They rolled up sleeves for quality language education

The Association for Language Education, Evaluation and Accreditation (DEDAK), which works to improve the quality of language education in Turkey, has been authorized to supervise foreign language education institutions. A total of 9 academics, 3 of whom are from Izmir University of Economics (IUE), who are in the management, consultancy, and sub-organizations of the association, took on important duties. Asst. Prof. Dr. Donald Staub, Director of IUE School of Foreign Languages, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evrim Üstünlüoğlu and Asst. Prof. Dr. Bahar Gün will examine the language programs of universities and educational institutions in different cities. The IUE team will make suggestions for improvement and contribute to the determination of the roadmap for each institution. Stating that the association will carry out studies such as accreditation, evaluation, and improvement more effectively, thanks to its registration by the Higher Education Quality Council (THEQC), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Üstünlüoğlu said, “We are ready to take part in any work that will contribute to the development of language education in our country.”
One of the founding members of DEDAK, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Üstünlüoğlu said, “Founded in October 2012, DEDAK has been working for more than 9 years. Our main goal is to carry out studies that will help the language education in our country come to the best level. The most important way to achieve this was to come to a point where it could supervise the language programs in our country by being registered. We have achieved this goal and we have been registered by THEQC. DEDAK is also Turkey's first national 'language education program evaluation and accreditation association'. I can say that we have undertaken an important mission.”
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Üstünlüoğlu continued as follows: “There are many criteria that determine the quality of language programs, including the educational infrastructure of the institution, technological opportunities, teaching staff, opportunities for students to access information easily, education processes, measurement and evaluation. As DEDAK, we will carefully examine them in every institution we go to. There are already applications from many institutions that they want to enter the accreditation process. We will start to work by taking first applications in January and February. We are very happy to contribute to the language education and training of our country.”
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