An exemplary success for Turkey in foreign language education

Proving its quality of education in foreign languages once again, Izmir University of Economics (IUE) became the first university to be accredited by the Association for Language Education, Evaluation and Accreditation (DEDAK) for its 'Preparatory Program' for 5 years. Fulfilling all of the criteria determined by DEDAK under 8 main headings, IUE School of Foreign Languages English Preparatory Program has achieved an exemplary success with the education it provides to new students in the preparatory class.
DEDAK, which makes an independent and impartial assessment of institutions providing foreign language education throughout Turkey, evaluated IUE on headings such as ‘Student Support and Services’, ‘Curriculum’, ‘Mission’, ‘Management and Organization’, ‘Instructors’, ‘Continuous Improvement’, ‘Measurement and Evaluation’, ‘Infrastructure, Equipment and Tools’.
Being the first university accredited by DEDAK for 5 years in Turkey, IUE has registered its quality of education in foreign languages, by being shown as a university that meets the expectations of students in foreign language education, applies the best learning methods, and provides the technological infrastructure that young people need.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Donald Staub, Director of IUE School of Foreign Languages, stated that they are proud of being accredited as the English Preparatory Program and that their long-term planned and correct efforts have paid off. Staub said, “We are in a period where the competition among young people is increasing rapidly around the world and the knowledge is developing day by day. Nowadays, it is necessary to know not only one, but at least two foreign languages. We fulfill all these at the University, and in addition to English, we provide students with the opportunity to choose a ‘second foreign language’ among Germany, Italian, Spanish, French, Russian, Japanese and Chinese courses. When students complete the English Preparatory Program and move on to their majors, they can take one of these 7 languages as a second foreign language. We have to provide a qualified foreign language education to our students, whom we train with the vision of world citizenship. The foundations for this are laid in the English Preparatory Program. In this respect, the accreditation we have received is very valuable and important.”
Staub continued as follows: “The accreditation we received revealed our quality of education in foreign languages. It has shown how accurate and useful the work we have done so far has been. We are the first university to be accredited by DEDAK for a period of 5 years. We want to train qualified people who can represent Turkey in the international arena. We currently have a large number of graduates who fit these descriptions. More than 500 IUE graduates continue their careers abroad. They start their own business or work in international companies with the contribution of the foreign language education they receive during their academic studies. These achievements increase our motivation even more. We aim to increase the education quality day by day and add new success stories to the University. I would like to thank all my colleagues in SFL for their contribution to this great success.”
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