SFL Bologna Committee (BEK)
Izmir University of Economics
School of Foreign Languages
Bologna Eşgüdüm Komisyonu (BEK)
Responsibilities & Workflow for Course Proposals
Revised: 27 March, 2019
Lecturer Responsibilities
Submit the Course Introduction and Application Form to the relevant coordinator by the end of February for the Fall semester and by the end of September for the Spring semester. This is to allow the SFL BEK Committee members sufficient time to fully consider your proposal.
Refer to the following guidelines while preparing your proposal:
- use measurable verbs to assess learning outcomes,
- ensure that these measurable verbs correspond to the assessment criteria,
- ensure a maximum of 4 ECTS credits allocated to the course, and align the workload accordingly,
- specify the resources used in the “Required Materials” as shown in the attached sample Course Introduction and Application Form,
- specify the semester activities in the “Subjects” column,
- ensure that only the assessed semester activities are listed in the “Assessment”
- receive approval from the coordinator regarding the course content.
Coordinator Responsibilities
NEW COURSE PROPOSALS (Sample Course Outline Form)
- Review the proposal and approve it, paying close attention to the following components:
- Learning Outcomes
- ensure that the lecturer has used measurable verbs to assess learning outcomes and that these measurable verbs correspond to the assessment criteria
- ECTS/Workload Table
- ensure that the lecturer has allocated a maximum of 4 ECTS credits to the course, and aligned the workload accordingly
- Subjects/ Required Materials
- ensure that the lecturer has specified the resources used in the “Required Materials” as shown in the attached sample Course Introduction and Application Form
- Assessment
- ensure that the lecturer has specified the semester activities under “Subjects”
- check if the lecturer has ensured that only the assessed semester activities are listed in the “Assessment”
- Submit the proposal to the SFL Directorate with the cover letter for approval,
- Re-submit the revised Course Outline Form (Syllabus) to BEK if the Senate asks for a revision.
Approval requirements for revised syllabi;
Requires SFL Board & Senate approval |
ONLY requires SFL BEK approval |
*It is at the coordinator’s discretion whether to offer the approved course in the upcoming semester based upon the availability of lecturers.
SFL Directorate Responsibilities
- Review, in consultation with BEK, the proposed Course Outline Form,
- Submit the course proposal to the Senate with the SFL Board decision,
- Send the course proposal back to the coordinator for review if the Senate requests a revision.
BEK Responsibilities
- Review the proposal for proper formatting and ensure that the lecturer makes the necessary changes if any; then submit to the SFL Secretariat for SFL Board approval.
- Submit the revised proposal to the SFL Secretariat if the Senate asks for a revision.
SFL BEK Committee Members
- Lecturer Buket KASALI
- Lecturer Arzu YABACI
Bologna Eşgüdüm Komisyonu (BEK) Proposal Workflow for New Courses


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