Dokuz Eylul University, Buca Faculty Of Education / 14th International Language, Literature And Stylistics Symposium
  • Nesrin Oruç ERtürk.
    (2013) Early Teacher Identity Development.
    Dokuz Eylul University, Buca Faculty Of Education / 14th International Language, Literature And Stylistics Symposium
  • Arda Güçler , Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2013) The democratization of Kurdish Politics and the Humanization of Turkish Politics.
    ODTÜ Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti Kampusü / Cultural Difference And Social Solidarity Network 3rd International Academic Conference: Making, Re-
  • Aynur Yürekli.
    (2013) How effective are Classroom Observations in the Development of English Language Teachers?.
    Procedia Social And Behavioral Sciences
  • D. Burcu Eğilmez.
    (2013) The Religious Other of the Ottoman Empire..
    2. International Journal Of Arts And Sciences (IJAS) International Conference For Academic Disciplines
  • Ünsal Doğan Başkır , Arda Güçler.
    (2013) Caught in-between Human Rights and Democratic Contestability: Rethinking the democratization of Kurdish Politics in Turkey since 1990s.
    Middle East History And Theory / 28th Annual Middle East History And Theory Conference
  • Bahar Gün.
    (2013) "Forget about the lesson plan?: Making Sense of Experienced Teachers’ Interactive Decisions", .
    Teacher Researchers In Action International Conference, Gediz University, İzmir
  • Ünsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2013) Between Liberal and Radical: An Arendtian Cosmopolitanism?.
    XXIII. World Congress Of Philosophy: Philosophy As Inquiry And A Way Of Life
  • Bahar Gün.
    (2012) Professional Development with a Dash of Confusion.
    XXIII. World Congress Of Philosophy: Philosophy As Inquiry And A Way Of Life
  • D. Burcu Eğilmez.
    (2012) From the Ottoman Empire to the Justice and Development Party: Justice as a theological-political concept in the Ottoman-Turkish Islamic tradition. .
    International Conference Of Interdisciplinary Science,
  • Meltem Aktaş.
    (2012) Müzik Alanında İtalyancadan Türkçeye Geçmiş Sözcükler.
    Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Fransızca Mütercim Tercümanlık Anabilim Dalı / I. Uluslararası Çeviribilim Ve Terimbilim Kurultayı Avrupa Birliği'ne Giriş Sürecinde Türkiye'de Çev
    15-24, ISBN: 978-605-86694-0-6
  • Esin Caglayan.
    (2012) An analysis and assessment of teachers’ perceptions of school climate.
    Global Trends In Education Conference
  • D.Burcu Eğilmez.
    (2011) Governmentality and/or Repression: Depoliticizing the Dissent of the Labor Class in Turkey.
    5th Global Conference: Ethics, Evil, Law And State
  • Bahar Gün.
    (2011) Exploring the Professional Development of Experienced Language Teachers.
  • Unsal Dogan Baskir , Erdinç Erdem.
    (2011) Sivil İtaatsizlik Eylemi olarak Türkiye’de Vicdani Ret: Arendtçi Bir Tartışma Denemesi.
    12. Ulusal Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi
  • D. Burcu Eğilmez.
    (2011) Spirit of Traditional Turkish Drama on Turkish Contemporary Movie: Karagöz and Ezel Akay.
    13th International Cultural Studies Symposium. Change And Challenge
  • Yeşim Bektaş Çetinkaya , Nesrin Oruç.
    (2011) Turkish students ‘motivation to learn English at public and private universities.
    World Conference On Educational Sciences / Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences
    4662-4666, ISBN: 10.1016/j.sbspro.201
    58-66, ISBN: 978-975-507-249-4
  • Bahar Gun.
    (2010) Are Teachers Fully Prepared to Teach Different Varieties of English: A Case Study in Turkey.
    English International Language Journal Conference Izmir Turkey October 2009 / The English International Language Journal Special Edition
    164-175, ISBN: 1718-2298
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu.
    (2010) Expanding Boundaries: Looking Through The Lens Of Foreign Teachers.
    The 6th International ELT Research Conference
  • Unsal Dogan Baskir , Tolga Karabulut.
    (2010) Alternative Modernities or Neo-conservatism: Reflections on Political Islam in Turkey.
    Observatoire De Recherche Interdisciplinaire Sur La Turquie Contemporaine (OBTIC) / Ruptures Et Continuité Dans Les Dynamiques Politiques Internes Et Externes En Turquie
  • Aynur Yurekli.
    (2010) An Integration Of Ongoing And Summative Assessment In ASE.
    International Association Of Teachers Of English As A Foreign Language
  • D. Burcu Eğilmez .
    (2010) A Derived Normative-Philosophical Framework for Approaching Ottoman Toleration.
    Philosophers Rally
  • Utkan Boyacıoğlu , Kudret Öztürk , Sevgi Irk , Leyla Berberoğlu , Hakan Bayezit.
    (2010) ERASMUS Programı İle Gelen Öğrencilerin Hangi Türkçe Dil Yetilerine Gereksinimleri Olabilir? Bu Öğrencilere Ne Tür Bir Türkçe Öğretilmelidir?.
    III. Uluslararası Türkçenin Eğitimi-Öğretimi Kurultayı.
  • Nesrin Oruç , Yeşim Bektaş Çetinkaya.
    (2010) What Motivates and Demotivates Language Teachers.
    Çanakkale 18 Mart University / Current Trends In SLA Research And Language Teaching
    ISBN: 978-605-4222-05-6
  • Bahar Gün.
    (2010) Are colleagues making trainers redundant? Peer effect on continuous professional development.
    The Sixth International ELT Research Conference
  • Utkan Boyacıoğlu , Funda Uzdu , Sevgi Irk , Leyla Berberoğlu , V. Doğan Günay , Kudret Öztürk.
    (2010) İçinde ve İçerisinde.
    XV. International Conference On Turkish Linguistics, University Of Szeged, Faculty Of Arts, Departement Of Altaic Studies, Szeged, Macaristan
  • Unsal Dogan Baskir.
    (2010) Sovereignty and Refugees in the European Union: An Examination from Arendtian Perspective.
    XIV International Conference Of Young Scholars
  • D.Burcu Eğilmez .
    (2009) Karagöz: Women in a Deconstructed World of Morality.
    International Multidiciplinary Women's Conference: Change And Empowerment
  • Unsal Doğan Başkır.
    (2009) Modernlik-Post-modernlik Tartışmasının Bir Ölçeği Olarak Makina.
    Cultural Studies Symposium 2009
  • D. Burcu Eğilmez .
    (2009) The Representation of the Non-Muslims in the Ottoman-Turkish Popular Drama.
    1st Global Conference: Strangers, Aliens And Foreigners
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    (2009) So You Want to Become a Teacher. Now What?.
    English As An International Language Conference
  • D. Burcu Eğilmez.
    (2009) The Representation of non-Muslims in Turkish Popular Drama.
    1st Global Conference: Strangers, Aliens And Foreigners
  • Evrim Ustunluoglu.
    (2009) Is appraisal system a threat for teachers?.
    World Conference On Educational Sciences Nicosia, CYPRUS, FEB 04-07, 2009 / Procedia Social And Behavioral Sciences
    118-123, ISBN: 1877-0428
  • Sedef Ahuoğlu.
    (2009) Kelimeleri Yaşatma Atölyesi.
    International Congress Of Comparative Literature And The Teaching Of Literature And Language
  • D. Burcu Egilmez.
    (2009) Struggle and Opposition in Turkish Squatters (Gecekondu): Ungovernable Subjects of the Turkish State.
    Fifth International Conference, Hierarchy And Power In The History Of Civilizations
  • D. Burcu Eğilmez.
    (2009) The Politics of Turkish Gecekondu (Slum) Dwellers: From Everyday Resistance to Community Action.
    4th International Conference On Interdiciplinary Social Sciences
  • Aylin Köyalan , Simon Mumford.
    (2009) A Critical Analysis of Academic Papers Written by Experienced Associate and Assistant Professors from Different Fields.
    1. Uluslararası Türkiye Eğitim Araştırmaları Kongresi
  • Unsal Dogan Baskir , Pelin Azer Binnet.
    (2009) Fashioning The Muslim Body: Modernizing Closure through Politicizing and Globalizing Muslim Industries in Turkey.
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    (2009) Dictogloss: The Role of Reconstruction Tasks on Noticing.
    The 3rd Biennial Conference On Task-based Language Teaching
  • D. Burcu Eğilmez .
    (2009) Ottoman Clothing Strategies: Shift in Marking Practices.
    3rd Global Conference: Multiculturalism, Conflict And Belonging
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    (2008) A Study on Teachers’ and Learners’ Preferences about Integrated and Isolated Form-Focused Instruction: Which They Prefer for Teaching and Learning?.
    8. Uluslararası Dil, Yazın, Deyişbilim Sempozyumu
  • D. Burcu Eğilmez.
    (2008) An Analysis of the Ottoman Millet System and Turkish Republican History: Recognition or Toleration of Differences.
  • Gulgun Inan.
    (2008) A Taste of American Culture in the Classroom.
    42nd International IATEFL Conference
  • Nihal Armağan Kırışman Ersoy.
    (2008) Sözleşme çevirisinin Zorlukları ile Mücadele Etmenin Yolları:Örnek Bir Hukuk Çevirisi Dersi.
    8. Uluslararası Dil, Yazın, Deyişbilim Sempozyumu
  • Bahar Gün.
    (2008) ICELT: Is it a Magic Wand?.
    8. Uluslararası Dil, Yazın, Deyişbilim Sempozyumu / 8. Uluslararası Dil, Yazın, Deyişbilim Sempozyumu Kitabı
  • Carmen Santamaría García , Nesrin Oruç.
    (2008) Understanding the Communicative Approach: A Cross-cultural Approach from Turkey and Spain.
    Third International IDEA Conference
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    (2008) Processing Instruction: Does Affecting Learners’ Input Processing Affect Acquisition?.
    The 5th International ELT Research Conference / Bridging The Gap Between Theory And Practice
    ISBN: 978-975-8100-81-1
  • Kamer Sertkan.
    (2008) The Ideology behind the Lexical Choices in Five Different Turkish Versions of Oliver Twist.
    The 8th International Symposium On Language, Literature And Stylistics / Researches On Translation Studies, Lingusitics And Language Teaching
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    (2008) Future Teachers Defining Good Teachers.
    Sabancı University International Conference On Foreign Language Education / Tuning In: Learners Of Language, Language Of Learners
  • Unsal Dogan Baskir.
    (2008) Dışlanmışların Sistemle Siyasal Bir İlişki Biçimi Olarak Kamp ve Getto.
    Karaburun Bilim Kongresi / Bugünü Anlamak
  • Evrim Üstünoğlu , Aynur Yürekli.
    (2007) How did you evaluate my essay?.
    Tuning In: Learners Of Language, Language Of Learners
  • Neslihan Kansu Yetkiner , Kamer Sertkan.
    (2007) Ideology, Lexical Manipulation and Translation: Pollyanna in Turkish.
    VIIth International Conference Of Language, Literature And Stylistics / Dil, Yazın Deyişbilim Bildirileri Kitabı
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    (2007) A Comparative Study on the Teacher Education Programs in Turkey and the EU Countries.
    Fourth Balkan Congress / The Quality Of Education: Psychological Approaches In The Development Of The Contemporary Educationa
    ISBN: 978-954-314-041-1
  • Bahar GUN , Funda CETIN.
    The International Conference On Foreign Language Education, Tuning In: Learners Of Language, Language Of Learners / SL CONFERENCE 2007 PROCEEDINGS
  • D. Burcu Eğilmez.
    (2007) Narratives on Dealing with Ethnic and Religious Differences: Turkish History is Under Scrutiny through the Theoretical Framework of Toleration and Recognition Ideas.
    The International Conference On Foreign Language Education, Tuning In: Learners Of Language, Language Of Learners / SL CONFERENCE 2007 PROCEEDINGS
  • Aynur Yürekli.
    (2007) Teacher candidates’ computer self-efficacy levels for sustainable development.
    Fifth International JTET Conference
  • Evrim Üstünlüoğlu.
    (2007) Autonomy in language Teaching.
    Tuning In: Learners Of Language, Language Of Learners
  • Mehmet Başak ÇİFTCİOĞLU.
    (2007) İş Ortamında Kullanılan Yabancı Dil.
    Gazi Üniversitesi, Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi / Türkiye'de Yabancı Dil Eğitimi Ulusal Kongresi
  • Evrim Üstünoğlu.
    (2006) A Path Through Journals: Pre-service Teachers’ Reflections.
    2nd International English Language Teaching Conference ELT Profession: Challenges And Prospects
  • Esin Caglayan.
    (2006) If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Implications of Upward Assessment.
    IATEFL / IATEFL 2006 Harrogate Conference Selections
    ISBN: 1901095096
  • Aynur Yürekli.
    (2006) Class participation: What to look for and how to evaluate.
    The 2nd International English Language Teaching Conference
  • Bahar Gün.
    (2005) WebCT Applications in a New Teacher Training Model for Turkey.
    The 2nd International English Language Teaching Conference
  • Markus Wilsing , Nil Akpınar Wilsing , Serkan Anılır.
    (2004) "MICRO-G architecture - An innovative design and education experience in Turkey".
    9th Biennial International Conference On Engineering, Construction And Operations In Challenging Environment League City Houston, TX, MAR 07-10, 2004 / ENGINEERING, CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATIONS IN CHALLENGING ENVIRONMENTS: EARTH AND SPACE 2004
    835-840, ISBN: 0-7844-0722-3
  • Aynur Yürekli , Nesrin Oruç.
    (2003) I can't teach online. Can I?.
    3rd International Symposium On Educational Technology
  • Aynur Yürekli.
    (1997) Cinsiyetin bir toplum değişkesi olarak dil kullanımına etkisi.
    Middle East Technical University / XI Turkish Linguistics Conference
  • Anita Afacan , Nil Akpınar Wilsing Aynur Yürekli.
    (2023) Anchor 2 Reinforcing English Language Skills in an Academic Context.
    İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi Yayınları , ISBN: 978-605-70257-9-1
  • Anita Afacan , Nil Akpınar Wilsing Aynur Yürekli.
    (2022) Anchor 1 Reinforcing English Language Skills in an Academic Context.
    İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi Yayınları , ISBN: 978-605-70257-7-7
  • Nil Akpınar Wilsing Aynur Yürekli.
    (2019) ANCHOR 1.
    İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi ,
  • Nil Akpınar Wilsing Aynur Yürekli.
    (2019) ANCHOR 2.
    İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi ,
  • Ayse Banu Demir Nur Olgun.
    (2015) TPOG NB-2009 Protocol Assessment Workshop Book.
  • Renate Seebauer , Johann Göttel , Luk Bosman , Otakar Fleischmann , Bernd Drägestein , Olaf Schwarze , Meeli Väljaots and Carmen Santamaría-García Oliver Holz , Nesrin Oruç Ertürk.
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    Waxmann ,
    Author / Editor
  • Anita Afacan , Nil Akpınar - Wilsing Aynur Yürekli.
    (2010) EAP in Engineering and Computer Sciences 1.
    Izmir University Of Economics , ISBN: 978-975-8789-35-1
  • Nil Akpınar Wilsing , Anita Afacan Aynur Yürekli.
    (2010) EAP in Engineering and Computer Sciences I.
    İzmir University Of Economics , ISBN: 978-975-8789-35-1
  • Aynur Yürekli , Nesrin Oruc .
    (2007) Towards Essays.
    Çözüm Yayınevi , ISBN: 975-01577-0-7
  • Aynur Yürekli , Nesrin Oruç .
    (2002) Writing I.
    Anadolu University ,
  • Aynur Yürekli , Meral Ünver .
    (2002) Joy of Reading.
    Anadolu University ,
  • Jan Grosfeld Monique Boelman.
    (1993) Voorkomen en reduceren van verzuim bij buschauffeurs.
    Stichting PBV , ISBN: 90-74695-02-7
  • Jan Grosfeld Monique Boelman.
    (1992) Voorkomen en reduceren van verzuim in de metaal.
    Stichting PBV , ISBN: 90-74695-01-9
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    Natüralizm .
    Prof. Dr. Ali Aksu .
    Bilgi Sevgisi.
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    (2022), Waxmann, ISBN: ISBN: 3830993781
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    Kenan Dikilitaş , Mark Wyatt .
    International Perspectives on Mentoring in English Language Education.
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    Universidad De Sevilla.
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  • D. Burcu Eğilmez.
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    15th International Cultural Studies Symposium: Culture and Space Proceeding Book.
    (2016), 15th International Cultural Studies Symposium: Culture and Space Proceeding Book,
  • .
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    Professional Development for English Language Teachers.
    (2015), British Council Publication,
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    Günümüzü Felsefe ile Düşünmek.
    (2014), Ege Üniversitesi Yayınları,
  • Nesrin Oruç Ertürk.
    Gender and Education in Turkey.
    Oliver Holz , Fiona Shelton.
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    (2013), Waxmann, ISBN: 978-3-8309-2868-3
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    Aracne Editrice.
    (2013), ISBN: 978-88-548-6629-4
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    Gender and Education in Turkey.
    Oliver Holz , Fiona Shelton.
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    (2012), Nobel Yayınları, ISBN: 978-605-133-313-7
  • Nesrin Oruç.
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    Holz Oliver , Shelton Fiona.
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    (2010), Verlag Dr. Kovac, ISBN: 978-3-8300-5445-0
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  • Nesrin Oruç .
    A Case Study on Turkish Trainee Teachers' National and European Identity Perception.
    Renate Seebauer.
    Fenster nach Europa: Intensiv-programm Eurident.
    (2009), Lit Verlag , ISBN: 3643500041
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    (2009), Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Matbaası, ISBN: 978-975-441-258-1
  • Nesrin Oruç.
    Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity in Turkey.
    Renate Seebauer.
    Mosaik Europa.
    (2006), LIT Verlag, ISBN: ISBN 3-8258-9709-5 (
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    Eğitimin Psikolojik Temelleri.
    No. 6, 178-210
    Yüksel Özden.
    Öğretmenlik Mesleğine Giriş.
    (2002), pegem, ISBN: 975-6802-81-2



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