Welcome to the School of Foreign Languages!
Dear Students,
Knowledge has never been as important and influential as in the present day. Today, as information technology is rapidly developing, an author, an import-export dealer, a diplomat, or a student of any discipline can access anything they want to listen to, see and learn with one "click". continue >>>
We are very proud to announce that IUE SFL Prep Program is the first in Turkey to receive 5-year accreditation status from DEDAK - The Association for Language Education, Evaluation, and Accreditation.
The Izmir University of Economics English Preparatory Program is accredited by DEDAK- The Association for Language Education, Evaluation and Accreditation for the period November 2022 through November 2027 and agrees to maintain DEDAK Accreditation Standards throughout the period indicated. DEDAK is recognized by the Higher Education Quality Council (YÖKAK) as a national accrediting agency for English language programs and institutions in Turkey. For further information about this accreditation, please contact info@dedak.org, https://www.dedak.org/
This has been - and continues to be - a team effort. Without the dedication and effort of our committed teachers and staff, we would not have achieved this prestigious milestone.
Barrier-Free University Flag Awards 2022
İzmir University of Economics School of Foreign Languages was awarded the 2022 Accessibility in Education Award (Green Flag) and the Spatial Accessibility Award (Orange Flag) within the scope of the Barrier-Free University Flag Awards organized by the Higher Education Council (YÖK).
IUE SFL Becomes a TOEIC® Test Center!
The School of Foreign Languages at Izmir University of Economics has taken another pioneering step by launching a project to help our valuable students start their careers one step ahead. We are pleased to announce that we have become a TOEIC test center.
The TOEIC Business English test is used by approximately 14,000 businesses, organizations, and government institutions in 160 countries to assess English language skills needed in the workplace and daily life, establishing a global standard for evaluation.
Seven out of the top-10 companies listed in the Fortune Global 500® and leading brands in Turkey use TOEIC® Business English test results in their hiring and promotion processes.
» For more information, click here
» Click here for the TOEIC website
First Step to University: What's Happening in the Prep Class?


‘Career’ fund for IUE students by the British Council
Izmir University of Economics (IUE), which aims to provide the best career opportunities to its students by providing them with ...

‘Education’ bridge from Izmir to Guatemala
Jairo David Estrada Barrios, the Ambassador of Guatemala, one of the Central American countries, in Republic of Turkey, and Stephanie ...

‘Mexican’ breeze on campus
Izmir University of Economics (IUE) hosted the photography exhibition titled, ‘Life Chronicles’, which is about the diaries of Mexican painters ...

An exemplary success for Turkey in foreign language education
Proving its quality of education in foreign languages once again, Izmir University of Economics (IUE) became the first university to ...

We are very proud to announce that IUE SFL Prep Program is the first in Turkey to receive 5-year accreditation ...

They rolled up sleeves for quality language education
The Association for Language Education, Evaluation and Accreditation (DEDAK), which works to improve the quality of language education in Turkey, ...

As Izmir University of Economics transforms into a world-class university, it also raises successful young people with global competence.
Izmir University of Economics produces qualified knowledge and competent technologies.
Izmir University of Economics sees producing social benefit as its reason for existence.