'Digital' education for English teachers

Izmir University of Economics (IUE) School of Foreign Languages carried out a joint project with Izmir Provincial Directorate of National Education in order to contribute to the professional development of English teachers working in different schools of the city. 50 English teachers started to receive training on different subjects such as effective learning, advanced speaking and writing techniques, digital literacy and problem solving skills within the scope of the project, which includes 3 academics from IUE and instructors working in the Teacher Development Unit of the School of Foreign Languages. Teachers, who complete the program that will end in January will also be entitled to receive a certificate. Asst. Prof. Donald Staub, Director of IUE School of Foreign Languages, Assoc. Prof. Evrim Üstünlüoğlu, Asst. Prof. Bahar Gün and Nurdan Maral, Supervisor of Education Programs from Provincial Directorate of National Education, co-coordinate the project that the American Embassy provides financial support.
Giving information about the project, Asst. Prof. Bahar Gün and Assoc. Prof. Evrim Üstünlüoğlu said, “As the School of Foreign Languages, we previously collaborated with the Provincial Directorate of National Education and carried out many special projects. We had given a similar training face to face to English teachers before the pandemic. Although face-to-face training could not be provided due to the pandemic, we did not stop developing projects and cooperating. Pandemic didn't just affect social life and work patterns. It also changed language education and students' expectations; it introduced different learning methods into our lives. In our trainings we have created a training program that includes many important topics such as 'independent learning', 'critical thinking', 'digital citizenship', 'digital literacy', 'creativity' and 'using social skills' that are 21st century skills as well as digital language teaching techniques.”
Üstünlüoğlu and Gün continued as follows: “According to the curriculum, teachers attend the trainings in two groups of 25. Trainings are usually held in the evening. The training program will end in January. We will organize an "Information Sharing Conference" in March for teachers to share what they have learned with other colleagues. Trainings are very pleasant and useful. The positive feedback we receive from the teachers makes us happy. As the School of Foreign Languages, we attach great importance to such projects, and we would like to state that we are ready to take part in any project that will benefit the teachers.”
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